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Below you will find some miscellaneous pictures taken in Venice and surrounds.

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The following photos were scanned in from prints, so the quality is not all that great. Clicking on each of the pictures will display a larger image.
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Venice Beach - The Esplanade
This is a view looking north, taken a little north of Aldea Mar. The large concentration of people in the center of the photo is where the public beach at the end of Venice Avenue is located. On the left of the picture is the jetty that marks the southern end of Venice Inlet.
Venice Beach - South
This photo was taken from near the jetty at Venice Inlet looking south along Venice Beach. In the center of the photo, the Venice fishing pier extends into the Gulf of Mexico.
A fixture in the Aldea Mar neighborhood is Gertrude - the Great White Egret. Or is this Gilligan, the other egret that hangs around? Of course, this bird isn't to be confused with the White Herons that also inhabit the area. They are slightly smaller than the egrets and have yellow legs, as opposed to the black legs of the egrets.

Gertrude is seen here perching on the front half-wall that encloses the lanais of each condo.
Brown Pelican
At the jetty, the pelicans are almost tame as they tolerate humans approaching fairly close. They can frequently be seen flying along the surface of the water and occasionally flying up and diving into the waves for fish. When they do this, be on the lookout for dolphins... diving pelicans are a sign that dolphins have herded some fish together for feeding.
For some reason, this is one of my favorite photos that I have taken on Venice Beach. The sun was low in the sky, approaching sunset and allowed the sand to take on a darker tan than when the sun is high. The westering sun also caught the waves in an interesting manner.
One of the best parts of vacationing at Aldea Mar is the ability to see a beautiful sunset almost every night. No two are the same. On this night, clouds off in the Gulf did much to reflect back the orange color.
Touching the Horizon
This picture was taken the same night as the previous.
Again, this photo was taken the same night as the two previous. Homeowners with condos that face the beach have the added bonus of watching the sunsets from their lanais.