'No.  Give it to me when the world doesn't end..'

Fanfic quotage ~ Warning!  Some quotes contain swearing and spoilage

Angel in Pylea... And sunlight!

From LJSAngel fics

From Other fics

Wanna nominate a line?

~~~~From LJSAngel's stories~~~~

My favourite quote of this lot is Buffy from TROA Series Part 5A where she's begging Angelus to bite her.

"..bite me Angelus!  Bite me, suck me, drink me, drain me and leave me to die!" 

This is mirrored by Angelus's taunts in the altenative 5B

"Go on then Buffy.  Stake me.  StakeMe.  Kill me, stake me, burn me, dust me, collect me up and put me in an ash tray." 

These two parts have alot of good quotes I had to leave in.  So much for being selective.

  Lite Ones
 Pretty Much A Happily Ever After Kinda Deal

"You have a demon.. uh.. a girlfriend." ~~ Cordelia to Xander


"They want Buffy and I to have a child." - Angel.

"They're breeding you?" - Cordelia.

  Immortality Sucks !


“Buffy, this is important.  I needed you here to explain.  If you had known Angel was coming back, you...”

“Are you suggesting I would have ran ?” Buffy demanded.  She turned to Angel.  “Did you tell him to not say anything ?”  She didn’t give him the opportunity to answer.  “Get over yourself Angel, because I am.  I’ve moved on.  I’m not little Buffy Summers who needs you to look over her.  I’m at college now.  I don’t need protecting anymore.  If I did, I don’t want it from you.  You left Angel.  You left.  What gives you any right to come back and play Kevin Costner ?  What gives you any right to come back ?  You think I still love you ?  I don’t.  I have a boyfriend."


"What will happen if we refuse both and walk away?" Angel asked.  Buffy was about to start but he covered her mouth again.

"The Slayer would die shortly.  Within weeks.  In the great battle." ~ Oracle

"Great, spoil the ending why don't you ?"  Buffy said.


"I would help you Buffy but you don't need me anymore," Giles said.  "I'm expendable."


"Not likely Buffy.  You always had to be the star.  Always the center of your world and ours.  Xander.  He always obssessed over you more.  Any reason why i should?"


"You want my help now Buffy ?  You have your blood sucking boyfriend now.  You don't need me.  Expendable."

"Bloody right," Giles said backing him up.

  To Gunn, With Love, or Whatever


So this letter will probably get put in the bin.  But if you get this.. write me back.  Or you could tell me face to face to screw off.  Whatever you feel good about. ~~ Cordys letter to Gunn


"I really never imagined this.  No one has ever done anything like this for me before.  I mean after that letter i really didn't figure for ever seeing you again."

"I can hardly stay away from the woman who's saving my life."


"And i can hardly stay away from you."




"You know you got it going on girl."

 Below this line, contains quotage from the fics found on my darker fanfic page.  All rated R and above.  Language, bloodplay and darkness it mandatory.

Slayer To The Dark Side


“Did you not think that I might want a little puppy ?” Buffy said acting hurt. 

“You have me to play with.”  ~~ Angelus

“And you're way more fun.  You bend ways and do stuff that even Ken dolls can’t.” 


“Good as bloody new !” Spike announced.  “Tell the Buff when she wakes up thanks,” he said, strolling out into the garden. 

“Spike,” Dru called.  “The sun’s still......”  Before she could finish, Spike had ran in with his head on fire.

“Put it out !  Put it out !” Spike yelled.  He grabbed a bottle of whiskey off the coffee table and poured half of it on his head.  The flames sizzled and extinguished.  He gulped down some more to help the pain.  “Bloody hell !” 

“That’s why you should look before leap,” Angelus growled pressing a towel to Buffy’s neck.  “Otherwise, you might end up with bad sunburn.” 

“Very witty Angel mate,” Spike said sarcastically.  “Now I’m going to find some weapons to celebrate my re-found mobility.  Want to come Dru ?” 

“Re-found ?  Celebrate ?  You been doing a little reading of the old dictionary while you were in that chair of yours ?” Angel asked as Drusilla made her way to the weapons room. 

“Well see, now I’m out my chair,” Spike said stepping forward to where Angel kneeled beside Buffy.   “The big bad is back.  So you better watch your mouth.” 

Angel stood up with a faked uninterested look on his face which he usually makes before he mocks somebody. 

“Big bad ?  Please.  You’re just some blond in a bottle has been demon who’s lost his game and who’d be a pathetic shell of a loser if Dru dumped ya.  Bet even Xander Harris could kick your ass.  The day of William the Bloody has gone,” Angelus announced to the empty mansion. 


"Always ready to cut he teeth of the weaker ones.  Hey, if ya bribe me, I might stop and let you throw a punch,” Angel taunted.  He turned round and attended to the Slayer. 

“Yeah, well I’m not the weak one,” Spike retaliated. 

Angel faced him.  “What did you say ?” 

“I’m not the one in love with the Slayer.  With soul or without.  Whatever way, it makes me sick.  Am I the only one having a problem with you two boning each other day and night ?"


“We’re not picky,” Spike said.  “We’ll take watcher, witch, werewolf, winter ball queen or wuss.” 

“Which one am I ?” Xander said thinking the names over for a moment.  “Hey !” 


"You would never do this.” 

“Wouldn’t I ?” Buffy asked.  “How would you know what I’m like, huh Giles ?  You send me out night after night to die !  You and your council.  You don’t give a damn about the lives lost in the crossfire !  Even though I’m not dead yet, you still took my life !  You took my life !  Sixteen years old and I’m told that cause of some fate thing I’ve got to give my life to fighting vampires and I won’t live past 22 !  Do you and your council think that’s a easy or fair thing to do ?  Huh ?  Answer me !” She screamed at her Watcher.  “Is it ?  Is it fair ?” 

“No,” Giles said quietly.  “It’s not fair.” 

“I was planning on growing up, having a job, having a life and you took that away !  So I stuck with it.   Being the good little slay Buffy.  Then I woke up.  Look at Angel.  242 years old.  He’s evil.  Look at Spike.  ‘Bout 120 years old.  He’s evil.  Look at Dru.  She’s about 138 years old.  She’s evil. Ya noticing a pattern here ?  If I’m supposed to be the good guy, how come I’ll die in a few years time yet they’re a shoo in for the next century ?” 


"You really are evil.  You're not Buff.  And you know what ?  This isn't your town.  Once you've killed us, Angel will kill you.  He doesn't need you Buffy to run this town.  He'll want it
all for himself." ~ Xander

Buffy kicked his jaw viciously.  "You lie !  Angelus loves me !  We're gonna rule the town together !  Once you're in a permanent state of shutting up, of course.  Hey, we might give you wings, oops, I mean fangs.  You'd make a pretty mean vamp.  Once you loose that self righteous little angelic boy act." 

"Angelus doesn't know how to love.  And neither do you."

Over The Edge


"Woah, woah.  Powers that be doing what ?" -Buffy.

"The Higher power on the earth Buffy.  They turned back time." - Angel

"Those bastards.  I say we kill it." - Buffy


"Define pure." ~ Buffy

"No evil intent in their Souls." ~ Wesley

"That kind of pure.  So what happens?" ~ Buffy

"They would test you. If you fail I'm rather afraid you would die." ~Wesley 

"Crap.  I mean cuz I'm not totally worthy huh?  Every now and then I wanna break some good guys leg.  Like Cordelia's," Buffy gestured. 

"Thanks," she said not looking up from Vogue. 

  The Return Of Angelus Part One - I'm A Vampire !


"You needed the darkness Buff."  ~ Angelus

"No..." ~ Buffy

"You wanted it Buffy.  You wanted it more than you wanted life.  The desire, the longing for the Soul.  Think how he would feel if he was here now.  Knowing you had sex with me instead of him.  How could you not know Buffy?" ~ Angelus

I throw her back onto the desk.

"Hey, isn't that the same problem you and Sergant Silly Fuck are having right now ?" ~ Angelus


She shouldn't have because it didn't matter whether it was Angel or Angelus inside her.  She just needed it. Either way, it would be the same outcome.

Me.  Back.

Her worst fear and greatest fuck.  ~~ Angelus commentary

The Return Of Angelus Part Two-The Slow and Painful..


I advance towards him and he stares at the poker.  "Yeah cliche i know but i couldn't help myself.  They're just so fun.  They way you hear the flesh sizzle when you..." i say pressing the poker on his chest.  He screams in agony.  "You'll get used to it.. actually you won't."  I drag the poker over his stomach and arms.  "That hurt ?"  ~~ Angelus 


 She's touched darkness for the first time.  And she loved it.  She's got a taste for it now Riley and she'll come back to me.  No matter if I kill you, Xander, Giles, Hell- her mother.  Buffy will come to me.  She hates me with so much passion.  And I hate her.  She's the Slayer for fucks sake !  But the passion.  And that Riley is what Buffy and I share.  Passion.  The passion to love, the passion to hate and the passion to love the hate which you fear."

 The Return Of Angelus Part Three- Scooby Slayin'


You should have been ready.  I mean, fuck him, you didn't even call.  Hey Riley, my exboyfriend has just turned psycho so watch your back.  Poor Riley.  Not even a warning.  When you think about it, this is all your fault really.


"Where are the quips now?  The puns?  The promises of Buffys-Gonna-Kick-Your-Ass?  Because Xander it's all not true in the end.  In the end we have us in a room and me with the horny intent of slowly torturing you.  No ad-breaks just pure, beautiful torture.  And in the end the upside is, you won't feel a thing.  Because you'll be hanging ten with Agent Finn in the mortuary," i taunt cruelly.

What's that i see?  Tears forming at the corners of his eyes.  Realisation that his day has come.  And it's gonna be me, his worst enemy, that brings it.  His mouth curls also like he's gonna burst into tears.  Upset, broken.  He puts his head down and his hair flops over his eyes.  He brushes away the tears and tries to look defiantly at me.

But he can't.   ~~ Angelus commentary


"It seems no one knew that Angelus was back.  Fuck, do i have to put out a memo?  Hey what about a loudspeaker. All friends of Slutty the Vampire Slayer refrain from going out or inviting dark haired fuckable men in your homes because Angelus is back and he's going to kill you." ~Angelus to Xander

The Return Of Angelus Part Four - Gettin' Closer


Grinning with delight I leave the Giles residence and make my way for a little heart to heart with Joyce.  Heart to heart.  Maybe i'll just rip out hers.


She thinks I leave.  I don't.  I go to the window and watch her from the outside.

Watch her cry herself to a fitful sleep and then silence.

But I still watch her.  Always watching.

The Return Of Angelus Part Five A  - Final Showdown


"..bite me Angelus!  Bite me, suck me, drink me, drain me and leave me to die!" ~ Buffy


"...You're the goody good guy." ~ Angelus

"Maybe I'm sick and tired of it!  Maybe I shoulda drowned years ago in the Masters Lair.  To save all the hurt and pain you and Angel have caused!" She screams at him.  "I have to live with it.  Live with the fact that it's my fault."  ~ Buffy


I told you that we'd kill each other no matter who's left standing at the end of the battle.

I was wrong.  Neither of us is standing now.  ~~ Angelus commentary

The Return Of Angelus Part Five B - Love and Hate


She forgot how to love when Angel left town.  Well I mean she forgot how to love anything else.  Which is why Dead Finn had such a problem getting through that cold exterior.  She breathes the Soul.  Lives for him.  The only reason she doesn't quit is because she believes deep deep deep down they'll have their fucking day in the sun.

Well I'm just about to put that sun out completely.


"Go on then Buffy.  Stake me.  StakeMe.  Kill me, stake me, burn me, dust me, collect me up and put me in an ash tray." 
~ Angelus to Buffy


~~~~From Other fics~~~~

Sorry, none yet




 Copyright LJSAngeland iNnOcEnT eViL. 2001-present

Le Small Print -- These sites are owned and maintaineed by LJSAngel and iNnOcEnT eViL.  Layout © LJSAngel 2001.  Unless otherwise stating, these contents belong to me and if you could ask before using them, I would be grateful.  The characters in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel are the creation of Joss Whedon's and anybody else at WB.  'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' TM is copyright of Fox and all it's related entities.  This web sites content of 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' and 'Angel' is in no way authorized by the nice people at Fox.  For the love of God, don't sue we're only having fun!  Or out own warped version of fun, but fun all the same.  Blah blah legal garbage.