My name is Cinderblock, and I am a freak! Why, you may ask, did I start this web page? It's simple - there just aren't enough messed up but amusing sites out there. Anyway, enjoy the site!
In my spare time I enjoy harrassing Christian teens on the internet, worshipping various cult leaders (including Princess Diana and David Bowie), and hanging out with my friends, the Pigeons.
Ah yes, my friends. My friends are a very strange mix of imaginary-cult worshippers who despise furbies. OK, so I'm the one who despises furbies, but still...
Neopets - the most addictive site in the world
My incredibely strange and untrue story
My friends' new site
The pigeon community - if you are a pigeon, you may be amused

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Cinderblock's Messed Up Web Page
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Jamie's sign, in case you can't read it, says "I HATE YOU ALEX"
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get this gear!
Hi! I hope you all enjoy Cinderblock's web page - it really is messed up!
Pigeon Songs