Stupid pet tricks

Princess with Glasses on luke with Glasses on

The Worlds Naughtiest Eskies - Caught on Tape!

tennis ball On to the Tricks...


1) My female eskie named Princess Leia would occasionally "wink" at me... I know it wasn't intentional or anything , but I thought it was so cute that I taught her to do it on command. So now all I have to say is "Wink" and she DOES! .... Here's a picture of her doing it!

2) My Male Eskie Luke SkyWalker will follow me anywhere walking on his hind legs IF... but only iF I have a treat in my hand! Luke can be a naughty eskie sometimes... he likes to tear fabric to shreds!

From: Kendria Roxie and Petey

3) My female eskie Roxie loves to play a game called touch noses. I say touch noses and she will touch her nose to mine. Although sometimes I have to be careful because if she is in a playful mode she will nip at my nose.

4) My male eskie Petey who loves to walk on his back legs can actually jump on them like tigger. He will jump to me and around on them. Sometimes when he is standing on his back legs he will sit squat down on his back legs.

From: Eskie Mom

My 12 yr old son just taught Our Eskie Princess to beg...NOT as in beg for food or something... she has this cute little thing she does by laying on her back and draws her two front paws upclose in a begging postion and then sorta "doggie paddles" in mid air. He thought it would be neat to teach her to do it on command, so he did. Useless but cute:-)

From: Eskie Mom

We thought we had the problem of Luke getting into the small trash cans around the house solved... we bought heavy duty covered stainless steel cans that have the flip top...the kind where you have to press the peddle with your foot to open. WELL... guess who learned to open them? My Bratty Luke! Sooooo determined NOT to let him win this one I placed all the cans in corners with the peddle facing inward... an inconvience to us to be sure but unless ( or until:-) he learns how to turn the cans around I have the problem solved!

From: Doglady

We taught lady to "pick which hand the treats in" We have her sit in front of us and put our hands behind our back so she doesn't see which hand it's in...then we hold out both hands in front of with closed fist and ask her which hand is it in. She takes her paw and places it on which ever hand...if she's right she gets the treat, if not we show her the hand with the treat and start over. She's really good at guessing the right hand... I wonder if she can smell which hand the treats in? Hmmmmm *LOL*

From: Keiko & friends

My little dog knows a few useless tricks. One of my favorites is when I tell her to 'Kiss Keiko'. We have a little souvenir squeaky squeeze toy of the Killer Whale Keiko which we have positioned conveniently near her treat jar. She will eagerly come running upon hearing either the magic words OR the squeak of Keiko himself from wherever she is to give Keiko a big smooch. It's a crowd pleaser.

From: Amy

My Female Eskie Cotton learned how to beg in a nice way. One of use holds up a treat and Cotton has to say "PLEASE" (She just barks though). She is only allwod to say "Please" when we tell her to, so she dosn't beg as much anymore!

I'll post new ones as they are recieved:-)

Tennis Ball Play Collage

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