The WebOwner

Name: The WebOwner/?
Age: ?
Alias: *Usagi*; Leodraco; Kuri; Docta K
Purpose: Author; webmaster
As the WebOwner, not much is known. Over thirty websites done from free time or motivation, but still little profile out there. You'll notice (for those that know them) when the WebOwner writes a story they always base characters and plots on real people or situations. Angel War has the same deal going on. They'd like to leave an author's note for Diamond Calibur series:

   "Please realize this story seems so fast and lame to me in my mind because it is difficult to get everything I created onto paper. There is so much detail I wish I could've put into this two-saga series. I just hope you the reader can put as much imagination into it and get into it as much as you can in order to see what I see, and to know what I know about my creations. Try to keep this in mind as you read so you can see the dimensions and experience the dramatic feelings towards each character as they are real for they are real."--The WebOwner 2003
Animé © respective owners. Site is owned by The WebOwner. Layout designed by Miko Reznor. </td> </tr> </table> </center> </body> </html>