Tohi*Main Page*About Me*My Poems and Quotes*Stupid Things I've Done*How to Drive Like a Moron*Poems, Quotes, Jokes I've Found*A Cool Forward I Got*Lessons*The AIM/Internet Addict Quiz*How to Act Like a Child*Things That Should Never Mix*My Online Diary*Other Webpages*Other pics
These will let you learn more about me (woo hoo!), but you can also take them and fill them out and put them on your webpage, weblog, or whatever. Enjoy!
number of...
[x]. Time I have been in love? 0
[x].  Times I have had my heart broken? prob. none completely broken
[x]. Hearts I have broken? idk
[x]. Continents I have lived in? 2
[x]. Drugs taken illegally? n/a
[x]. People I would classify as true friends? ehh
[x]. People I consider my enemies? not relaly anybody
[x]. CD's that I own? oogles
[x]. Times that my name has appeared in thewspaper? a bunch
[x]. Scars on my body? 2
[x]. Things in my past that I regret? who doesn't?
1. What's your favorite color? orange, pink, black
2. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? not right now but I'd like one
3. Have you ever been in love? nah
4. Have you ever /liked/ missed someone so much it made you cry? definitely!
5. Gone on stage? yep
6. Ever stayed home on Saturday night just because? yeah actually
7. Are you happy in life? don't know who I feel worse for.. myself because I know that I  could be in a better place or everybody else who doesn't have a better place to dream of
8. Are you lonely? right now
9. Do you have a best friend? Who? kara
10. Who do you hang out with the most? Kara n "the girls" lol
11. Who do you email the most? prob. kara
12. Who do you get the most email froM? kara again lol
13. Who's the loudest of your friends? lol does dozie count?
14. Who's the funniest of your friends? JENN
15. Who's the friendliest of your friends? meliss
16. Who do you go to for advice? ma mere, thankyouverymuch
17. Who do you cry with? uhh camp ppl
18. What CD is in your CD player right now? jimmy eat world.. before it was gob
19. Favorite Disney character?
20. Favorite Movie(s)?
MULAN.. I finally have a favorite movie! be a man lol matching tent
21. Favorite TV shows? law&order/ charmed
22. Favorite bands or artists? spitting image, third eye blind
23. Favorite book? LOTR
24. Favorite sports teams? sixers n eagles
25. Favorite song? song of the moment... oh, ellin! by gob and also magic
26. What room is your computer in? uhh 1 in my bedroom (sometimes), 3 in the 'computer room,' dining room thinger in my mom's apartment
27. What is your shoe size? 8.5
28. What is your job? being the future of America!
29. What do you want to be when you grow up? camp counselor :-p
last person...
[ you talked to ] mom
[ you hugged ] Dozie
[ you instant messaged ] angie
[ you had a crush on ] this cute boy who IMed me :-d
[ who broke your heart ] not a person.. an action
[ you yelled at ] don't remember
in the past 24 hours have you .. (here it suddenly goes to 152)
184. visited another country? yeah a bunch
185. cologed in a coloring book (and had fun)? YES
186 . had a bubble bath? yeah i go nuts and sing songs about bubbles
187. been on a motorcycle? nah
188. been on a boat? yeah n i dropped a cd off the boat too
189. been on a train? yeah lots
190. been in a car accident? not a real one but this weird ass one in russia
191. ridden an elephant? haha nah
192. made a webpage? duh
193. played with barbies? yeahh
194. stayed up all night? wednesday  nite!! good times
195. shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean? i don't have an under the bed; i shove stuff in drawers
196. broken a bone? nah.. not yet haha
197. watched jerry springer? for like 5 minutes
198. gotten in trouble for talking in class? yeah.. my teacher ripped up my hw once haha it was great
200. been afraid of the dark? when i was younger..
201. been in the hospital (not visiting)? not overnight
202. had stitches? nah
203. dumped someone and regretted it? for a while but i realized it's def. for the better
204. went out with more than one person at a time? no haha
205. lied? am i lying right now?
206. been arrested? hmm nah but that would be fun!
207. fallen asleep in class? nah but came close..
208. used food for osmething other than to eat? oh yes (in a non-dirty way)
209. met a celebrity? michelle branch.. "is this paper big enough?" lol meliss
210. broken the law? isn't it illegal to sing in the shower?
211. ever loved/
missed someone so much it made you cry? definitely
212. hated yourself? no i luv me
213. been broken hearted? i guess
214. broken someone's heart? probably
215. wanted to kill someone? no way!
216. fell off a chair? lmao prob.
217. felt special? yeah aww thanks angie she wrote me the HOTTEST letter
218. been in a fight with family? duh.. nobody else to fight with!
219. been in a cat fight? hahahah lol 8th grade
do you
221. like to give hugs? definitely
221. like to walk in the rain? yeah!
222. sleep with or without clothes on? lol if i slept w/o clothes on i know 3 people who would be very angry
223. prefer black or blue pens? really don't care
224. dress up on halloween? sometimes
225. have a job? not at the moment
226. like to travel? yeah!!
227. like someone? do they know? not like that
228. sleep on your side, tummy, or back? i fall asleep on my back and wake up on my side/tummy
229. think you're attractive? if i don't why does anybody else have to?
230. want to marry? WAAAY later hahah lol
231. have a goldfish? a while ago i did
232. ever have the falling dream? i miss those..
233. have stuffed animals? yeah
234. go on vacation? yeah
235. like beaches? the ocean
236. ever cut yourself? not on purpose
237. like the opposite sex? yeah
238. want kids? definitely! way later haha lol
139. like rap? sometimes
240. feel alone? right now
written on sunday 7/6/03
152. had a serious talk? uhh past 72 hours definitely
153. hugged someone? lots!
154. fought with a friend? not really a 'friend' but a fight yes lol
155. cried? yes...
156. laughed? i always laugh!
157. made someone laugh? yep
158. bought something? yeah
159. cut your hair? nah.. i washed it n scrunched it tho!
160. felt supit? ahh yes
161. talked to someone you love? yep
162. missed someone? duh
have you ever
163. done drugs? nope
164. eaten an entire box of oreos? nah.. a lot of oreos make me sick
165. been dumped? yep
166. had someone be unfaithful to you? nah
167. watched punk brewster? not that i know of
168. hiked a mountain? yay! monutains!!
169. stayed home on saturday night, just because? why am i being asked this again?
170. been in love? nah
171. seen the white house? yeah
172. seen the eiffel tower? yeah
173. tried smoking? no
174. drank alcohol? haha when i was like 5 by accident
175. smoked marijuanna? no
176. played monopoly? lol for 6 hours w/val one day
178. seen titanic? i cried and laughed at the same time
179. kissed someone? possibly :-p
180. french kissed someone? see above
181. lost your virginity? nah
182. tried sushi? eech yeah
183. jumped on a trampoline? yeah! fun! kara's house!
5 of your FONDEST elementary school memories
1~the lack of any kind of rules whatsoever
2~that presentation thing in a.e. and going out for ice cream afterwards
3~ making like, 5 random guys wait for me in the stairwell
4~ mrs. rosen
5~ getting a 'card' and freaking out cause i thought i had lunch detention, and wanting to get in more trouble so it would be a '15 minute' detention, but finding out that i didn't even get a detention
6th grade memories
1-mrs. heilig's couch
2-mr. foley's "follow the directions!"
3-tripping in the bathroom and being asked if i want to go home.. who would say no?
4-betty's maple cookies and accordion
5-bomb threats.. when going to the bathroom meant missing 20 minutes of class
6-abby breaking mrs. embessi's fan on the first day
7th grade memories
1-thinking that i had to walk all around the school
2-mr. brown throwing a cockroach at the peer mediators
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