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    Racism has been used as an excuse for personal irresponsibility and inaccountability. While racism (in all forms) does exist, cultural mores are very difficult to adapt. Much as been made of multi-culturalism without addressing this particular issue.

    'Hate Crimes' Not Big Problem in Race Relations
    VIOLENT CRIMES LIKE MURDER, assault, robbery, and rape cause far more damage to U.S. race relations than officially recognized "hate crimes," a study based on federal crime statistics concludes. The study reports that some 1.7 million violent interracial crimes involving blacks and whites are committed annually. But in 1997 only 4,105 of those were deemed "hate crimes" under the Hate Crimes Statistics Act of 1990, according to a study by the New Century Foundation, based in Oakton, Va.

    Although Americans most often think of "hate crimes" as acts by whites against racial minorities—such as last year's killing of James Byrd in Texas by three white ex-convicts—the majority of violent crime across racial lines are committed by blacks against whites, the study finds.
    Robert Stacy McCain                   The Issue - Racism

    Republican National Committee Chairman Jim Nicholson
    today sharply criticized 150 Democrats who opposed a
    resolution that would have condemned racism,
    anti-Semitism, ethnic prejudice and religious intolerance.

    "The 150 Democrats who went on record yesterday against
    a resolution condemning 'hatred and bigotry wherever and
    in whatever form they may be found,' have demonstrated a
     willingness to give common decency a back seat to strident
    partisan politics," Nicholson said.

    Bleeding heart white liberal racists 
    John Doggett

    Investment maager called a "bigot" by Texaco executive
    "As someone that invests in Texaco and invests for clients in Texaco, my concern was, is Texaco hiring the best people for the job, or was the company simply aggressively pursuing" a
    race- and gender-based agenda without giving consideration to employing qualified
    personnel. Mowen said his clients would have an interest in whether or not Texaco was hiring
    the most qualified personnel.
    Jon E. Dougherty

    Bill Lan Lee: Flouting the law
    The Civil Rights Division filed briefs in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth
    Circuit defending the constitutionality of contracting preferences on the basis
    of race and sex in Houston Contractors Association vs. Metropolitan Transit
    Authority of Harris County. Lee also filed a brief in the Sixth Circuit in Safeco
    Insurance Co. of America vs. City of White House, Tenn., defending an
    Environmental Protection Agency regulation requiring contractors to "assure
    that small, minority and women's businesses are used when possible as
    sources of supplies, construction and services.'' The division argued that the
    regulation is "outreach'' and "does not require race-conscious decision-making
    affecting any individual.'' Sure, like that Buddhist temple fund-raiser was
    "outreach'' by Vice President Al Gore.
    Cal Thomas

    Look who supports a people-of-color tax
    Linda Chavez

    Moseley-Braun puts foot in mouth, again
    Has to apologize for use of racial epithet
    --Chicago Tribune

    The Brown bomber strikes Justice Thomas
    ---Larry Elder

    Mother Nature's unfairness
    --Walter Williams

    Reason Magazine - Affirmative Action Articles

    Upstream: Race Index
    Upstream: Issues: Affirmative Action: Index
    Columnist Admits to Fabrications




    Not out of Africa reviewed by Lynne Cheney

    Willful distortions of history by Mary Lefkowitz

    The myth of a 'Stolen Legacy' by Mary Lefkowitz

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