To My Site!

(The only place where you can find stuff out about ME!!!)
So, if you're my friend, and you want to know more, or if you're just an inquiring stranger, Come on In.

Warning: I no longer make apologies for who I am.  You have now been warned.
              All About Me!
The place to go if you would care to learn anything more about me than you already know.
Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome
Information about the disease that I have, more commonly referred to as CVS.
         CrEaTiViTy CoRnEr
Just some things of mine (orignial) that you can look at, read, or choose to ignore... : )  All of the things therein belong to me... so no infringement, please.
To access pages, click the underlined titles.
            Music Page
Some of my favorite songs that help describe who I am.
Click on an icon to read what it means to me.
                 My Friends!!!
I love my friends, and here, I tell `em.