MCNET aims to be a truly MC community. Here we list the numerous batch, business and personal websites on the net related to MC students. Why don't you add another link

MCOBA new!
MCOV Council
MCKK Class of 2003

MCKK Class of 2001
MCKK Class of 2000

MCKK Class of 1999

MCKK Class of 1996

MCKK Class of 1995

MCKK Class of 1994

MCKK Class of 1993
MCKK Class of 1986
MCKK Class of 1981
MCKK Class of 1979
MCKK Class of 1978
MCKK Class of 1977

MCKK Class of 1976

MCKK Class of 1975

MCKK Class of 1970

MCKK Class of 1969
MCKK Class of 1967

Business & Services
9599inc Webdesign studio Web development
InDesign Information design
Realism Visualisation Studio Architectural computer graphics Bridal and wedding services
Samudera Elit Holdings General trading and investment holding Various personal and business services
Tikambatu Drilling Sdn. Bhd. Building contractor, oil and gas, other construction related activities
Uniti-IT Internet / Intranet software development
Weboksigen Webdesign, logo design, graphic, print and product design
Zaim Al-Amin & Associates Advocates and solicitors

Computers & Internet
9599inc Webdesign studio Web development
InDesign Information design
Realism Visualisation Studio Architectural computer graphics
Uniti-IT Internet / Intranet software development
Weboksigen Webdesign, logo design, graphic, print and product design

News & Media Independent daily news
MCKK Comnet Yahoogroups among present and past MCKK students Independent webzine by young Malaysian writers


29th Avenue Class of 1999new!
5 Science 2 Class of 1996
Air's Collection
Class of 2000
Digital Dementia Class of 2000
earth_Inc Class of 1999
Fadhly's Site Class of 2000
Firr's Site Class of 1999

Harayz's Site Class of 1999
MCKK Noor Zulkarnain Group Photos Class of 1978
n3a Class of 1999

Najib's Site Class of 2000
Nugae Class of 2000
Raja Petra's Webhome Class of 1967
Roszaimy's Site Class of 1996
The Throat's Lair Class of 2000
Toyonne's playground Class of 2000
TIS' Place Class of 1995
Wadern Class of 1996
Weird Crap Class of 2000

Non-College Link Education portal General education portal

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