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Free on the Net

    The Perils of Being Second Banana 
    Seventy-five percent of Americans say the national economy is doing well, but only 16 percent of Americans say Al Gore deserves any credit for it. 
    ABC News
    Biased Press (So what else is new?)Gore's Gaffe on Gun Laws 
    During a speech before the U.S. Conference of Mayors in New Orleans, Gore erroneously told the audience that 18-20 year olds can purchase handguns, even though a nearly 30-year old federal law forbids the sale of handguns to anyone under the age of 21. 
    Conservative News Service 
     Algor(e)ithms from Rightgrrl 

    The Times Unofficially Endorses Gore 
    LAST THURSDAY, in an astonishing editorial, The New York Times unofficially endorsed Al Gore over Gov. George W. Bush for president in the 2000 election. 

    First, does the paper really believe that Americans don’t “know enough” about Al Gore after he’s been in office for seven years? I think they know he claimed to invent the Internet; said there was “no controlling authority” that prevented him from making campaign solicitations from his office; that on the day Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives, Gore, at that infamous White House pep rally, insisted that his boss will be remembered as one of the greatest American presidents; and that despite his current mantra of “family values,” honesty is apparently not one of them. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have railed against the tobacco industry in 1996, exploiting his sister’s death of lung cancer in 1984, when he had bragged in Southern states during the ’88 presidential primaries that he tilled tobacco like any hard-working farmer. 
    The Mugger 

    Al Gore's future and the future of the nation. 
    Let's start by being brutally honest. Just between you and me. In the weeks since the Monica Lewinsky story thrust itself upon the national consciousness, I bet you have found yourself, on more than one occasion, sitting in your tiny West Wing office, just down the hall from the Oval, daydreaming about what it all could mean. 

     You know what I'm referring to: the scandal continuing to spiral out of control. More deceptions, more tidbits from the Tripp tapes. Lewinsky cuts a deal with Starr. The full story spills out--the presents, the dress, the late-night visits to the president's study, the message he may have foolishly left on Lewinsky's answering machine. A chastened and beleaguered Clinton sees no alternative. A nighttime address to the American people is hastily organized. An emotional mea culpa. A resignation. Noon tomorrow. And then, the next morning, a tearful farewell to the staff in the East Room, a walk across the South Lawn. He boards Marine One, a defiant wave good-bye. Then you walk solemnly back to the White House. The chief justice is there. Tipper is holding a Bible. Your moment in history has arrived.... 
    Daniel Casse 

    A down home look at Gore 
    Reinventing government is one thing, reinventing Gore is another. 
    Nashville Tennessean 

    Meet the Patron Saint of the Net 
    Vatican has a preference, and it's not Al Gore! 
    BBC News 
    Reach Out and Tax Everyone! Vice President Al Gore is set to double the tax on your phone  bill by hiking the "Gore Tax" and socking taxpayers with billions of dollars in new taxes.   Gore's scheme sounds innocent enough: Let the Federal Communication Commission silently  siphon money from your phone bill - labeled a Universal Service Charge on your monthly bill -  to connect schools and libraries to Gore's invention, the Internet. 

     Kind of Fishy?  But Gore wasted countless taxpayer-dollars by paying his old political crony,  Ira Fishman, $250,000 a year to run the program (more than any other federal employee -  including Bill Clinton), and just 4 percent of the $2 billion that schools requested so far has  gone to pay for actual Internet access - the rest went for bureaucratic overhead, and ripping  up walls, repairing carpets and even putting in new computers. Gore also missed the news that  over 80 percent of schools are already on the Net.   Plus he must've forgot that Article 1,  Section 8 of Constitution, says only "Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes."  Is  this what Gore means by "Reinventing Government?" 

     Reach Out: The FCC is set to finalize the Gore phone-tax hike at the end of May, unless - of course - we keep Gore and the FCC's phones ringing: 

     GOP Solution - Cut Phone Tax and Wire Schools: Congressman Billy Tauzin (LA-3) introduced a bill (the Schools and Libraries Internet Access Act) to clean up Gore's mess by slashing $3.8 billion in federal telephone taxes - while investing $1.9 billion to hook up schools and libraries to the Internet.  His approach avoids Gore's bureaucratic disaster by giving the money and decision making back to the states outright. 

     Vice President Al Gore 
    Address: Vice President Al Gore 
    Old Executive Office Building 
    Washington,D.C. 20501

    W A S H I N G T O N, May 27 — Vice President Al Gore called today for quick House action on gun control and accused Republicans of plotting to please the gun lobby by delaying a vote on Senate-passed restrictions. 
    Laurie Kellman 

    Gore: Finger on the Trigger - or in the Wind? 
    Vice President Flip-Flops from Pro-Gun, To Pro-Gun Control 

    Al Gore yesterday cast a tie-breaking vote to stiffen federal gun-control laws in the name of all families suffering from gun violence.  But just like his record on tobacco and taxpayer-funded abortions, gun control depends on which way  the wind blows: 

    For Tougher Laws: "'I personally would like to dedicate my tie-breaking vote to all of the families suffering from gun violence,' Gore told a news conference after the vote." (CongressDaily, 5/20/99) 

    Against Tougher Laws: Gore has voted consistently in the past to make it easier to obtain firearms.  In 1990, Gore voted against stiffening a proposed semi-automatic weapons ban and against prohibiting the sale of large-capacity magazines.  (CQ Vote #102:  Motion agreed to 82-17:  R 42-2; D 40-15,  May 22, 1990) 

    Against Waiting Period: In 1985, Gore voted against a 14-day handgun purchase waiting period. (CQ Vote #141:  Motion agreed to 71-23:  R 46-5; D 25-18, July 9, 1985) 

    Exempts Gun Collectors: Gore voted to exempt many gun collectors from licensing requirements, remove the ban on interstate sales of rifles, shotguns and handguns and require advance notice for routine compliance inspections.  (CQ Vote #142:  Passed 79-15:  R 49-2; D 30-13, July 9, 1985) 

    Which Vice President is the  
    King of Gaffes? 
    Gore Has a History of Silly Flubs and Boasts, and the Networks 
    Have a History of Ignoring Them 

    Happy Birthday Albert 
    WASHINGTON -(March31) Today, our esteemed Vice 
    President Albert Gore celebrates his 51st birthday.  Like 
    most people, we wonder what do you get for the man who 
    inspired the novel "Love Story" and invented the Internet? 
    Here are some ideas: 

    So this is what Al Gore believes? 
    "There is not a single passage in that book that I disagree with, or would change." 

         Al Gore, Gannett News Service, 3/23/99, talking about his 
         1992 extremist manifesto, Earth in the Balance. 

    Save Trees, Not People? 

     "It seems an easy choice - sacrifice the tree for a human 
    life - until one learns that three trees must be destroyed 
    for each patient treated. … Suddenly we must confront 
    some tough questions. How important are the medical 
    needs of future generations?" 
         -- Page 119, Earth in the Balance 

    Say 'Bye-Bye' to the Family Car? 

    "Within the context of the SEI (Strategic Environment 
    Initiative), it ought be able to establish a coordinated 
    global program to accomplish the strategic goal of 
    completely eliminating the internal combustible engine over, 
    say, a twenty-five-year period." 
         -- Page 325-36, Earth in the Balance 

    American Children Are Destroying Our Planet? 

    "Any child born into the hugely comsumptionist way of life 
    so common in the industrial world will have an impact on 
    the environment that is, on average, many times more 
    destructive than that of a child born in the developing world." 
         -- Page 308, Earth in the Balance 

    Barefoot Boy from Embassy Row 
    Delivering Calves with 'Bare Hands'? 

    Gore on national agriculture talk radio show, Agritalk, 3/19/99: 

         " 'I've had some experience in farming myself.  I was raised 
         a good part of my life on a farm. I've cleaned out hog lots. 
         I've planted. I've harvested. I've taken up hay all day in 
         the sun, and then after a short dinner break help neighbors 
         take it up by moonlight before the rain came.  I know about 
         a lot of things that people who have never been on the 
         farm don't know anything about.' 

         Then he added: "I've helped deliver calves with my bare 

    Get a Grip! 

    Internet Al, Down On The Farm 
    From the Weekly Standard, March 29, 1999 
    Click Here For Weekly Standard 
    Well, the vice president's life has been vastly more interesting than you thought.  It turns out that, before being elected to Congress and inventing the Internet, Al Gore was also the son of a sharecropper in Tennessee.  Or at least that's how it sounded in Gore's  March 16 interview with the Des Moines Register:  "I'll tell you something else [my father] taught me," said Gore.  "He taught me how to clean out hog waste with a shovel and a  hose.  He taught me how to clear land with a double-bladed ax.  He taught me how to plow a steep hillside with a team of mules.  He taught me how to take up hay all day long in the hot sun." 

    How preposterous.  Even when he tries to slum, Gore betrays his blue-blood upbringing.  Real farmers, even poor ones, have been hiring bulldozers to clear land since before Al Gore was born, or at least using chainsaws.  Only  a hobbyist would use an ax.  Not to mention, no responsible farmer since the Dust Bowl days of the 1930s has plowed a steep hillside; you don't want your topsoil to get washed away.  As for the mules, it occurs to THE SCRAPBOOK that maybe one of them kicked young Al in the head.

     "A parent should not have to be saying good morning or  good night to their child from a cell phone because they're stuck in traffic," said Vice President Al Gore on Monday, announcing "a major new federal effort" to help commuters.  Unfortunately, he wasn't talking about lending Air Force Two to people who need to get home in a hurry.  Instead, Gore wants the federal government to start issuing traffic reports over the phone to people who call a national three-digit number - sort of like "911" for rush-hour information. Parents can use their cell phones - everyone has one, right? - to call. 

    That's awfully considerate of the Vice President. If he were an actual commuter, of course, he would know that almost every radio station in America provides local traffic updates with annoying frequency. But that’s probably not apparent when your limousine's cassette deck plays whale noises all the time. 


    The Ill-Educated Al Gore 
    Al Gore doesn't want to be president of the United States. 
    He wants to be president of a national school board. 
    Tuesday, May 18, 1999 

    Veterans for Gore AWOL 
    (From Veterans for Gore 2000's web-site Click Here

         "Due to the poor leadership performance during the current 
         military involvement in Yugoslavia, the failure of the 
         Clinton/Gore Administration to achieve an expedient 
         termination of this crises, the staff, members and 
         supporters of Veterans for Gore 2000 have elected to 
         stand down this website of three years until and if better 
         leadership is demonstrated and mission success appears 
         speedily forthcoming. 

         "Veterans for Gore 2000 are terribly disappointed in the 
         sluggish and incompetent manner American military forces 
         are being deployed and managed. 04 May 1999." 

    'Internet Al' Commits Another  
    From the Los Angeles Time, Wednesday, April 7, 1999 

    DNC labeled Al Gore 'A Radical Environmentalist' 
    Highlights from a 1992 memo by DNC staffer Jonathan Sallet to the Clinton-Gore campaign 

    The Selling of the Vice Presidency 1998 
    Super-Lobbyists Advise Gore -- What Do They Get In  Return? 

    "Once Vice President Al Gore's domestic policy adviser, 
    Greg Simon still counsels Mr. Gore as he prepares to run for 
    president in 2000. But Mr. Simon's principal job now is 
    offering advice to clients who have business with the federal government. 
    As Reported By Jonathan D. Salant of the Associated Press 

    Gore's Cartoon Image 
    Not even Walt Disney has ideas as 'cartoonish' as these: 

    Al Gore's Endorsement of Lower Incomes 
     "Where might Mr. Gore's extremism come from?  Mr. (Gore 
    biographer Bob) Zelnick sees it as a personal character 
    pattern.  If so, it may be unfixable.  But some of is also 
    comes form Mr. Gore's adherence to the playbook of 
    far-out environmentalists.  In 1990, Paul Ehrlich and Anne 
    Ehrlich's book The Population Explosion called for reducing 
    per capita income, reducing Social Security, increasing 
    foreign aid, doubling gasoline prices, and favoring 
    regulations telling Americans how many children they may 
    have.  Sen. Gore wrote a blurb for that volume:  'The time 
    for action is due, and past due.  The Ehrlichs have written  the prescription…'" 

    --Ben Wattenberg, The Washington Times, 
    April 15, 1999 

    Gore Angry Over Clinton's Airing Of  Campaign Concerns, Aides Say 
    President's Attempt at 'Damage Control' Appears to Backfire 
    Ceci Connolly 
    'Chung-Ching': Gore Still Soliciting from Chinagate Donors 
    Under questioning by Judicial Watch, Chinagate witness Johnny Chung reveals that "Vice President Al Gore recently mailed [Chung] an invitation to a fundraising event in Los Angeles, both at his home and office. Chung was also recently solicited by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee."
    FCC Expected to Levy "Gore Tax" 
    Opponents say the Executive Branch agency is overstepping its jurisdiction by levying its own tax, a power granted in the Constitution only to the House of Representatives. In Congress, Rep. Billy Tauzin and Sen. Conrad Burns have introduced the "E-Rate Termination Act" to strike the schools and libraries provision from the Telecommunications Act of 1996. 


    Gore claimed at a staged photo-op that"one-click" 
    tools making the Internet safer for children were 
    conceived at the White House "around a table here in the 
    Roosevelt Room two years ago."  However, several 
    computer industry executives involved in the "one-click" 
    program immediately took issue with Gore's latest cyber-gaff. 

    "It's too bad Al Gore can't invent a truth filter for himself 
    that would delete his fantasies about creating the Internet 
    and developing improvement to make it safer," Nicholson said. 

    Battle Lines on Y2K Liability Catch Gore 
    in Cross-Fire 
    High-tech CEOs, many of whom have been courted by Gore, want the 
    vice president to take an aggressive stand for legislation to limit liability for 
    damages resulting from Y2K computer failures. Trial lawyers, in contrast, 
    want to retain as much leeway as they can to sue for damages, and are 
    pressing Gore and the Clinton administration to remain in their corner. 

    "Al Gore has to chose between his trial lawyer friends and his high-tech 
    friends," said John Feehery, spokesman for House Speaker J. Dennis 
    Hastert (R-Ill.). "It's a huge problem for them. Do they want to support 
    one of the engines that had kept our economy growing at an exceptional 
    rate or their buddies in the trial bar who haven't done anything to make the 
    economy grow?" 
    Washington Post 

    Bush "Racist" Critic Joins Gore Campaign 
    The Gore 2000 campaign announced that Donna Brazile will join the campaign as political director next month.  Brazile was also a top-ranking official with the Michael Dukakis for President campaign 11 years ago, when she accused Bush's campaign of being racist because of advertisements which illustrated the problems with the furlough program by showing pictures of Horton, a prison inmate who committed murder while out of prison on a weekend furlough during Dukakis's term as governor of Massachusetts. 

    But it wasn't Bush who initially noted the prison furlough issue and the program's shortcomings. It was Brazile's future boss who did so in the spring of 1988, when then-Senator Gore was seeking the Democratic presidential nomination. 

    Stop by and see what Gore has "created" today! 

    Gore looking for fixes to his poll problems 
    WASHINGTON (AP) - Vice President Al Gore's campaign advisers are 
    searching for strategies to deal with persistent problems that show up in 
    public opinion polls: A majority of people aren't convinced he's a strong 
    leader and many don't find him a compelling presidential candidate. 
    USA Today 

    Gore the blunderer 
    Urges Democratic faithful to stand by him 
    London Telegraph 

    Clinton tries to get some credit, too 
    Defends Gore's claim to creation of network 
    Associated Press 


    Vice president and Renaissance man 
    About the only pursuits in which Gore did not claim to be an expert were bonsai and origami, 
    although for all we know, he is not only accomplished at those two arts but also a virtuoso 
    pianist and sturdy mountain-climber who scaled Mount Everest without bottled oxygen. 
    R. Cort Kirkwood 
    Ottawa Sun 

    ABC commits a gaffe on a Gore gaffe and CNN digs out the video 
    of Gore boasting in 1988 about tobacco that "with my own hands, 
    all my life, I've put it in the plant beds and transferred it. I've hoed it. 
    I've suckered it. I've sprayed it." And that was four years after his sister 
    died, a passing he exploited at the 1996 Democratic convention for an 
    emotional speech about why he’s so committed to stopping kids from smoking. 


    Gore told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer: "I've traveled to every part of this country 
    during the last six years. During my service in the United States Congress 
    I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving 
    forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to 
    our country's economic growth, environmental protection, improvements 
    in our educational system...." 

    Dan Quayle can only dream of getting away with something like that. 
    See Media Research Center's Report on how the press handles AlGore with kid gloves. 


    NH GOP Boss Raps Gore's Visit 
    New Hampshire GOP Chairman Steve Duprey Friday accused Gore 
    of "putting politics over policy ashe visits New Hampshire to campaign 
    while our young men and women are engaged in war over the skies of 
    Scott Hogenson 


    Gore - Dot - Not: VP Surfs for a Website 
    "Where do you want to go today?" asks the TV ad touting the avalanche 
    of information available on the Internet. You can go anywhere, it seems– 
    as long as you don't want to go to the official Al Gore for President web site. 
    Justin Torres 

    Reinventing AlGore 
    The biggest problem Al Gore faces is how to defend his defense of 
    President Clinton. In 1987, Sen. Al Gore, then running for president, said 
    he wanted to "restore the rule of law and respect for common sense to 
    the White House.'' He added that Americans of both political parties 
    "have been shaken by the betrayal of public trust ... and the dishonesty of 
    public officials .... Any government official who ... lies to the United 
    States Congress will be fired immediately.'' 

    Gore made those comments about the Reagan administration, but claims 
    his own is honest and ethical. What Segal said about love could be said 
    about Gore: He never has to say he's sorry -- his ideas are sorry enough. 
    Cal Thomas 

    VP Gaffes 

    Farmer Al 

    Michael Kelly 

    It pays to be friends of Al 
    With so many potential scandals to choose from, Attorney General 
    Janet Reno seems to have grown a bit persnickety about the appointment 
    of independent counsels. No more so, though, according to  her Republican 
    critics, than when allegations of wrongdoing concern Vice President Al Gore. 
    Insight Magazine 

    Gore says he once slopped hogs,  
    drove mules 
    When Vice President Al Gore opened his Iowa campaign this week, 
    his privileged upbringing as the son of a senator was nowhere in sight. 
    Instead, he talked about how he slopped hogs, drove mules, built homes 
    and cleared land -- by hand and with a double-bladed ax, no less. 

    The man running for president was a boy who lived and was schooled in the 
    rarefied air of Washington, spending summers and congressional breaks on 
    the family farm in Tennessee. But as far as Iowans could tell, it was all 
    sweat and no refinement. 
    Associated Press 

    How Gore created the Internet 
    He was 21 at the time, 8 years before going to Congress 
    Wired News 

    Lott Teases Gore on Internet Claim 

    Prompted by Vice President Al Gore's claim that he created the Internet, 
    Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott made a surprising revelation of his own 
    Friday, taking credit for inventing the paper clip. 
    Michelle Mittelstadt 
    Associated Press 

    Internet Al and the Year 2000 
    Like Vice President Dan Quayle, Gore too will be most remembered for 
    words, not deeds ("No controlling legal authority" comes to mind). Last 
    week, as the revelations of widespread Chinese espionage were 
    emblazoned upon the front pages of major newspapers all over the 
    country, Gore was not found huddling with advisors and intelligence 
    personnel, trying to assess damage and formulate solutions. No, instead 
    he was before a crowd of traffic reporters, trying to sell them (and the 
    country) on the notion that we don't need traffic reporters, because a 
    new expensive federal bureaucracy dedicated to providing traffic reports 
    for the entire country from Washington, DC is a much better way to 
    relieve traffic congestion. Cell phone, anyone? 

    If that blunder wasn't bad enough, yesterday the vice president stepped 
    on his phone cord when he boasted to the world that he, Albert Gore, Jr., 
    was the inventor, creator, mentor and father of the Internet. 
    USA Journal 

    Armey Praises Gore for Internet Creation 
    Armey reacted Thursday saying, "If the Vice President created the 
    Internet then I created the Interstate highway system. Both were 
    begun during the Eisenhower Administration and I think Ike actually 
    deserves a little credit here." 

    Gore linked to Chinagate 
    Judicial Watch names him as defendant 

    Global warming theory debunked 
    Ancient CO2 levels rose after temperatures 
    Associated Press 

    After the Chicago Bulls won another NBA championship, Vice President  Al Gore marveled at the team's star player. "I tell you, that Michael  Jackson is unbelievable, isn't he? He's just unbelievable. Three plays in 20 seconds." Previously, Gore declared that a leopard cannot change its stripes, mistranslated the Great Seal's *e pluribus unum* as "out of one, many," and claimed that he and his wife Tipper were the real-life models for the Ivy League couple in Erich Segal's *Love Story*, an assertion the author felt obliged to correct. While touring Monticello during an important photo opportunity in 1992 as vice president-elect, Gore asked the guide about all the white marble busts that lined the walls. "Who are these people?" he asked. Somewhat taken aback, the guide hesitated, then identified George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson...
    Gore Blasted by APEC Officials 
    Malaysia's newspapers led with headlines such as: ''AL GORED!'' 
    and ''Chorus of Outrage over Veep's Gross Interference.'' 
    This is Clinton's protégé? 
    See No Dissent, Hear No Dissent 
    Newspapers Pretend Scientists Skeptical of Climate-Change  
    Theories Don't Exist 

    Tom White's latest editorial cartoon takes an 
    appropriate stab at the techno-veep 


    Al Gore and Maxine Waters Rebuffed 
    New York Post 

    Al Gore's high-tech star is beginning to fade. 
     Anthony B. Perkins 
     The Red Herring magazine 
    November 1998 

    Time To Spell It Out 
    A          Aberrant 
    L           Lunatic 

    G           Gerrymandering 
    O          Oaf 
    R          Risky 
    E          Embarrassment 

    —Northwest Distressed


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