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TMs and HMs (G/S)

TM Attack Type PP Pow Acc% Brief description Location
01 Dynamicpunch FGT 5 100 50 An extremely powerful punch but pathetically inaccurate and confuses the attacker Beat Chuckin Cianwood city.
02 Headbutt NOR 15 70 99.6 In battle: causes damage with a 30% chance of flinching your opponent

In game: Knocks pokemon from trees

Ilex forest. Can also be found in Goldenrod dept store.
03 Curse unown 10 ------- 100 If used by a ghost type this move will take 1/2 of the attackers HP and deducts that amount from your opponent every turn unless a switch occurs, otherwise it acts as a status raiser (raises users attack and defense at the expense of users speed) Back entrance of celadon Mansion (only at night)
04 Squish RCK 20 30 90 This attack lasts 5 rounds, each round the damage to the opponent doubles (barring a miss) Route 35
05 Roar NOR 20 ------- 99.6 Causes a wild pokemon to run away and a trainer to sswitch pokemon Route 32 (requires cut)
06 Toxic POI 10 ------- 85 Same as R/B/Y and with another move such as mean look and spider web (which stop opponents current pokemon from switching) it is an excellent stratagy Beat Janine in Fuschia gym
07 Zap cannon ELE 5 100 50 An electric version of dynamic punch with paralysis on contact but with poor accuracy pair it with a lock-on move for best results. Return the machine part to the power plant
08 Rock Smash FGT 15 20 99.6 In battle: causes damage with a chance of lowering opponents defense.

In game: Breaks rocks

Route 36 (get rid of Sudowood and talk to the portly man)
09 Psych Up NOR 10 ------- ------- Steals all status changes from your opponent, so if your opponent likes to double-team/swords dance this is a useful move Trade abra from R/B/Y
10 Hidden Power random 15 10-70 99.6 An unusual move that varies from pokemon to pokemon. It attacks with a set damage and a set element Lake of rage, Celadon dept. store
11 Sunny Day FIR 5 ------- ------- Increases fire damage for 5 turns but has other effects. It halfs water damage taken by your pokemon, makes solarbeam a one turn move and increases the effectiveness of synthesis, Morning sun and moonlight healing moves 3rd floor of Goldenrod radio tower (beat the leaders), celadon dept. store.
12 Sweet Scent NOR 20 ------- 99.6 In battle: Raises users accuracy.

In Games: lures wild pokemon (a good way to find the mystical beasts?)

Tollbooth leading to route 34
13 Snore Feed NOR 15 40 99.6 Causes damage with a 30% chance of flinching the enemy pokemon. Only works while your attacker is asleep. Route 39 (feed 7 berries to Miltank), Dark cave.
14 Blizzard ICE 5 120 70 Like R/B/Y but with shafted accuracy. 70% is a low accuracy rate but it has 10% chance of freezing Goldenrod game corner
15 Hyper Beam NOR 5 150 90 Causes damage. Nice power but the move takes two turns (one to recharge afterwards) so body slam does more damage overall. However a good move to use if your pokemon is on the brink of death and can't learn selfdestruct/explosion Celadon game corner
16 Icy Wind ICE 15 55 95 A weak ice move but with a shafted blizzard and a 10% chance of lowering opponent's speed it may be your only icce choice if Ice-beam cannot be learned naturally and the ice-punch TM has already been used. Beat Bryce at mahogany gym
17 Protect NOR 10 ------- ------- Prevents all damge for one turn however accuracy decreases with use Celadon dept. store
18 Rain Dance WAT 5 ------- ------- It powers up waters moves while at the same time it makes solarbeam a 3 turn move and cuts grass healing effectiveness. Additionally it gives thunder the accuracy of swift! Slowpoke well (requires strength and surf), Celadon dept. store
19 Giga Drain GRS 5 60 99.6 causes damage, 1/2 the damage taken by the opponent is given to the attacker as HP Beat Erika at celadon gym
20 Endure NOR 10 ------- ------- Stops user fainting on the next turn no matter what (deadly if the user knows flail or reversal) Burned tower (stength required)
21 Frustration NOR 20 ------- ------- Damage increases if pokemon is unhappy. Finally pokemon abusesers have a move that rewards you for mistreating your pokemon. This move are capable of 100 power if the attacker is unhappy enough 5th floor of Goldenrod Dept. store on sunday
22 Solar Beam GRS 10 120 99.6 A powerful two-turn grass attack. With sunny day solar-beam doesn't need to charge up, with Rain dance it takes 3 turns to attack. Route 26
23 Iron Tail STL 15 100 75 Causes damage with 30% chance of lowering defense but only 75% accuracy Beat Jasmine at Olivine gym
24 Dragon Breath DRG 20 60 99.6 causes damage with a 30% chance of paralyzing Beat Clair at blackthorne gym
25 Thunder ELE 10 120 70 A powerful electric move with 30% chance of paralyzing. However it has low accuracy but with the use of rain dance it is given the accuracy of swift (an attack that never misses) Goldenrod game corner
26 Earthquake GRND 10 100 99.6 The same as R/B/Y. Lotsa power, excellent accuracy but it doesn't affect flying type pokemon 2nd floor of of Victory road
27 Return NOR 20 ------- ------- Like frustration except it rewards you for you for treating your pokemon well 5th floor of Goldenrod dept. store on Sunday
28 Dig GRND 10 60 99.6 On the first turn the attacker digs underground and on the second it attacks. The power of dig has been reduced since R/B/Y but is still a good dodge move however if earthquake is used while your pokemon is underground it'll take double damage. National Park
29 Psychic PSY 10 90 99.6 Causes damage with a 10% chance of lowering opponent's spec. defense Celadon Game corner
30 Shadow Ball GHST 15 80 100 Causes damge with 20% chance of lowering spec. defense Beat Morty at Ecruteak gym
31 Mud Slap GRND 20 20 100 causes damage with a 10% chance of lowering opponent's accuracy Beat Falkna at Violet gym
32 Double Team NOR 15 ------- ------- Raises user's evade. Teamed with rest/recover this is lethal Celadon Game corner
33 Ice Punch ICE 15 75 99.6 The replacement for Ice Beam TM. Not as powerful but it does have a 10% chance of freezing 5th floor of Goldenrod dept. store
34 Swagger NOR 10 ------- 90 Confuses opponent and doubles their attack rating. The method behind this move is to have them hurt themselves more in confusion Olivine lighthouse
35 Sleep Talk NOR 10 ------- ------- Uses a random move while the user is asleep. Only works when the user is asleep Underground of Goldenrod city
36 Sludge Bomb POI 10 90 99.6 Causes damage with a 30% chance of poisoning the opponent Tollbooth on route 43 after beating team rocket in Mahogany
37 Sandstorm RCK 10 ------- ------- Damages both pokemon for 5 rounds unless one of the pokemon is part Ground/Rock/Steel. This move overrides other moves like sunny day, etc Route 26, Celadon dept. store
38 Fire Blast FIR 5 120 85 A powerful fire move with a 10% chance of burning your opponent Goldenrod Game corner
39 Swift NOR 20 60 100 Causes damage, never misses. Lethal with a swords dance combo Union cave
40 Defense Curl NOR 40 ------- ------- Defense increases each turn for up to 6 uses. If you use rollout right after this the base damge will double Mt. Mortar
41 Thunder Punch ELE 15 75 99.6 Causes damage with a 10% chance of paralying 5th floor of Goldenrod dept. store
42 Dream Eater PSY 15 100 99.6 Causes damage to opponent, 1/2 of damage taken by the opponent is used to restore the attackers HP. Only works when the opponent is asleep Viridian city
43 Detect FGT 5 ------- ------- Does exactly the same as TM 17, but with less PP Lake of Rage
44 Rest PSY 10 ------- ------- Restores all HP and status changes like paralyzation and burn but the user loses 2 turns sleeping. Note: status changes such as Double team, minimize, swords dance, etc are not affected by rest. Ice cave
45 Attract NOR 10 ------- 99.6 Prevents opponent from attacking if it is of the opposite sex to your current pokemon Beat Whitney in Goldenrod gym
46 Thief DRK 10 40 99.6 Steals items from wild Pokemon Mahogany team rocket base
47 Steel Wing STL 25 70 90 Causes damage with a 10% chance of raising user's defense Rock tunnel, route 28
48 Fire Punch FIR 15 75 99.6 The fire version of the ice and thunder punches with a 10% chance of burning the opponent Goldenrod dept. store
49 Fury Cutter BUG 20 10 95 Power doubles if used consecutively Beat bugsy in Azaela gym
50 Nightmare GHST 15 100 ------- Damages a sleeping pokemon to 1/4 of its max HP every round, so it will faint in 4 turns Route 31 (bring the route 35 guard's spearow to the portly man)


HM Attack Type PP Pow Acc% Brief Description Location
01 Cut NOR 30 50 95 In battle: causes damage

In game: cuts tress that block your way

Ilex forest
02 Fly FLY 15 70 95 In battle: pokemon uses first turn to fly up high and on the next turn it attacks

In game: flies you to where you wanna go

Cianwood city, talk to chuck's wife after earning the storm badge
03 Surf WAT 15 95 99.6 In battle|: a good water move

In game: lets you surf on water

Ecruteaak city (beat the dance hall)
04 Strength NOR 15 80 70 In battle: causes damage

In game: lets you move heavy boulders that block your way

Olivine city
05 Flash NOR 20 ---- 70 In battle: decreases opponents accuracy

In game: lights up dark caves

Sprout tower
06 Whirlpool WAT 15 15 70 In battle: binds opponent for 2-5 turns

In game: destroys whirlpools in the water

Beat team rocket in Mahogany
07 Waterfall WAT 15 80 99.6 In battle: causes damage (a weaker version of surf)

In game: climbs waterfall

Ice cave