Heralding from an unknown planet, perhaps within the M51 Galaxy, Rita Repulsa had been pushed hard to memorize spells and the ways of evil, by her tyrannical father Master Vile. Through years of study, she grew to become a potent sorceress, but dreamed of dominion, and thus broke away from her father with lust for planetary conquest.

Fueled by her reckless ambitions, Rita apparently led enough successful invasions to draw the attentions of Zordon, the warrior-sage of Eltar, whose undying purpose was to safeguard the universe from evil’s harm. For two millennia, the witch waged a fiery war against him, laying waste to countless planets in her wrath.  But weary she grew of his intervention, and thus sought other means in which to attain triumph. Offering a truce, which was eagerly accepted, Rita used the brief ceasefire to imprison her adversary within a time warp, abandoning his essence within dimensions afar. Zordon, however, would not allow evil to prevail. Mustering his diminishing strengths he swept the empress and her court into a space dumpster and sentenced them to an eternity of incarceration.

The canister, magically sealed, drifted through the cosmos for over ten thousand years, concealing the enduring wrath of Rita Repulsa, slowly aging in her fury. But one fateful day, in the Earth-year of 1993, the dumpster was uncovered by a pair of human spacemen, intent on exploring a new planet which had orbited into the solar system. Of course, their curiosity bested their common sense, and led them to unlock the seal, and thus release the evil empress within.

Once free, Rita took residence in her ancient quarters on Earth’s satellite, Luna, and commenced the breeding of her Putty Patroller soldiers, which were abruptly sent to conquer the planet. However, Zordon, too, had found way out of his entrapment, and established communication with his cohorts; and upon learning of Rita’s escape, gathered a small militia of his own, consisting of five beings, armed with the great energies of the Power Coins. As Power Rangers, this small armada of teens proved invincible, wielding the strengths of the ancient dinosaurs in order to vanquish each of Rita’s vile combatants, each more terrible than the last.

Rita, of course, was not one to take kindly to defeat, and thus resolved to bring into play her deadliest weapon, the Green Ranger. Selecting the teenager, Tommy Oliver as her candidate, the witch sorcerously imbued the power within him, and enslaved his mind to her bidding. Blinded by Rita’s dark magic, the evil Ranger ventured out to decimate all in sight, and nearly succeeded in ridding the world of Zordon. But just as the sage was recovered, Rita’s spells were extinguished, as he provided the secret to success. The Green Ranger proceeded to join with the forces of light, and gradually evolved into Zordon’s greatest warrior, able to counter the worst of Rita’s attacks.

Fuming, Rita next conjured a candle, the Green Candle, which contained a galactic wax which linked to Tommy’s essence, and was thus able to slowly return his energies into Rita’s possession. However, just when she thought she had triumphed, Rita was deprived of the power, as Tommy bestowed his coin to Jason, the Red Ranger, making it inaccessible to the sorceress.

And though the team lacked its most potent Ranger, the forces of Zordon still proved a great match against Rita’s monsters, even with the summoning of the demon Lokar, and Goldar’s ancient war-zord, Cyclopsis. Circumstances only worsened with the return of Tommy; but by this time, Rita’s efforts had come to be quite pathetic, and this only attracted unwanted attention….

Enraged with her lack of success, Rita’s enigmatic overlord, Lord Zedd stormed the palace and banished the sorceress into yet another dumpster, but to prevent her escape, rendered her powerless, as well as shrunken to the size of a doll. Rita vowed to one day return, and after several weeks, crash-landed on the Earth, precisely in the suburbs of Angel Grove, the city where she had launched the bulk of her attacks.  The ignorant Rita was taken by a pair of mischievous teenagers, Bulk and Skull, who sought to open the dumpster, with hope that what laid inside would provide the identities of the Power Rangers. Zedd’s magical seal proved too sturdy for human tools, but after all the prying, Rita herself was able to push off the lid, and emerge, thirsty for destruction. Unfortunately for her, the Rangers had discovered her release, and were able to reimprison her before she could escape.  Thrown into the cosmos once more, the sorceress directed the canister towards the moon, with plots to exact vengeance on her merciless lord.

After landing on the moon, the shrunken Rita made her way into the laboratory of Finster, having heard of how he had so deeply reminisced of her days of rule. And thus, making herself known, she was enlarged, and unveiled to the devoted creature the scheme in which she would conquer the heart of her master. With use of a love tonic, she resolved to poison the now dormant Emperor, and thus cause him to fall victim to love, and in turn, marry her. Once wed, the two would vanquish the Rangers side by side, and Rita would take command of empire.

As ambitious as it was, Rita’s plot thrived, at least to a certain degree. The sorceress managed to intoxicate Zedd, and wed him, but she could not further proceed with her plans. For the mighty Rangers once again stood unconquerable, and despite combined efforts, the evil pair time and again failed to challenge them. Rita was utterly dismayed; she loathed her over-zealous husband, and forever wished to see him fall. However, while at first Zedd struck her as revolting, Rita gradually fell for him, as he did her, and began to accept the team they had formed.    

Embracing the marriage, Rita dropped her conspiracies, and lusted to spend more time with her ‘Zeddy’, continually pestering him for a second honeymoon; though it was at this point that he began to cringe at her voice. Nonetheless, the two blissfully celebrated their anniversary, and were afterward appalled with the arrival of Rito Revolto, brother of Rita, who brought greetings to the newlywed couple, as well as a batch of Tenga Warriors.

And by that time, Rita had concocted yet another plot to unleash upon the Power Rangers. Bewitching Katherine, a teen new to Angel Grove, the sorceress sent her to befriend the Ranger teens and acquire any information that proved advantageous to the evil forces. Kat, however, possessed a potent instinct to act justly, and neutralized Rita’s magic after weeks of service. The infuriated witch repeatedly tried to in someway penalize the girl for her treachery, but continued to fail, even with aid from Master Vile. The decrepit war lord took command of the palace, to Zedd’s dismay, and successfully reversed the Earth’s time, leaving the Rangers as children. After Vile’s departure, Rita and Zedd were able to vanquish the power coins, and clandestinely implant an implosive underneath their opponent’s headquarters.

However, though victory was on the brink, Rita and her spouse were foiled once more. The Machine Empire, on a path to decimate all in sight, arrived to the Milky Way in want of Earth, and thus chased off the villain couple just as they had ‘won’.  And on Rita’s request, the villains escaped to her father’s home, and there took refuge until they mustered the courage to return. The sorceress, her husband, and her subjects traveled the moon’s surface in a Winnebago, fuming with schemes to conquer the Empire as well as the Rangers. And after months of failed attempts, Rita and Zedd managed to detonate the head of the Machine Empire, having left them a ‘peace offering’, actually a bomb!

Months of rest and retire ensued, and despite long-standing plans to renew their assaults, the couple’s vigor for conquest had apparently diminished. A year after the destruction of the Machines, Dark Specter, chief of the United Alliance of Evil, called all into his service, and revealed his scheme to expunge the energies of the recently captured Zordon. Evil beings of across the universe, including Rita and Zedd, reveled in his doings, and eventually participated in his assault to invade the entire universe.  And in the Vica Galaxy, Rita, fueled with adrenaline, led the armies to imminent success, before a wave of light, released from the tube of Zordon, purged her of her evil, and left her as a human, to live blissfully ever after with her now human husband.


RITA FUN FACT: The sub-companies created to produce Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie were Rita Enterprises (in America) and Tengu Productions (in Australia).


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