Did I mention this was a rant?  Sense has no place here

Where I come to blow off steam  WARNING!  Really, really spoilerific!!  Up to Season Six/Three

Sarah Michelle Gellar in a season four promo shot
This is the part where I'll moan and whine about stuff on BtVS and AtS when I'm really really pissed off.  Please feel free to Email me and give me your own non sensical babbles, wants or wishes.


OK, I know I'm way back at Tabula Rasa (fantastic episode by the way- the comedy and the sadness in Act four excellently mixed and my heart was breaking for Tara and Willow - Amber Benson at best ever) but I can't wait for Dead Things (episode 13)  looks like there's gonna be some dark goings on and some B/S cuteness&sex so that should be fun.  Actually, I can't wait for all of season six but this episode especially.  It seems to be a little more darker which may make it like a classic Angel episode in manner of Redefinition or Five by Five/Sanctuary but y'know, more sex.


Once more with feeling.... Oh yeah was this great.  Amber Benson has become a favourite of mine since beginning of season six and what a fantastic voice this girl has.  ASH as well, but I knew that from Restless and Where The Wild things Are.  But anyway. this whole episode brought together everything from the previous six and added a melody.  Easily better than any musical episode (The Ally McBeal one bored me)-- or any musical movie.  Absolutley fab.  Anya hasn't got a bad voice at all and I loved I'll Never Tell.  However, favourite three were I'm Under Your Spell, Rest In Peace and Wish I Could Stay.

This really is the funniest and most touching show I've ever watched.  Honestly.  I've never laughed so much and then been moved to tears and they do this every time.  Out of forty-four episodes each year with Buffy and Angel they put out maybe 3.. 4 really crappy ones.  And even the crappy ones are better in some aspect to anything else on.

Dawsons Creek
Yes it has the fantastic talent of Katie Holmes and comical talents of Joshua Jackson but the show I'd rather have Alyson Hannigan and Nicky Brendon.  Extremely poor second half to the season for the senior year of high school.  Dammit, Buffy blew up the high school and they decided to drive a really inconcievable wedge between Pacey and Joey 'just because'.

Never be as funny, as broad, as intelligent or moving.  Far too slow.  Story arcs not always interesting, well conceived or believable.

Please get some original plotlines.  And a conceivable explanation to why the weird happens.  Characters that are less than wet would be good too.

West Wing
Fantastic show but doesn't have the sparkling edge or experimentation of Buffy.

Beer Bad is funnier than some recent episodes.  Churning out the same old stuff

Ally McBeal
While being well written, cannot match Buffy for humour, diversity and handling of issues.  Has won lots of ensemble cast awards but Buffy deserves them so much more.  Has become repetitive.

Fires disasters and personal crisis at the staff of the e.r. constantly but do we really get as involved with them as we do with Buffy?

I think recent showings speak for themselves.

Buffy doesn't have such a massive fanfic following for no reason at all - it's funny. thought provoking, character involving, experiemental nature inspires and hooks us.  Buffy is, put simply, the best.  And dammit, give it the recognition is deserves!

Want to challenge me? Please do.


Oh and thank you very much Joss.  Note sarcastic tone.  You said you had a non-crossover that would drive us crazy?  Well I guess that was between Flooded and Carpe Noctem.  Something they want to 'keep to themselves' and 'would rather not talk about it'.  DAMMIT JOSS!


New season.. more rants.  OK, so this is not new for Americans.  You've had new Buffy for months now goddamit and the rest of the world hasn't.  Anyway, hurrah!  Sky One broadcast Bargaining 1&2 tonight but Angel won't start until 9 next week (which means its Buffy episode three on 17/1 along with Angel episode one.  Hmm).

Can't wait.  I've severely been neglecting Buffy over the past 5 months.  Usually, want happens is that during the loooong break is that I'll overload on Buffy, especially on fic.  But I haven't.  I've been bad.  It's been ages since I watched a taped episode.  I mean ages.

So before Bargaining, I watched the Gift and jesus christ, I must of forgot how much I love this show.  I expect to get back to my old Buffy-obsessed self within, oh, a few hours when I get to see the episode.

I've over-spoilered myself though e.g. I know Angel's a dad cuz somehow the Darla-whore got pregnant (That's not fair.  I like JB, just Darla has been too overexposed on season two for me), I know Buffy's back (duh) I know Buffy and Spike get together, I know Jonathans back, I know there's C/A attraction..

God, I really shouldn't spoil myself AT ALL because I am just.. uh.. spoiling it for myself.

Anyway, did you really expect me to survive 3 months and not look at a spoiler/episode synopsis page?

I look forward to getting my muse back and WRITING SOMETHING BUFFY (I've been going into Roswell, Cruel Intentions and other fandoms.  Yes, I know I'm a fandom whore)

Anyway, report back with happy delirious type noises after the show.  Have nothing to lose because even when Buffy's bad it's so much better than anything else on TV.

In no particular order..

Buffy's been picked up by UPN for Seasons six and seven.  Question - what the Hell is gonna happen to "Angel"?  Is he going too?  Does this spell the end of crossovers? (Noooooo)  What about the scheduling?  Will Buffy and Angel still be shown back to back?  What about when selling it to other countries - like Britain.  Will Sky One have to start the Angel season weeks before or after the Buffy ones are shipped over?  Colour me pissed off, annoyed and confused!  No one's listening to my pain!  OK so we all have pain over this.  But we need answers


OK so Angel's bugging me, being all broody over Darla.  It's like Miss "Love of my life" Summers never existed.  Please Angel wake up and smell the decaf coffee!! (Caffeine makes him jittery remember?) 


Needless to say I'm pissed off at Angel for giving in so easy in Reprise with Darla "I'm a professional" um <insert surname>.  Did get to see a bit of Angel flesh and I'm not complaining about that. But Angel hunny, get some ******* perspective.  So the worlds evil?  Deal with it, grow, move on and don't have sex with 'Darla "That was perfect" <insert surname>.'


I heard spoilers that someone dies for Buffy in the big 2 hour Buffy blow out and the end of Season Five and I think it's either Dawn or Tara.

I'm not spreading rumours by the by, I just think it could be a possibility.  Tara is supposed to be battling Glory big time. However, I think Joss would just be a bitch and leave Buffy all on her own - bar the Scoobies.  And I think I heard that Michelle Tractenberg only has a season contract.  Losing a mom and a sister- harsh such is the life of the Slayer.  I'm not even sure I should believe these spoilers because it comes from the same source who said one of the scoobies would die in the season four finale.  To be fair, they all died in Restless.


I heard an Buffy regular crosses over and becomes a regular on Angel.  True/ not true? 

Thoughts on who it could be and a reason why not;

Buffy - As much as I'd love it, NEVER gonna happen.  Duh.  She has her own damn show and she's really not in a position to move.  (Plus, the Gift and all)
Willow - I don't peg her for the LA lifestyle and for ever leaving best bud Buffy's side
Xander - He HATES Angel.  Work it out.
Giles - Uneasy around Angel.  Girlfriend killing issues.  Would never leave Buffy.  [[OK so maybe he would for his own show "The Watcher" on BBC1]]

NOTE- There is no way any of these characters would leave Buffy.  A member of the staff says that other characters can come and go as long as the principle four scooby core that have been there since Welcome To The Hellmouth are there.  Ripping the core out would be pointless


Spike - He was brought in to replace Cordelia as the comic relief/bitchy sarcasm one.  Spike is one of the best things about Buffy at times and I don't see the writers being that stupid to let him go.  BUT BUT James Marsters contract doesn't go beyond Season Five and Joss is supposed to be thinking about whether to ship him over.  Maybe Spike and Harmony?  Imagine the possibilities.  He could join Angel's Broken Buffy Hearts club.  Sire and grand childe together.  Hmm.

Anya - If Anya was evil or split from Xander, maybe.  But she's in love with Xander and she's sooo great on Buffy and is gradually becoming the new Cordy in Sunnydale.  Any writer that gets rid of Emma Caulfield will have me to deal with -- ENGAGED!!  Yay!!  That's Anya engaged to Xander so she's a no-no.

Riley - Eh, no.  NO.  There's more chance of Darla and Buffy having a threesome with Willow than there is of him moving to the City of Angels.

Tara - Again no.  She is with Willow and the basis of her is being with Willow.

Dawn - For protection maybe?  Don't think Angel would revel in having a part of Buffy around 24/7 - too painful.  Plus there'd be extra contact between the two.

Harmony - Most likely.   She visits Cordy in "Disharmony."  Disharmony.  Plus she's Cordys old pal, vampire, likes to think she's an arch nemisis - you see where i'm going with this?&nbssp; Mercedes McNab is superb.  My most likely.  NEWS- Joss has said that MM will make an appearance next season and MM herself has commented.

Then again this may turn out to be complete crap and I've just wasted my time.  Or someone I've rubbished rumours about moving, like Willow or Anya, actually DOES move - very funny for me.  Ha ha.


I just seen "The Body" and I was so moved my Michelle Tractenberg's performance.  This episode was so sad and I can't wait for the funeral in which Angel makes an appearance.

Sad to see Kristine Sutherland go.  Good luck with whatever you're gonna do.


Dead End.  I love that episode.  In two magazines, I've seen it being given three out of five stakes (Official Buffy magazine) and 6/10 by SFX.
Is it just me who thinks that was the perfect Lindsey episode?  God, what is wrong with you people?!?


And I heard Lindsey stakes the Darla freak.  Mixed feelings.  On one hand I love the whole Drusilla/Darla painting the town red kinda deal.  On the other, she tortured Angel for months by 'sitting on top of him' and he's gonna be on this big vigilante mission til she's dust.

No doubt we'll see Angel's sire in more flashbacks if she does die.


Cordelia's hair.  I really like it.  It liked it in "The Shroud Of Rahmon" but it's also really nice short.  Charisma is one of those people who can wear long, short or mid length and look fantastic.  I'm not jealous.  Dammit!


Make another Wesley episode please!  "Guise Will Be Guise" was so funny and I'm glad Virginia keeps appearing.

[Oh I just seen "Reprise" and I can't believe Virginia broke up with Wes.  Give the guy a break, please.]


OK, Joss you sooo cannot write good stories for ANGEL.  One of the poorest (along with the tragic "She" and introduction of Jhiera.  Argghh) in season one was "I Fall To Pieces" which he co-wrote with Greenwalt.  Then the horrible "Happy Anniversary" was aired and Oh My God how lame!!  Whedon, dammit, don't bring your crappy reject "Buffy" episodes to "Angel"!! I'm goddamn sick of your crap!!  The only merit to that episode was Andy Hallet's (The Host with the most - he he, love him) major participation and the murder case that Wes, Gunn and Cor solved.  I'm goddamn sick of you doing this Whedon!  Once more and there's gonna be words.  Fair enough, there was the series opener ("City Of..") and your part writing on "Sanctuary" but even in that episode you had to piss all the B/A shippers off cuz you let Buffy bitch Angel when she is so in the wrong.

David Greenwalt doesn't get off either.  Yes, he gave us "To Shanshu In LA" but he wrote and directed "She" which is an even bigger sin.  Think about it. 


Could I make a request for the Angel Investigations team at the karoke bar?  Bohemian Rhapsody anyone?


Ohmigod.  "The Gift", Ohmigod.  Like they say, on that show-no one is truly dead from a comeback.  They managed to un-dust Darla (disproving the vamp laws of physics) bring back Angel from Hell and even let Kristine Sutherland make her return in "Weight Of the World."

Anyone else finding those deep blue eyes of the Groosalaugs incredibly sexy and aluring?  Cordy you're not the only one who'll miss them.


Do you have any idea of the pain I'm in?  Just about SEVEN MONTHS until I see another new Buffy or Angel episode.  SEVEN MONTHS!!!  Goddammit Sky One!


OK so I've heard that ANGEL is staying on WB on Mondays at nine and Buffy will be same bat time, different Bat Place on UPN.

Sky One and other countries shouldn't have any problem.  However he said  "We have a spectacular non-crossover planned, and I will not explain what that means.."  and added that it will "drive you crazy" -- Or something like that.  It'll definetly drive me crazy, that's a given.

[Channel four rant from Episode Reactions - About a year after Angel was shown in the US, Channel four the terristrial channel (The dumbasses who schedule the West Wing at 11.00 at night and regulary drop Dawsons Creek in favour of cricket??!) put this episode (In The Dark) on, with alot of cuts (like 15 minutes of them) at 6pm.  6pm.Buffy isn't on until 6.45 on BBC2 and Angel is meant to be darker than it and they're putting it on a tea time slot.  They dropped three episodes altogether from broadcast but kindly (!?) decided to rerun the series on a Monday night with varying hours between 11.30 and 2.00. Angel is a programme about vampires, not meant to be viewed only by vampires, insominacs and nocturnal mammals.  The cuts at 6pm make it unwatchable.  ITC recieved all these complaints about In The Dark and Angel will probably never be broadcast before watershed again.  So where does that leave the second season?  It was much darker.  I really wish that BBC2 had got Angel and could show it concurrently with Buffy for the sake of terristrial viewers.  Thank God I have Sky One.  UPDATED- After Buffy has been bought and all, I hear that Buffy season six will be shown on UPN usual day and usual time but Angel, still of the WB will be shown a day earlier.  Hmm.  I think Sky One is showing it same bat time, same bat place for both of them. Let's hope so for the UK's sake.  Crappy TV broadcasters. Rant over]


Disagree with anything I've said?  Want to make a request for the karoke bar?  Want to ask if I happened to be doing "a bunch of drugs" while writing this? Email me for PTB's sake!!




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