Pass32 Assembler - Pro32 Debugger - Pro32 DOS Extender - Parallel Programming for Turbo Pascal - Land of Gareth - Adventure Game
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Version 1.8

The Pro32 Debugger for analyzing protected mode programs

These are the main features of the 32 bit protected mode debugger:

- load Pro32 programs / load 32 bit binaries
- disassembler function
- display register and selector register contents
- display the FPU registers and status
- vga 80x50 mode for good overview
- hex dump function
- watch data types (words, int, double)
- view source code (Pass32)
- trace, step, run and goto function
- set / reset breakpoints
- view exceptions
- interrupt the running program
- reload / restart the program
- program arguments
- Quickhelp for the DPMI API including displaying of the RM Register Table
- store/restore video mode, palette register
- Windows 3.x, Windows '95 and WinNT 4.0 and linux DOS EMU compatible
- full 32 bit support
- sensible exception handler
- absolutely free

What's new with V1.8?

FPU fully supported
VGA 80x50 Text mode

Want to read the file first?:
  • PRODB.DOC file
  • For more luxurious protected mode programming: Free Assembler:
  • Pass32 Assembler
  • To download the debugger - Click here:
    Pro32 Debugger (about 70 KBytes)

    Pro32 Debugger

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    Dieter Pawelczak, August 1997, March 1998, May 1999, Nov. 1999