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Computron  - The Transformers (G-1), Hasbro
Meat and Potatoes; 5.0
Perks; 5.0
Homer Factor; 5.0
Description;   As if mergers weren't high tech enough, here are the Technobots! 

Computron is a five vehicle, G-1 merger.  The central torso vehicle is a futuristic fighter/bomber.  The limbs are each a futuristic version of a drill-tank, sports car, motorcycle, and fighter jet. 

Each vehicle transforms into individual robots and merges into the mighty robot Computron!  The vehicles also come with their own weapons armory of weapons for both 'bot and vehicle mode.  . 

Nothing like a Transformers merger to keep you happy!  Lots of smaller robots merging into a bigger robot with lots of weapons, more transformations and... oh yeah! ... sorry, lost control there, didn't I?  You get the idea, though; Transformers mergers rule!  However, not all combiners are created equal, and there are many little things that make a GREAT merging 'bot.  Well, until we get The Ultimate Merging 'Bot, what do we have to placate the masses?  Good news there are a number o' great pieces out there; Daltanius, Ultra Megazord, and Piranacon are just a few possibilities. 

What's the big deal if they all do the same thing?  Well the beauty is they don't.  In each figure, there's something a bit different that makes each combiner very special.  With Daltanius it's the tons and tons and TONS o' extra weapons.  With Ultra Megazord it's merging a bunch of biiiiig robots to make a REEEEEEEEEALLY big robot.  With Piranacon it's having the individual robots transform into either limbs or a super-weapon the larger, merged robot can use.  And Computron?  Sorry, no mega-special weapons, no 25" tall merging 'bots, and a decent but not huge assortment of extra weapons.  What you do get is a very well done Transformer composed of 5 equally butt-kicking, heavily armed robots.  What more could a toy fan ask for!  Bwahahahahahahhahahaha.

The meat and potatoes on the piece are very good.  G-1 Transformers from this time displayed a great combination of detailed sculpts, good paint jobs, and decals that added a bit of extra detail on each piece.  Not, it's not the same as a Gundam-level paint job and sculpting, but this is from the '80s AND it didn't cost $100 bucks at the time, so we'll take it.  Each figure is a futuristic vehicle, which adds to the fun.  No plain cars or merging chipmunks here.  We're talking one biiiiig fighter/bomber, one well-armed motorcycle, one butt-kicking drill-tank, one cool looking jet... and a sleek sports car.  Hey, I never said it was perfect.  The painting/color on the piece is rather odd, but somehow works.  The vehicles are orange, maroon, and white.  This sounds very weird... frankly, it sounds like a giant creamsicle, but it works rather well on this piece.  Articulation is... hey, remember, this is a G-1, so the articulation is pretty stiff.  Shoulders only on the individual 'bots, and on the biiiiig 'bot as well. 

But it's the perks that get you with this one.  Each vehicle transforms into a robot, and then each one merges into the super-warrior Computron!  At about 10" in merged form, this guy isn't to toyed with.(Ouch, bad, unintentional pun.)  And of course each of the robots has their own hand weapons, and they come with removable weapons when they're in vehicle modes.  Sweeeeeeet.

Homer factor is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay high.  Hey, it's a merger that combines some bad-ass looking vehicles into one big, honking robot.  What more could a fan-boy/girl want?  ... ok, technically more detailed sculpts, 30 points of articulation, lighting/sound effects, but for the time, this rocked!   

Over all, this piece is one baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad, biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig robot.  Perfect to throw-down against Devastator!  Oh yeah!