
Breeding Dogs - Guides and Information

Born To Win breed to succeedBreed to Succeed

by Patricia V. Craige, Luana Luther, Nina P. Ross

The most comprehensive dog book of our time. Who but Pat Craige winner of ten Hound Groups at the Westminster Show could write the definitive dog book that explores every facet of breeding and exhibiting top winning pure bred dogs. This is an extraordinary book that defies categorization. It is unique in the depth it treats each topic and the insights gained from many years at the top of the dog game

Other Books On Breeding Dogs... Click on the titles for more detailed information

* The Standard Book of Dog Breeding - by Alvin, Dr. Grossman, Luana Luther

The art and science of breeding top dogs is made immensely easier by the introduction of this new and fascinating book. Dr. Grossman has capitalized on his runaway best seller and made it even better with the addition of all new information now available to the dog fancier.

* The Book of the Bitch : A Complete Guide to Understanding and Caring for Bitches - by J. M. Evans, Kay White

Paperback - 232 pages

This serious book with the funny name is a no-nonsense guide to breeding dogs, caring for breeding stock and raising puppies properly. Complete and concise, it should become an indispensable part of every breeders reference library.

* The Whelping and Rearing of Puppies : A Complete and Practical Guide - by Muriel P. Lee

Hardcover - 128 pages -

* Successful Dog Breeding : The Complete Handbook of Canine Midwifery - by Chris Walkowicz

Hardcover - 222 pages 2nd edition -

* Dog Breeding for Professionals - by Herbert Richards

genetics of a dog Genetics of the Dog

by Malcolm B. Willis

Shows how heredity affects a wide variety of normal and abnormal physical and behavioral conditions in dogs. Topics include basic genetic principles, polygeneic inheritance, inheritance of many desirable and undesirable features, genetic defects and diseases.

* Genetics and the Social Behavior of the Dog - by John Paul Scott, John L. Fuller

Paperback - 488 pages

* Control of Canine Genetic Diseases - by George A. Padgett, George Padget

The issue of genetic diseases in dogs is a matter of major concern for every dog breeder, every companion dog owner and every serious dog enthusiast at the present time. How to understand the mechanics of inheritance, how to deal with percentages, predictability of outcome and how to breed away from such scourges as canine hip dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy and other debilitating conditions are all covered in this important new book by one of the scientific community's most respected authorities on the subject.

* The Joy of Breeding Your Own Show Dog - by Margaret Ruth Smith, Ann Seranne, Julia Gasow (Designer)

Hardcover - 272 pages -

* Breeding a Litter : The Complete Book of Prenatal and Postnatal Care - by Beth J. Finder Harris, Beth J. Finder-Harris

Covers selecting breeding stock, neonatal care, puppy development, social conditioning, and also addresses breeders' responsibilities, contracts and puppy care instructions.

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