Welcome the web site where you can view and explore content featuring the original Empress of Evil, for those who adore her in her evilness. For those who don't know (which I hope is no one who visits this site), Rita Repulsa is an intergalactic sorceress featured on the Power Rangers show! Check the board for updates. Long live the Empress!

RitaRepulsa7755, Webmaster



Character - Who and what Rita is.
Biography - Rita's story from birth to purification.
Sentai - Information on Rita's Sentai counterpart, Bandora.
Other Productions - Information on Rita in other productions besides Sentai or Power Rangers.
Actresses - Info on the women who portrayed Rita.
Merchandise - Info on all merchandise released of Rita.

Images - Images galore!
Fan art - Drawings by me and others, as well as comic book art

Message Board -
Chat with me or fellow fans on the site! Check the board for updates.

THANKS AND CREDITS-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I am obliged to give thanks to Joe Rovang, who extensively worked on the Biography of Rita Repulsa, which I have learned much from. The works of John Green, who allowed us all to view for the first time the 5.5 Rita action figure (or at least a prototype). My biggest thanks goes out to ABC Family who has replayed so many episodes, and further allowed me to learn of Miss Repulsa. For a few toy images, I thank my new-found friend Josh. And to all other Rita fans for supporting me and inspiring me to put together this shrine.



The sub-companies created to produce Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie were Rita Enterprises (in America) and Tengu Productions (in Australia).



 :|: Rita Repulsa was the first main villainess to face the Power Rangers.

 :|: Rita was the longest lasting villainess of Power Rangers.

 :|: Rita is actually based on the Japanese evil queen Bandora, played by Soga Machiko in the hit show Zyuranger.


For large Rita fans, make sure to take a peak at Joe Rovang's Biography of Rita Repulsa, a real masterful work chronicling Rita's life from birth to purification.

Also check out Evil's Domain, an excellent, upcoming guide to ALL Power Ranger Villains!


Rita Repulsa, Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie, Mighty Morphin' Alien Rangers, Power Rangers Zeo, Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Power Rangers Turbo, Power Rangers in Space, the logos thereof, their characters, likenesses, and situations are copyright 1993-2004 by Saban Entertainment and/or B.V.S. Entertainment, Inc. Bandora, Kyouryuu Sentai Zyuranger, the logos thereof, their characters, liknesses, and situations are copyright 1992-2004 by TOEI, Inc. This publication is not meant to infringe on any copyrights held by Saban, Toei, Bandai, Disney, BVS, 20th Century Fox, The ABC Networks, or its employees. The information herein is subject to being wrong (though I hope it's not) at no risk to the maintainer of the site.