Welcome to our little home on the Internet

(Sorry about the ad in the corner, it will minimize eventually... it keeps this web site free.)

At left: A couple strolls on Venice Beach at sunset.

As featured on...

Where did the Family content go?

Well... it's been moved to a private site. Seems our little ol' web site has been "discovered"! The creators of EverythingVenice.com have included a link to THIS web site on THEIR web site because of our photographs of Venice, Florida. You might want to check out THEIR site for lots of information about Venice... just click the banner above. (used by permission)

The Family pictures were just a little to much to share with the public at large. If you are a member or close friend of our family, then you will have the URL to our new Family-only web site.

About this web site...

I don't much get into fancy effects on a web site. They take a long time to load, and they don't thrill me that much. I'm just gonna give you the straight poop. The majority of the web site consists of pictures we have taken from time to time, here and there. Along the left margin are links to the various sections of the site. Some of these sections may have more than one page. For instance, when you open the "Florida" page, other page options become available, such as the page created to show damage from Tropical Storm Gabrielle.

About the photos...

The pictures were taken with a mixture of cameras. I have tried to indicate whether the photo you are looking at was scanned from a print, or taken digitally. Print photos could have been taken by one of three cameras... a Pentax 105-R zoom camera, a Canon AE-1 (the original, not the Program) or a Minolta Maxxum 450si. The digital pictures were taken with our Olympus D-490Z (2.1 megapixel).

All photographs on this web site (unless specifically credited) are © Steve and Lisa Bergeron. Some selected high-resolution photographs are available to the public domain on our Webshots! page.

Have fun!

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