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As a single parent, serenity is something that is essential to survival! One can get caught up in trying to do everything at once, and get so worn out that you break down and can't cope. Having that inner pool of calm handy is a very good thing!

I find serenity in quiet places, in little routines. Each weekend I take time on a Sabbath to be still, quiet, in solitude. It's a tank-replenisher, a refresher of the soul. Sometimes I read, sometimes I walk on the mountain, sometimes I just sit outside and watch the little things in nature come and go. I'm blessed with a garden overlooking the very best of views. One good glance over False Bay and the mountains, and I can feel peace flowing in again. "Me time" is essential - a good long soak in the bath with a book, time out in the kitchen creating good things, or a stint on the piano.

I guess I've been one of the lucky ones, as single parents go. No messy divorce (I've never married), no custody battles (last saw my son's father when I was 3 months pregnant, and he's married and moved overseas since), no nasty "other" family fights. Yes, it's a struggle to raise a child on your own, but I'm lucky with the one I got. He's a great kid, growing up nicely. The teen years are still ahead, but I think we'll survive them.


My experience as a single parent led to my developing the only support web-site and email list for Seventh-day Adventist single parents.  We're from a wide variety of backgrounds and all over the world, but have come together in our common status as single parents.  Our website can be found here .

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