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Voyager Academy

Miss Wu


Miss Natalie Wu


April 29, 2008

Voyager Academy


7th Grade Computers



For the seventh grade Career unit, Ms. Adams and I decided to put them to work researching possible careers. Students took an online Career Assessment to help guide their research.

After the students complete their research, they will participate in a Career Chameleon game. Their goal is to factually describe three careers; two they would like to have and one they would not. The student who tricks the most classmates into believing that he/she wants a career that they, in fact, do not want, wins.

They also chose two activities out of a possible six to complete to further their career exploration. Examples include, interviewing family members, finding new career websites, and learning about the fastest growing careers of 2008.

Wait till next year when we blow your mind with the best Career Unit activity ever!!! Eight Graders Only!!

Helpful Websites

Up Coming Projects

Spread Sheets

In the coming weeks students will learn about using spread sheets. They will learn basic spread sheet vocabulary and learn how to plug in and manipulate numbers, make graphs, and present data.