These are some of the love sites I have found interesting. I will be adding more and more as I browse around.

If you have a romantic page and would like to see it here just fill out the form below with the url or send me an email with the site url and the description.

1001 Ways to be romantic Romance Corner
Romantic Gestures Marvelicious Valentine
Order of the rose Romance Novels
Romancing the web Virtual Kissing Booth
Valentine's collage Romancing the homepage
Loving you Romance 101
Immortal Beloved The pages of Romance
The art of flirting Lorryhew's Cyber Love Home
Romance Galore Cyber Love
Love Web A-Romantic
Amorantica Dr. Love
The Authorative Matchmaker
Romantic Cards

Know of romantic page that is not listed here? If so please let me know by filling out this form. Thank you!

Please tell me the name of the site:
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What is the url of the site?: (Include http://) )

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Other comments:

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