
Dog Show Guides and Information

The Great American show dog information Dog Show Game

by Alvin Grossman, R. Annabel Rathman , William W. Denlinger

The Author had long felt that lack of a good information program was severely hindering the dog game. Looking back on his own thirty plus years in the fancy he wondered how he had made it from a struggling novice to journeyman exhibitor to blase top-winning Specials owner to the exalted ranks of dog show judging. he was well aware that it was NOT because of a well thought-out plan. He finally concluded that it was only because he had been tenacious and has asked questions of everyone in sight that he had finally arrived. In an effort to impart some of the knowledge he has gained he has written this book. To make it easy to absorb he has used levity and cartoons. But the subject matter is important. Read it and learn...but best of all enjoy it! the Dog Writer's Association nominated this book for Best Book of the Year in its category

Other Books On Showing Your Dog...

* Dog Eat Dog: A Very Human Book About Dogs and Dog Shows - by Jane Stern, Michael Stern

Jane and Michael Stern have written 20 other books that chronicle American popular culture. Here they focus their attention on the joys and sorrows of professional dog breeding and dog shows by accompanying Mimi Einstein, owner of Allstar Kennel in Katonah, New York, as she exhibits her prizewinning bullmastiffs on the show circuit that culminates with the Westminster Kennel Club at Madison Square Garden.

* SHOW ME! - A Dog Showing Primer for the beginner by D. Caroline Coile

Dog shows are phenomenally popular, immensely competitive, and often perplexing for beginners. Show Me offers easy-to-follow tips and words of wisdom for those new to this challenging sport. Author D. Caroline Coile is quick to point out that the average pet pooch (although lovely in your eyes) will not make it in professional competitions. Most show dogs are bred for this very purpose, and the book includes practical advice for selecting and raising your top dog.

* The Winning Edge : Show Ring Secrets - by George G. Alston, Connie Vanacore -
George Alston, an expert dog handler for more than 30 years, teams with author Connie Vanacore on The Winning Edge: Show Ring Secrets. Combining sports psychology and dog showing, topics include psychocybernetics, the making of a show dog, learning from the competition, and etiquette and sportmanship. The Winning Edge: Show Ring Secrets is "an essential for every dog exibitor's bookshelf."

* Dog Showing for Beginners - by Lynn Hall
Hardcover - 154 pages - usually ships within 24hrs

* Dog Showing : An Owner's Guide - by Connie Vanacore -
Packed with loads of useful information on getting started in the sport--such as picking the right dog for you, grooming and training a show dog, preparing for the show ring, and Vanacore's advice, coupled with helpful black-and-white photographs, is the perfect primer for the soon-to-be king, or queen, of the ring.

* All About Dog Shows by Sam Kohl - Special Order Paperback - 122 pages


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