[ ] Complement your partner.
[ ] Spend at least 20 minutes of uninterruped time together.
[ ] Check in with each other during the day.
[ ] Perform at least one - and unexpected - gesture
[ ] Say "I love you" at least 3 times.
[ ] Thank your partner for something.
[ ] Look for romantic concepts in the newspaper.
[ ] Take an extra minute when kissing good-bye.

[ ] Bring home one small unexpected gift or present.
[ ] Share some form of physical intimacy.
[ ] Share an entire afternoon or evening together.
[ ] Share two insights you gained this week.
[ ] Write at least one little love note.
[ ] Mail something to your partner.
[ ] Plan something special for the upcoming weekend.

[ ] Plan one romantic surpass for this month.
[ ] Re-stock your stach of greeting cards.
[ ] Go out to dinner once or twice.
[ ] Rent at least two romantic movies.
[ ] Make love (for those in more advanced relationships).
[ ] Make plans for a three day romantic weekend sometime.
[ ] Plan one romantic event with a seasonal theme.

[ ] Make a New Year's resolution to be a more creative romantic.
[ ] Make plans for your next anniversary.
[ ] Think of an unusual way to celebrate your partner's birthday.
[ ] Review your plans for your next vacation together.
[ ] Create a special "Romance Category" in your household budget.
[ ] Make plans for Valentine's Day--well in advance.

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