Welcome to my love making tips page! I'm very sure that if you stopped by here is because you need some tips on how to make better love. Isn't that what we all look for? Well, I just pointed out some tips in this page, just some pointers, but don't forget that your imagination has a big part in this too.... Have fun!

For the Ladies

Always try to be sexy or look your best for your man. They like to come home and see a beautiful sexy woman waiting for them.

Tell him how much you love him very softly and sexy. Then take him to bed, insinuating what you are waiting for.

Take off his and your clothes with an intrigating and sexy look. Seduce him...

Give him a massage and ask him where would he like to be carressed.

Whenever you are making love, always tell him how you feel about it. For example: Encourage him and tell him how and where it feel good.

For the gentlemen

Come home with a rose, and seduce your woman with it.

Without saying a word, start kissing her neck, and carry her over to the room (or where ever you want to make love).

Ask her where would she want to be carressed.

Take it slow, why would you want to spoil a romantic mood?

Always make sure to ask her how she feels, and tell her what would you want her to do to you.

Notice that I underlined the words talk, tell, and ask. The point of that, is to emphisize that wherever there's communication, there is for sure good love making. So guys, get ready to start talking your way up to love making!!!

Touch of a Soul

Giving thought of the idea to touch you and feel you in my arms, gives me a reason to keep loving you in my heart. And the idea of making love to you will be a granted wish that will enhance the whole idea towards true love.
There is no way our deepest passions will ever cease while we keep having hot and desirable sexual urges which leads to increasing senses that attract out bodies to get closer everytime we see each other.
By Christopher Palomares

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