the bottom!draco emporium-- Devil May Care

Dedication: This is for...hmm. I don't know who this one is for. This is for Trisha, for giving me the support and advice I needed. :-)
Author's Note: Yay! Look ma, one a day! Ron's having some major issues. Some *major* issues. He's slipping down a long dark road, and now there's no going back. Character Death here in this chapter, so be warned.

Naming My Sins

There's a certain, heady feeling that comes along with power. I've got it now, and it's kind of nice. Which bothers me on some level. How, exactly, did I come to this? But it's too late to worry about it. I made my bed, I may as well lie in it comfortably.

Sirius is quiet behind me. There's other people around, that's why. I can feel his eyes on my back though. He wants to strangle me, I bet. I don't blame him. But I just saved his life. He'd be killed, otherwise. He's dangerous. He's an Animagus....shit.

I had forgotten about that. I'm going to have to do something to keep him from transforming. There's a spell, I know there is. But I have to guard my ass immediately.

"Don't even think of transforming." I snap, not looking back over my shoulder. "And if you lay a hand on me, you'll be dead before you hit the floor."

Oh yeah, did I mention I've mastered all three of the Unforgivable Curses? No. Funny, it must have slipped my mind...

Sirius just makes angry growling noises behind me. That's fine. He can be as angry as he likes. Personally, I don't have many personal feelings for the man. Too me he always seemed kind of dumb. Big and dumb. But Harry loves him, so he gets to live.

We reach my rooms. I open the door and he follows me in. Draco's sitting down, brushing his hair.

"So what....Ron!" Draco sounds all scared. He's staring over my shoulder, and I realize what the problem is.

"Hey, relax. This is just a little reward." I say, smoothly. I come up behind him, hands on his shoulders, and give him a little kiss.

"A reward?"

"Yeah. Wasn't in trouble, after all." I take my coat off and throw myself down on the bed. Tall, Dumb and Handsome is just standing in the room, eyes like thunderstorms. It's actually pretty damn good.

"Oh?" Draco perks up, tipping his head in this weird way he has. I think he thinks it looks cute, or eloquent or something. It just looks stupid.

"Yeah. I told you I've got everything under control."

"I suppose..." But he drawls it out, in that annoying way he has. "So what, exactly, is *he* doing here?" A hint of jealousy.

"Personal servant."

"Oh? Really?" Clipped and cold. Draco the Prima Donna.

"Yes. Shit, Draco, what is with you lately?" Lately? I mean all the time.


"Not like that!" I shake my head, and fold my hands over my stomach. "He' know. Fetch and carry and shit. I guess. I don't know, Voldemort gave him to me."

"I don't like him." Followed by an indignant sniff.

"Draco, all brawn and no brain is not my type." I swing my legs off the bed and sit up. "You"-I point to Sirius-"Go sit over there. And keep your mouth shut." Oh, he's killing me with those eyes of his! But he does as he's told.

"Come here." I pull Draco onto my lap, and look him in the eye. "The only guy I want in my bed is you."

"You'd better!"

"It's true. Just you. Besides, look at him! He'd split me in two."

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"I mean he's huge. He's probably hung like a fucking dragon. I don't feel like going down in history as Death Eater Who Bled To Death Out His Arse."

"Are you saying I'm small?"

Why? Why does he always have to turn everything around to be a personal insult to him?

"No, Draco. You're perfect. Everything about you is perfect." I kiss him, but he's completely
unresponsive. "And you fit me perfect."


"And besides, I'm pretty small frame and bone structure and shit like that. He'd kill me."

"You don't like them big, then, hmm?" Now he's sort of all sexy and stuff. This is much better.

"Nah. Girls go nuts over the big cocks cause they can stretch. Me...I don't stretch..."

"So you don't find him the *least* bit appealing?"

Double edged sword. I look over at Black. He's all glowering and I think he's sort of disgusted. Which is fun for me. He's tall, broad shouldered, wide through the chest, tapered waist, nice legs, thick black hair, tan, strong features...yeah, he's good looking. But I wouldn't want to fuck him.

"Yeah, he's nice to look at. But I don't want to touch."

"I think he has a certain...brutish quality to him." Draco hops off my lap and sort of trips over to Black. He trips. Like a fucking goat. It's not quite prancing, but it's definitely more enthused then walking.


"Yes." Draco crosses his arms, staring down at Black. "He has very nice bone structure." And to demonstrate, Draco drags his finger along Black's cheekbone and down to his chin. Bad move. Black grabs Draco's wrist, and pulls him close.

"Make one move, and I snap his neck." Black growls. Shit. This wasn't supposed to happen. But it can be easily worked around.

"Let him go Sirius, he hasn't done anything." I say. Be nice and diplomatic. Where's Lucius when you need him? No, Lucius would probably kill him on sight. And, shit.

"Like hell I will..."

"Sirius." I hold out my hands, showing I've got nothing in them. "Just let him go, and then we'll talk. Just you and me."

"Fuck you."

"We already went over that. No. Just...let Draco go. Please." What the hell is wrong with me? This is *bad* strategy. I'm showing that he's got the ace here. I mean, when it comes right down to it, Draco's important to me. I'll kill Black if he hurts him, I'm sorry Harry but I will.

"And then we talk?"

"Then we talk. Draco will go in the other room. He will *not* call anyone, or tell anyone about this."

"And how the hell do I know that?" Black has a good point.


"Mmm?" He looks terrified.

"Please, just do like I ask. I can handle this. Okay? Promise?"


"Draco, if you love me you will do this for me!" I hate pulling that card, but I have to. This is probably the trickiest situation I've ever been in. Draco finally nods, and Sirius let go of him, and he scampers off giving me this really wounded look.

"You fucked things up for me big time!" I tell Black, glaring at him.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He's more sarcastic then Draco ever was. "I didn't believe it...not until I saw it."

"Cut the shit." I don't want to go through this again. It's been....shit, months now. I'm here, I'm a bad guy, I've dealt with it. "I saved your arse."

"Like hell you did..."

"They would have killed you!"

"No they wouldn't have. They don't know who I am." He's pretty damn sure of himself.

"But I do."

"And they'll listen to *you*?" Obviously he hasn't been paying much attention.

"Black, in case you didn't notice...I'm in charge here. See these little snakes...okay, so I'm not wearing my jacket. But I've got a green one, and it's got three little snakes on it. That means I'm the highest ranking officer here. This is *my* town." My town. I have a town. The town belongs to me. Whoa. Ron, get a hold of yourself. Okay, you've got a town, pat yourself on the back and move on.

"How the fuck did *you* get put in charge here?"

"Because I'm one of the best they've got."

"You?" He sneers at me. And they wonder what I'm doing over here?

"Yes, me. See Voldemort believes in giving everyone a chance. He gave me a chance, and he sw what I could do."

"And what can you do?"

"I can wipe out every last one of your strongholds. I can counter any attack you send at us. I can destroy you, that's what I can do!" I'm yelling. I'm hysterical. But damn it, they never once gave a shit if I could do anything other then get information for them. I was wasting away!

"You're bluffing."

"Am I? Am I?" I laugh, and I don't think it's a very sane sound. "Delfin camp. That was me. The old castle at Rooksdale. That was me. Cuttling, Longspoint, Derryshire, all of them."

Now he's scared. And angrier then before.

"I lost friends at Longspoint...." He's hissing out the words, through gritted teeth. He wants to go for me, but he knows he can't. I've got a wand, and I'll kill him cold before he gets out of that chair.

"It's a war, Black. That happens." I'm amazed at how cold I sound.

"War, eh?" And there's this really mean glint in his eye. "You want to hear about some war
casualties?" Oh shit.

Oh. Shit. Draco never gave me names. He knew what it would do to me. But Black...He's bluffing. He's just bluffing. That's all there is to it..

"Seamus Finnigan." He smiles in a sick, deranged way when he says the name. "Dead."

"Shut up!" I don't want to hear this. It doesn't matter. He'd be dead anyway, it's not really my fault. It's not.

"Pierre Deveroux." One of my dad's friends from the Ministry. He used to have Sunday dinner with us, before he got married. And he's dead. But it's war, it's war, it's war, it's war...


"SHUT UP!" I hit him. Right in the face, I hit him. I can feel his nose crunch under my fist, and there's blood. I turn away, and I know I'm gonna start crying.

"Not so blithe, now." He's won. He's won and he knows it. But he hasn't, not really. I can still parry.

"Get ready to add one more to your little list, Black." I've got my wand in my hand, and my voice is dead quiet. I turn around, my eyes narrowed on him. Now I'm angry, and he's scared. His face goes all white, and he swallows hard. "What did you think I was going to do? Just drop everything I have here because nature took it's course?" Another weird laugh, but I don't really mean it. This is all just for show.

"Ron...I was...calm down..."

"No." I shake my head. "I'm going to kill you. But first you're gonna tell me how Harry is."


"Yes, Harry. Tell me if he's all right."

"Harry's fine. He's convinced you're still a good guy, you're just...I don't know, biding your time until you stab Voldemort in his sleep or something."

"Good old Harry." I smile. Harry's still got faith in me. That means a fucking lot to me.

"It's too bad he's wrong."

"Shut the fuck up, Black." I roll my eyes. All the talking. It's driving me mad. "I tried to help you. And what do you do? You try to kill my lover."

"I didn't try and kill him, I just..."

"This isn't a question and answer session." I level my wand at him. The getting ready stance. "I offered you your life, and you threw it away. It's in the garbage now, Black." A step forward. He's leaning away. He knows he's going to die. His whole life is flashing in front of his eyes. Another step. He's praying. Another. My wand is right between his eyes.

"You're pretty lucky I'm the garbage man."

I lower my wand. He's looking at me like I'm daft.

"You've got another chance. You almost blew it, you know that. You pull another little stunt like that...well, let's just say you'll get to be best friends with an Unforgivable Curse. Sound like fun? I didn't think so."

He really thought I was going to kill him. I've never killed a person in my life. know. Strait on like that.

"You're not going to kill me?" He's having trouble wrapping his mind around this.

"No. Not now. But I'm going to punish you." And how exactly do I do that? Rape and torture seem to be the stand bys around here. But I don't like blood, and he's not my type. Draco seems to like him though..."I think I'll let Draco play with you for a little while. Let him get back at you, for scaring the shit out of you."

"Play with me?"

"Ah, don't worry. He's really not a sadistic little fuck. It's his father you've got to watch out for. He'll probably just want to fuck you. Hope petite blondes are your type."

"I don't do that sort of thing..."

"And I don't care." I give him a nasty smile. "Don't fuck with me Black. I'm not one of your tame Death Eaters. I'm Voldemort's man." And he knows it. Looking at me now, he knows it. And I think it kind of breaks him.

Which, surprisingly, is fine with me.


part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven, part eight, part nine part ten, part eleven, part twelve, part thirteen, part fourteen, part fifteen, part sixteen, part seventeen, part eighteen, part nineteen
