Welcome to the Fanfiction section of my website.  Below you will find links to the fanfictions I've written.  Of course, like any author, I love reviews!  Enjoy!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
If you want to review, just sent me an email to: SisterOfWar@gmail.com
This Is Love and I Must Put My Heart to Sleep A YYH fanfic, written as a series of songfics.  Features Kurama & Hiei.  Shonen-ai, no yaoi, no citrus.  Rated PG-13
Chapter 3
Sleepless Night A FAKE ficlet, less than 400 words.  A bit of drabble set at the end of episode 14, from Dee's point-of-view.
Getting Over Him An InuYasha songfic.  What if...what if Kagome saw InuYasha with Kikiyo one too many times?  What if she decided she couldn't wait forever for him,  Would she find happiness with someone else?
In Your Arms Again A Gensomaden Saiyuki songfic.  After a night spent together, things are strained between Hakkai & Gojyo.  Warning: Soft Yaoi, Lime, Language, Angst.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Tomorrow A FAKE ficlet.  150 word ficlet in response to the 5 minute fiction challenge "Tomorrow-".  Warning: Angst, Character Death, Suicidal thoughts.