the bottom!draco emporium-- Devil May Care

Warning: *More* Male sex. Technically here we have male on male on male. Yes, a threesome! Sort of. Kind of. Maybe. Could also maybe considered incest. But it's all good...and some very light bondage as well. Nothing major, just cuffs and a blindfold.
Dedication: For Simmy! Look, I did it just as promised. And within the time limit!
Author's Note: This is just another lovely chapter of the debauchery of Ron. More hot sex, more bitter quips, and more torment. But he doesn't really mind all that much...

Pleasing the Fallen

Okay, so it seems some people can actually keep their promises. An hour ago I was in some dank, dark, shit infested cell. Now I'm in a nice bedroom, clean clothes, all washed and freshly groomed. This is a hell of a lot better. And who do I have to thank, besides of course myself? Mr. Draco Malfoy.

Guess I really got to the little bastard. All us guys think with our cock. I gave him the best sex of his life, and he's pulled a few strings for me. I'm not free, by any means, but I'm not rotting in a prison cell. There's no rotting whatsoever going on here. The exact opposite, in fact.

Sure, I'm not entirely sure what's going on. They just dumped me here, told me to clean myself up, and that I'd be seen at the soonest opportunity. By who, I have no clue. And I don't care, as long as they don't try and kill me. Or stick sharp things into me.

"Mr. Wealsey?"

I don't have to wait to long. I stand up, hands in the pockets of my bathrobe. Well, not mine per se, but the one that I'm wearing. I look at the man who's just entered the room, and the first thing that strikes me is how...normal he looks. Tall, salt and pepper hair, strong features, elaborate robes...looks sort of like one of those young grandfathers you see. I'm not an idiot. I know who this man is. He's got red eyes, for crying out loud!

"Uh. Yeah." Who else would I be?

"Young Mr. Malfoy has told be quite a bit about you." He's staring at me, sizing me up. I stare right back. His eyes are creepy as all hell.

"All good things, I hope." I just don't know when to keep my mouth shut. It's always been a problem of mine. Maybe I wouldn't be in this situation, if I'd just kept my mouth shut. But I didn't, and I am.

"Yes, actually." He sort of slinks into the room. "He claims you may be willing to lend your services?"

"Uh....." What services? We didn't talk about that. We didn't talk about much really, we just fucked.

"He speaks very highly of your...talents."

"Oh." Those services.

"I am willing to grant his long as you behave yourself. If you do not, you will be terminated."

"Oh." Not very bright, I'll admit, but this whole thing is sort of catching me off guard. I get to be Draco's whore? Wonderful. And they said I'd never make something of myself...

"Good then. I have business I must attend to. You may pass between the three rooms allotted to you, but that is all." He nods at me, and then leaves. Three whole rooms, wow. I'm impressed. Again, better then living in a place where I have to drink my own urine. I'm still pissed over that. No pun intended.

So now I just kick around and wait. The bed's amazing, it's like a fucking cloud. Or maybe it just feels that way. I strip naked and bury myself in it, pulling the covers up to my chin. It's pure heaven, believe you me.

I fall asleep. I must have, because I'm being shook awake. By my most favorite person in the whole world, little Malfoy.

"Ron...Ron wake up!"

"I'm awake." I sit up, raking my hair out of my eyes. He's all in blue today. Makes his eyes look nice.

"Good...See, I told you I'd get you out of there..."

"Yeah, thanks." I sit up, and pull the covers around my waist. I'm assuming since he's here, he's ready for another go in the sack. At least I was able to sleep a bit before he bothered me. "Could have warned me, though..."

"Oh, relax." He waves his hand as if me being chained into sexual servitude it really no big deal. "It isn't as if your free grabs. Only I have use of you. And of course our Lord and my father."

"What?" This wasn't part of the deal. No one told me about that. Screwing Draco wasn't bad. He was pretty good in bed. And he tended to keep his mouth shut. But the fucking Dark Lord? And...Lucius? I've heard some bad stories about that guy...

"Do you want to die? I didn't think so. Do as your told, and everything will be fine."

" Does your dad have much interest in me?" Maybe Lucius doesn't like red heads.

"Yes." Draco nods. "But don't worry about it. Now, obviously I'm here for a reason." He gives me this sexy little smile, and pulls me to him. I kiss him, immediately going for the buttons on his shirt. I'm careful this time. I go a little slower, use a little more finesse. We are in an actual bed now. I kiss down his neck and his shoulder. He tastes pretty good. I suck on the skin right where his neck meets his shoulder, and Draco starts wriggling and panting. It's really not that hard to get him going.

"Lie back." He says, pulling away. I do, wondering what exactly he has in mind. He grabs hold of my wrists, holding them up over my head. And then he ties them to the headboard. Apparently these rooms had been set up for this sort of thing. There are leather padded cuffs attached to the headboard.

"Draco, I don't think I'm really into the bondage thing." I tell him, pulling against the restraints. I've never done it before, but I always figured if I did, it would be with someone I trusted. I don't trust Draco at all.

"I am." He says, and that reminds me that I'm not really in control any more. He is. I have to reestablish my authority. But I can't do that chained to the bed.

Not that I can think about this for much longer. Draco's pulling the blankets off of me and he's got my cock in his mouth and he's pretty damn good at it. Well, maybe the bondage thing isn't so bad after all. This really is a fucked up situation. I'm tied to the bed, in the middle of Death Eater headquarters, and I'm getting a blow job from Malfoy. This situation can't get any weirder.

Okay, I'm wrong.


Doesn't anyone knock? Now I'm tied to the bed, in the middle of Death Eater headquarters, and I'm getting a blow job from Malfoy, and his fucking father just walked in.

"What?" He doesn't even take his mouth off of me, he just mumbles around it.

"Your dad's here."

"Oh." Draco sits up, looking pretty damn calm. He glances over his shoulder, and Lucius just nods at him. These people have some severe issues.

"Don't let me interrupt you." It's obvious the two of them are father and son. Draco's going to end up looking just like his father, which on reflection isn't a bad thing.

"Did you need anything, Daddy?"

Oh no...not Daddy. Don't call him daddy. That's just twisted. All of this is just twisted. Sort of hot, but twisted.

"No, not at all. Please, continue."

He's not...he's not getting off on this, is he? He's got that look though, and he is staring at me. Me. Naked and tied to the bed.

"I told you." Draco said to his father, rather snidely. Told him what?

"And you were quite right." Lucius nods, giving me a very critical look. "I have never doubted your taste, Draco."

I guess this means Malfoy senior approves of me. And his son's sexual fixation with me. That makes me feel oh so much better. Did I say better? I meant *dirty*!

"Oh, did you want...?" Draco moves off the bed, practically offering me up to his father. I'm a piece of meat!

"You're obviously busy with him yourself Draco, I would hate to take your new toy away from you."

I'm not a toy. But I'm not going to argue with Lucius. He's got this predator thing going on, and it scares the hell out of me. I'm getting a very bad feeling about this whole thing. I want to be back in my cell. There I was able to take control. Here, I've got no fucking chance.

"Daddy, you know I'm willing to share." Draco tosses his head, and I want to cry. Share? What the fuck does he mean by share?

"I know you are." Lucius gives him this indulgent smile, and starts stroking his hair. Regardless of my situation, I find it pretty arousing. Sure, so it's not really sexual, but I can pretend? Lucius looks at me again, running his eyes all over me. He can't be disappointed, I've got nothing that disappoints. I'm in damn good shape, lean and toned.

"He certainly seems a willing slave." Lucius laughs softly. He's obviously indicating my now hard cock. Well, yes. I was just getting a blow job, I'm going to be turned on. Lucius comes closer, corners of his lips twisting up. He settles himself down in a chair by the bed, leaning back. "Please, continue."

He's going to watch. He's going to watch me-captured spy-and Draco-his son!- go at it. It's wrong and sick, but why am I so damn turned on by it? And Draco doesn't seem to care, he slithers back onto the bed, climbing eagerly between my legs to lick and suck at my cock. Hey, whatever. I'm going enjoy this. Sex is sex, and good sex is better.

I can ignore Lucius sitting over there. I an just focus on Draco. But he's stopping, and I don't like the sadistic little smile on his face.

"What?" I ask, regarding him carefully.

"Just thought we'd make it a little more interesting." He's a fucking imp. That's what he is. A demonic little imp.

"It can get more interesting then this?" I find that hard to believe. A blindfold. Fun. He's putting a blindfold on me. I can't see a damn thing now, but I can feel. Damn, can I feel. His tongue is everywhere. He's got a talented tongue, that's for damn sure. He's licking me from neck to knee, and back. And nipping. Sharp little teeth pulling at my skin before letting it go, teasing me. I'm aching. Every so often he'll graze my cock with his lips, but mostly he ignores it. He's doing it on purpose. This is practically torture.

Oh, that's nice though. He's licking down between my legs, and I don't mean my cock. Guess he's getting impatient too. Not that I blame him.

"Enjoying yourself?"

That was Lucius. Why did he have to be vocal? I just nod, not really wanting to acknowledge him. It's easier to forget him. Or try.

Draco stops. He pulls away, and I can only assume he's getting naked. Then his hand is on my cock, stroking softly. And he's back down between my legs, opening me with his tongue. And fingering me. And...kissing me?

Wait a minute, that doesn't add up. Which can only mean that yes, Daddy joined in. Wonderful. I'm getting fucked by *both* the Malfoys. At least I'm tied up. It's a damn good excuse to use. So I can just lay back and enjoy it. Because it is incredibly hot.

Come on, who doesn't have some sort of fantasy like this? Whether it's twins or siblings, or whatever. I can't tell who's doing what, but I don't care. Actually, I can tell. I'm pretty sure it's Lucius kissing me, he's much more aggressive then Draco. And his lips are a little bit thicker and rougher. And his mouth tastes like wine.

Draco takes his mouth away, and I groan. That felt so good. And whoever's hand is on my cock is taken away as well. And then Lucius-or I'm assuming, since it's whoever's kissing me-lays out over me. It's Lucius, because he's still got his robes on. Albeit they're now open, because I can feel his naked legs against mine.

Yeah, definitely Lucius. He just thrusts in, no build up at all. He's savage and rough, and I just want to come it feels so damn good. Draco is nowhere in the picture, but I don't blame him. Lucius is pounding into me so hard the headboard is *slamming* against the wall. I'm going to be raw come morning.

He finishes with a scream, and pulls out immediately. I'm a mess, whimpering like some deranged animal. I want some release here. I'm granted a little, when a mouth closes around my cock. It's good, and I moan, and I wish I could tangle my hands in the hair of whoever's down there.

After a few moments, I can feel shifting on the bed. My blow job seems to have ended, and now...Draco-I can tell that much-is lowering himself onto me. He may have just lost his virginity yesterday, but he sure knows what to do. I tell you, some people just have an instinct for this sort of thing. And the way he's rocking and squeezing me, he's one of them. Of course, for all I know, his father gives him tips.

I can't take much of this. My own sick pride wants me to hold out as long as I can, but I give in. I come, not even sure what the hell I call out. It's harsh and garbled, and doesn't really matter. I'm being fucked again, and I can tell it's Draco because he's stretched out over me and whispering into my ear.

"Tables have turned, Ron." He hisses. So what? There'll be other chances. Plenty of other chances. I buck under him, meeting his thrusts. He comes inside of me, and collapses. I kiss the top of his head, and I hear Lucius scoffing. I'd forgotten about him. My arms are untied, and the blindfold ripped off of my face.

I turn away from Draco's father, resting my cheek against the top of his head and closing my eyes. I stroke his back, pretending like it was never some messed up dominance game. Maybe I can throw him off guard.

"I shall leave you to your..." Lucius trailed off, and I imagine he waved his hand vaguely as well. I can hear the door open and close, and we're left alone.

"You sleeping here?" I ask, running my ands through Draco's hair. I figure I can use him. Wrap him around my finger, and he'll be my meal ticket. I can ride this thing through. If the good guys win, I'll be rescued and all that. If the bad guys win, I'm a beloved pet. Either way I make it through.

"Maybe." Draco drawls, drawing the blankets up over us. It's strange, lying in bed holding him like I am. He's sort of fragile feeling.

"Well, I need to sleep. After that...fiasco." I roll my eyes, and he hits me lightly on my arm.

"Shut up." He mumbles, and I can tell he's tired too. He nestles his head down against my shoulder and I kiss the top of it again. He lets out a little sigh, and I smile to myself. If I keep this up, I'll have him eating out of my hand.

I just hope I can keep it up...

No pun intended.

part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven, part eight, part nine part ten, part eleven, part twelve, part thirteen, part fourteen, part fifteen, part sixteen, part seventeen, part eighteen, part nineteen
