This site mostly concerns Shadowrun, and the campaign that four of us have going on.  You know who you are...
    To the rest of you, of if you're not one of my players:  I might question why you're here, but I'm not going to complain.  It's your time.

As time goes on, it will get more likely that I'll start putting stuff from other RPGs in which I have had the pleasure of participating.  What kind of stuff?  Well, that's an easy question. 
Unfortunately, my time is running out, so I can't answer that at the moment.  What a shame.
For now, the site is basically Shadowrun stuff.

Note: Although this site is essentially on the bottom of the strata as far as web sites go, there's one thing this one has that many others I've seen don't:
  I tend to spell things correctly.  At least that's somethign.
Last SR info update:  7/05/00
Updated the Summet page, the Byron page, and the Brown page
Welcome to what I whimsically refer to as a "web site."

Shadowrun is a registered trademark of Wizkids LLC.  Original Shadowrun material Copyright 1989-2000 by FASA Corporation, and 2001 by Wizkids LLC.  Rifts (tm) is a registered trademark of Palladium Books.  All rights reserved.  Used without permission.  This site and use of FASA's and Palladium's copyrighted material  is not meant to be a challenge to any such copyrights or trademarks, nor is the web author stupid enough to try to do so.

: If ingested, consult a mortician.  If driven insane by this site or the contents therein, the web author is not to blame.  Meant for use by children of all ages.  90% cotton, 10% assorted animal by-products.  Made in Thailand.  Tumble dry low.  Do not iron.  If unsatisfied with this web site, return unused portion for a full refund. Member FDIC.
To use: press the button at the base of the stick several times until product reaches the slits, then dispense desired amount of product to underarm.  Always wear your seat belt.  Do not pass go, do not collect $200.  Please stand behind the yellow line.  Keep all arms, hands, and other various appendages inside at all times.  No payments until the year 2002.  Life is a game that no-one wins.  Fill in each circle completely.  Use a number 2 pencil.  USDA approved grade-F web site.  Existance of this web wite is sufficient proof of author's mental instabilities.  Viewing of this site causes hair loss, giddiness, and a lack of equilibrium.  Keep minimum distance of 500 feet.
I encourage you to send feedback, comments, questions, complaints, or death threats to, or send me an ICQ message.  My ICQ number is 14871866.  I have more than enough time to respond to any and all such messages.
News 10 December 2000- 05 February 2001
A brief message to the players:

I was going to update this site using an actual web design program, but I then realized that I have no idea how to do it.  Forget trying to learn, I say.  Now I've decided to revert to the style of web site I like to refer to as "shitty."

Seriously, though, accept my apologies; I have to resort to using Geocities until I bother to figure out a better way to do this site.  If I knew how to make it better (in appearance, at least), I would.  My goal is to make it this a site that does not cause you to recoil in fright from its appearance (much like myself, now that I think about it), and once I get motivated enough, I'll give it a shot.  For now, though, that takes a back seat to what the site is actually about.  So many months without an update is rather pathetic, even for me, and you guys, the players, deserve better than that.  I'm going to try to update everything that's happened in the game up to the point at which you are now.  I've been kind of busy recently, with schoolwork, with pointlessly studying for tests (as it doesn't seem to help me), and with wasting all my time on computer games that, basically, take a lot less effort to get involved in than working on this site, or on Shadowrun.  It's sad, yes, but it is also true.

I also want to apologize for the fact that we haven't played Shadowrun as much as I'd have liked to recently.  My fault entirely, and I'll try to correct that error in the future.
So, help yourself to the scraps of this site, if you are so inclined, and please tell me whatever's on your mind, at any point.
Later, guys.
Last technical update: 12/10/00
Minor cosmetic changes to the web site
Other RPGs
Some specific things I plan NOT to have on this page can be found here), along with my reasons for why.
(basically the entire site)
February 5, 2001
Added the picture of Summet's character to the Summet page