Shiloh Essay


My dog, Max was getting very old. He would soon die. I didn't want this to happen, but pretty soon I found another to help me let go of Max.

1992. That was the year I was born. At that time Max was about seven years old. That is pretty old for a Black Lab, but he got to be 7x2 before he died. When I was small and still crawling, Max growled at me for his own self defense, but when he found out I was a person, we were as tight as glue. When he was 14 and I was 8, Max died. I was at my babysitters when I heard the news. I was playing with a drawing set and my Dad called. Before Max went to the vets, his foot was bleeding very badly. The vet told my Dad Max could get surgery on his foot but probably wouldn't survive. He was too old and suffered from arthriatis too. So we had to put him down. After that we didn't bury him because it was winter, and when I got older, we might move away and we didn't want to leave him here in New York. We ended up cremating him and now his ashes sit in a flower urn in our livingroom.

For about a year and a half, I didn't have a dog. My Mom and Dad got me fish for my birthday, but it wasn't the same as Max. Then, September 8, 2001, My Mom said I had to go up to Alfred with her to get some work because she works there. I had to go with her because my Dad wasn't home. We went to a lady's house and the lady had two dogs, and a puppy. The puppy came right up to us and my Mom said he is ours. I was so excited. On the way home with him, we tried to think of dog names that are on movies. We thought of Chance, Shadow, and Copper. We didn't use any of them. Then I thought of Shiloh. My Mom thought it was good and I thought it was good. Shiloh it was. Shiloh was the last one and the quietest puppy in the litter of 8. At first, he was a normal regular puppy that liked to play-bite and roughhouse. Through his puppy period, we taught him many things on how to be a good dog. Now, at the age of one, he is getting pretty content and quiet.

I believe Shiloh has a little bit of Max inside of him. Also I think Max sent Shiloh down from Heaven to us. It is very sad to lose a family member, but also very joyful to get a new one.


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