Luke says... It's Halloween! Yeah, Baby Yeah! Click me!



There are some things you should know about this eskie-white pumpkin patch....
You may be wondering what an "Eskie" is... "Eskie" or "Peskie" or "Peski-Eskie" are but a few of many nicknames referring to the American Eskimo Dog. The eskie is a pure white, fluffy, long haired, dog with a bushy tail that curls up over the back. They are clever, beautiful, and can be a bit bratty and manipulative, but one thing is for sure... they will keep you ENTERTAINED!!!

The two eskies responsible for hosting this halloween costume party are Luke SkyWalker and Princess Leia... from the cast of Star Wars: The Canine Episode... and their eskie-mom-manager who takes care of all the technical details. Luke and Leia decided to invite all of their eskie friends to come over all dressed up just for fun... mostly for the fun of the human family members I think:-)

Eskies aren't afraid of to much BUT, there are a few things that really freak some of them out! So Beware of the eSkIe MoNsTeRs! * Monster 1 * Monster 2 * Monster 3 *

Anyway, go ahead and wander through our pumpkin patch and see how all of our white fluffy eskie friends dressed up for halloween! It's still early though... not everyone is here make sure you stop by again to see them all... AND LATER you'll find out WHO? is WHO!?! To get to the Great White Pumpkin Patch just click below...

Visit the Great White Pumpkins here!

Great Pumpkin Carving pumpkin Great Pumpkin Fun! pumpkin Great Pumpkin Pie

We're in the Pumpkin Patch Contest, Are you?

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