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    The Clinton Legacy
    Clinton's legacy: 
    Usurping the Constitution
    Presidents have always used executive orders; even George Washington used them. The difference is, however, the same as it always has been with Clinton: character. Presidents like Washington used them correctly -- to manage the Executive Branch of government. Others though, and especially Clinton, have used them to govern the country, as if he were a king and his executive orders were monarchical proclamations to be obeyed without question.
    Jon E. Dougherty

    The Clinton Syndrome
    THE LAWYERS, FLACKS, HACKS AND GOOD DEMOCRATS who assured us that it didn't really matter that the President was a pathologically dedicated liar—because, you will recall, he only lied about that which gentlemen should lie about—might now wish, in light of the Cox Report on Chinese espionage, to revisit their position.
    Michael Kelly

    Still Hanging On
    To the morally alive it is astounding that the disgraced 42nd president is still lumbering up and down the halls of the White House, grinning to aides and visitors alike, leering at the pretty girls. More astounding, members of the press, after being lied to and smeared, are still finding threads of gold in this bum's old rags. We are coming to the bloody end of the most bungled war in American history. As a diplomatic endeavor it is certainly among the most bungled. Yet the other day the Washington Post ran a vintage 1962 "Crisis in the Oval Office" piece. Since this yokel from an Arkansas dog patch first tripped into the White House and commenced to jog through Washington traffic in his underpants, our Liberal friends in the press have been glimpsing visions of Camelot in his vulgar travesties. Never does he fail to disappoint their hallucinations with some new and unsurpassed gaucherie. Yet always they come back to the same old delusion: Boy Clinton, a Kennedy in rustic's raiment!
    R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr.

    Clinton's WomenAll the President's Women
    Clinton women share vulnerability, abuse and destroyed reputations as traits
    Clinton admits Lewinsky eroded his moral authority as President 
    President Clinton admits last year's Monica Lewinsky scandal had eroded his moral authority to marshal U.S. support for the war.
    Capitol Hill Blue

    Chairman Hansen Accuses Clinton Administration Of "Abuse of Power"
    The Clinton Administration was strongly criticized for it efforts to avoid public and Congressional input in the designation of major national monuments during a Congressional oversight hearing today.

    Quotes on the President's Actions

         12 February, 1999

         By Various U.S. Senators
         CNS Information Services

         (Editor's Note: The following quotes regarding President Bill Clinton's conduct,
         which led to his impeachment, were made by senators who voted to acquit the
         president on both Articles of Impeachment Friday. They are taken from a variety
         of CNS and other media accounts of the impeachment proceedings.)

         "(The president) brought shame and dishonor upon the office of the president and
         especially himself." Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)

         "The president's self-indulgent actions were immoral. Disgraceful. Reprehensible.
         History should, and, I suspect, will judge that William Jefferson Clinton dishonored
         himself and the highest office in our American democracy." Sen. Bob Graham

         "It is clear that the president lied when he testified before the grand jury." Sen.
         Chuck Schumer (D-NY)

         "... President Clinton's shameful behavior in an inappropriate relationship has
         caused great pain to his family and the nation." Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ)

         "Most Americans get it. They understand what happened. He didn't tell the truth."
         Sen. John Kerry (D-MA)

         "It will be much more difficult to convince our sons and daughters of the
         importance of telling the truth when the most powerful man in the nation evades it."
         Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-CT)

         "I don't think he was honest. I don't think he told the truth." Sen. Paul Wellstone

         "The question is, does this rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors? I say
         yes. There's no question about his giving false testimony under oath. He did it more
         than once." Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV)

    Clinton Not Shamed by Impeachment
    WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Clinton said Wednesday he does not consider his impeachment ``some great badge of shame'' and that he believes historians will fairly explain the political motives behind Congress' action toward him.

    In an interview with CBS News, Clinton said he felt ``honored'' that the impeachment gave him a chance to defend the Constitution. He said the American people clearly saw that driving the impeachment was an attempt by Republican congressional leaders to undermine the good works of his presidency.

     "I want to say one thing to the American people,'' he said, wagging his finger at millions of viewers. "I'm going to say this again. I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky."

    "No question that an admission of making false statements to  government officials and interfering with the FBI is an impeachable offense. ... I think it is plain that the president should resign and spare the country the agony of impeachment and removal proceedings. I think the country could be spared a lot of agony ... if he's go on and resign. There's nothing left to say. There's no point putting this country through an impeachment since he isn't making any pretense of innocence now. ... This country has suffered so long."
    - Bill Clinton, on Richard Nixon; 08 August 1974

    The following quotes from Bill Clinton's presidential inaugural addresses were located on the Internet. After being elected in '92 and again in '96, Clinton spoke to the nation about such lofty issues as "personal responsibility" and "decency", and warned us all to avoid that which would "stain the legacy" of the late 20th century.

    (Bill Clinton, perhaps recruiting the spin team he is assembling in 1992)
    "This beautiful capital, like every capital since the dawn of civilization, is often a place of intrigue and calculation. Powerful people maneuver for position and worry endlessly about who is in and who is out, who is up and who is down, forgetting those people whose toil and sweat sends us here and pays our way. "

    (Clinton laying the groundwork for plans to stall legal actions against him)
    "And so I say to all of us here, let us resolve to reform our politics, so that power and privilege no longer shout down the voice of the people."

    (Clinton on the importance of being a responsible citizen)
    "Our founders taught us that the preservation of our liberty and our union depends upon responsible citizenship. And we need a new sense of responsibility for a new century. "

    (And again, Clinton on the importance of personal responsibility)
    "Each and every one of us, in our own way, must assume personal responsibility -- not only for ourselves and our families, but for our neighbors and our nation."

    (Clinton on how the Dow Jones average pales in relation to the importance of "decency")
    "Prosperity and power -- yes, they are important, and we must maintain them. But let us never forget: The greatest progress we have made, and the greatest progress we have yet to make, is in the human heart. In the end, all the world's wealth and a thousand armies are no match for the strength and decency of the human spirit."

    (And the clincher: Clinton eerily predicts that something will "stain" the legacy of the late 20th century...)
    "My fellow Americans, as we look back at this remarkable century, we may ask, can we hope not just to follow, but even to surpass the achievements of the 20th century in America and to avoid that which stained its legacy? "

    Incredibly, the final quote was delivered in Jan. '96, in the midst of an 18-month relationship between Clinton and a 22-year-old White House intern, and perhaps only a few weeks before or after the now-infamous "stain" was deposited on Lewin sky's dress in the Oval Office, one of the nation's most hallowed places.

    Proposed Artifacts for the Clinton Library in Arkansas

               Barrett Kalellis
               February 3, 1999

           News reports from Little Rock, Arkansas, indicate that
           groundbreaking for a brand-new Bill Clinton presidential library
           could begin as early as this year. Indeed, the President himself
           targeted about $100 million for this effort from his Hollywood soul
           mates during 1998. Building a presidential library and museum
           today is usually an automatic response by hometown yokels
           whenever a president leaves office. This occurs regardless of how
           well, or ill, their guy served as Chief Executive, or whether he was
           even re-elected.

           The libraries present the life story of the President as recorded in
           printed documents, diorama exhibits, contemporary media reports,
           and assorted personal memorabilia, often including recorded
           narrative descriptions of his great achievements and tribulations in
           office. As a public-spirited gesture, and since the project is yet in
           the planning stages, I would like to modestly suggest that the curator
           of the Clinton library consider the following list of items for
           procurement. Not only would these mementos clearly represent
           many of the defining moments of Clinton’s political life, but they
           would be sure to keep the attendance in Little Rock at record levels
           for years to come:

           A full-figured navy blue cocktail dress, slightly stained.

           A photographic film of Presidential DNA genomes.

           A marijuana roach, smoked but never inhaled.

           A copy of Walt Whitman’s “Leaves of Grass”, personally dedicated
           to a Miss Monica S. Lewinsky.

           A set of worn kneepads, monogrammed with the Official Seal of
           the President of the United States.

           A cedar box of “Lewinsky Sweets,” 25 premium cigars each
           hand-dipped in the “Essence of Monica.”

           A volume of Krafft-Ebing’s Psychopathia Sexualis (a reference
           work for the enrichment of library patrons).

           Clinton’s December 1969 “I loathe the military” letter to Colonel
           Eugene Holmes, breaking his promise to enter the Arkansas ROTC.

           Clip of memorable Clinton finger-wagging “That Woman”
           declaration, (in video loop format for continuous play).

           Confirmation receipt to Hillary Rodham Clinton for one day’s
           profitable trades in cattle futures.

           Press photo of Arkansas Boys Nation delegate Clinton shaking
           President John F. Kennedy’s hand, with the “I want to be just like
           you” gleam in young Bill ’s eyes.

           One box of Rose Law Firm Whitewater billing records (newly

           Leather chair from the Madison Guaranty Savings office, in which a
           sweaty Bill Clinton put the blocks to David Hale for a $300,000
           loan to Susan McDougal.

           Missing Vince Foster office files, purloined in the dead of night by
           scurrying HRC minions.

           Life-size diorama of Craig Livingstone seated at desk, rifling
           through 900 FBI files of Republican officials.

           Wax figure of Hillary Clinton in “Pretty-in-Pink” press conference

           Wall chart visually diagramming the “vast right-wing conspiracy”
           network, with heavy explanatory tome (including recent supplement
           listing Arkansas haters) on hanging chain.

           One pair Presidential boxer shorts.

           Gennifer Flowers’ under-the-bed audiotape cassettes, for earphone
           playback listening.

           Working animatronic model of Clinton in Blues Brothers garb,
           playing “Thank Heaven for Little Girls” on alto saxophone.

           One copy of the Office of the Independent Council’s Referral to
           Congress, September 9, 1998.

           Scorecard of Clinton golf game in which he claimed to “break 80”,
           with annotation listing holes with multiple mulligans, foot wedges
           and 6-foot gimmes.

           Large 4-color flowchart of original Clinton Byzantine health care
           proposal (on loan from Bob Dole).

           “Soul-cleansing” David Watkins memo with HRC’s “We need the
           slots” directives in White House Travel Office firings.

           Framed “grip and grin” photograph of Bill, Hillary and Johnny
           Chung in the Oval Office.

           Two Articles of Impeachment, U. S. House of Representatives,
           December 19, 1998.

           A signed letter from William Jefferson Clinton resigning the Office
           of the Presidency (empty frame).

           Barrett Kalellis writes commentary The Detroit News op-ed pages,
           and is a commentator for Michigan Public Radio. He lives in
           Pinckney, Michigan.

    Clinton in Panic In Africa

    Publications calling for Clinton's resignation

    For president, we need someone who's the opposite of Jerry Springer
    (And if you believe the Polls!)
    The American public is still deeply divided, according to a recent Gallup Poll showing that:

    72 percent of the public agrees with the statement "President Clinton has been punished enough."

     71 percent of the public agrees with the statement "President Clinton has not been punished enough."

    73 percent of the public agrees with the statement "The Grand Canyon was created by a race of fierce, prune-eating hamsters from space."


     Craige McMillan - commentary

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