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Roy's Toy Shelf
Who Am I?
So who is the creator of Roy's Toy Shelf?  Would you believe I am a master programmer who works by day for Industrial Light and Magic, by night a mild-mannered toy collector?   Didn't think so... ok, how about a Oscar winning actor enjoying a moment of anonimity as a toy collector?   Fine.  Alright, here's the real me, which is an odd journey all it's own. 
Vital Stats;
Born June 19, 1969, Hilo Hospital, Hilo, Hawaii.
Height; both my parents are Japanese, I AIN'T that tall!
Weight; um, I plead the fifth, however my body type is very huggable.
Eyes; brown
Hair; black... and I refuse to acknowledge the occasional streaks of grey!

Class of 1987, Hilo High School (Go Vikings!!!!!)
Class of 1992, Syracuse University, Bachelors in Speech Communication, School of Visual and Performing Arts (Go                Orangeman!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Current location;;
Resident of Columbus, Ohio.  
Occupation; Monday through Friday from 8 am - 5 pm a phone-rep for an insurance company.  The rest of the time a sci-fi/fantasy fan who's also a budding screenwriter.

Survey Info;
Ok, so technically y'all should know this if you've read the page, but here's a crash course on this fan-toy.  Hehehehe.   

Favorite Books; 'The Belgariad' by David Eddings, 'Final Frontiner' by Diane Carey, the Honor Harrington novels by         David Webber, 'A Cook's Tour' by Anthony Bourdaine, and dozens more too many to mention.

Favorite Comic TPB/stories/characters; Iron Man, Batman, 'The Dark Knight Returns' by Frank Miller, 'Iron Man #200'       by Denny O'Neill and Mark Bright,  Usagi Yojimbo, 'JUstice Leage of America' by Grant Morrison, and thousands of           issues from near and far.

Favorite movies; 'Lord of the Rings' Trilogy, 'Inherit the Wind', 'LA Confidential', 'The Matrix', 'Ghost in the Shell', 'Star      Trek II - The Wrath of Khan',

Favorite foods; Korean-style barbecue, Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ice cream

Hobbies; toy collecting, surfing, writing screenplays and assorted rambling for this page, movie watching, restaurant                 hopping, cooking, and more and more as the days pass. 
Ah, a pic fo my Ren Faire costume.  Woohoo!
Ok, so where did all this get started?  Yes, yes, I LEFT HAWAII TO LIVE ON THE MAINLAND.  No, I'm not insane, although everyone thinks otherwise. 

Let's start at the beginning.  I was born and raised in Hawaii, which is great not only because of the weather, but because of JAPANESE ANIMATION.  KIKU, channel 13 was dedicated to broadcasting Japanese programming into Hawaii; samurai shows, soap operas, and most importantly, anime.  No, this isn't the high-end stuff of today, we're talking the OLD stuff, like 'Reideen,' 'UFO Daiapolon,' 'Geta Robo-G,' 'Go Ranger,' 'Kikaider,' among a very, very, very long list of others.  Along with the shows, just about every store in Hawaii also carried Popy and Chogokin from Japan.  I know, I know, it was  GOLD MINE!!!!! 

While most kids traded in their die-cast Dragun for sports, I still kept mine...ok, most were destroyed in assorted battles in the dirt and in the bathtub, but a large portion of my collection stayed in one reasonable piece.  Granted, not mint, but still very playable.  The years passed, but the collection still stayed around.  The collection probably led me to my first academic interest; aerospace engineering.  I dreamed of one day being able to build something transformable, like very other anime fan who had aspirations of making things fly.  Hey, if you could be an engineer, wouldn't you want to build a Cyclone motorcycle as it appeared in 'Robotech'?  

In the midst of this I discovered a passion for science and doing presentations before groups.  Yeah, I was one of those geeks who LOVED doing presentations, and was into forensics and dabbled in drama.  Perhaps that should have been a hint to what my real passion is, but I'm getting ahead of myself. 

Even after I left Hawaii for school at S.U., I still kept parts of my collection with me.  My Powermaster Optimus Prime has been with me for over 12 years now.  ... lord, that's a scary thought, isn't it?  LOL.  It was at Syracuse that I hit a HUGE academic block; yes I was good, but not THAT good.  After a few bumpy moments and one year of the Engineering department telling me I needed a year off, I came upon something just as interesting and much less stressful; speech communication. 

I graduated in five years, sanity in tact, and my collection in tow... and getting a little larger.  I worked at a comic shop in Syracuse for 3 years and REALLY got into the industry.  Unfortunately, I didn't have MONEY considering where I was working, but I now was surrounded by information about new products, companies, little bit of everything.

Suddenly, what was an interest became a hobby.  I moved to Columbus in '95 and finally got a REAL job, i.e. I got vacation, insurance, I could afford FURNITURE.   Woohoo!    Time passed... and the collection grew... and grew... and... wow, there is a LOT of stuff here!

More time passed, things change, and suddenly the collection grew to about 300 pieces.  So what does one do with a collection?  SHOW IT OFF!  DUH!  Hence this page.  It started off VERY small, with just a few reviews, then over time my other interests, like books and movies, started to get some time on this page as well.

So where am I now?  Still working in Columbus, and a budding screenwriter who's gotten five scripts completed in the sci-fi/action/horror genre', some very positive reviews from assorted folks who have edited my work... and searching for The Break.  I wasn't kidding about how things change. 

So ends the biography, but the journey never ends.