Rage On!

In the arena of politically-charged rock and rap, groups like Rage Against the Machine set the industry standard for entertainers raging against the very country that makes them rich.  Performers like Marilyn Manson, whose lyrics are wrought with references to suicide, drugs, and Satanism, rather transparently reveal that the bane of their existence is the only society tolerant enough to give them a stage.
Disguised as artists with a message, these entertainers’ ideas are presumed to have automatic credibility under the protection of the abstract.  But just like the corporate baloney they pretend to despise, their products are nothing more than a calculated and manufactured means to a profit.

Speak For Yourself

Our often-vocal Hollywood celebrities did not hesitate to reprimand mainstream America and its alleged lavish lifestyle for inciting the 9/11 terrorist attacks.  Yet, no one lives a more extravagant lifestyle than these larger-than-life superstars.  Nobody benefits more from America’s capitalist society than these anti-capitalists.  And nobody is more out of touch with reality.  It’s easy to selflessly bemoan tax cuts knowing you’ll still be able to afford your Porsches and Jacuzzis, while the average American struggles to get by.

“Speaking for myself, I don’t need a tax cut.”

    - David Geffen, billionaire music mogul.

The Poor Get Richer

The Left postulates that you have to have money to make money under the American capitalist system.  While it is true that there is a portion of the rich who have inherited their money (the Left is by no means unaffiliated from this, by the way), 63% of the 400 richest Americans according to Forbes are described as “self-made.”

The World According to Bono

“President Bush really should lay off interfering in other peoples' business.  I mean, how would he like it if I were to go over there and tell him how to run his economy, eh?”
    - Bono

“I have made it my personal crusade to see every African child with at least a CD-Walkman within the next twenty years, and I expect world leaders to offer their full support.  If they don't, I'm going to go round there and talk them into submission.”
    - Bono

You Asked For It

The reach of American capitalism into other countries is constantly besieged by the Left.  They insist that American corporations like McDonalds and Starbucks, despite their popularity overseas, simply are not welcome additions to foreign cultures.

America is presently fighting a war against drugs, part of which is an effort to stop imports of illegal drugs into the county.  Yet, illegal drugs come across our borders on a daily basis.  This, we’re told, is because even though American culture is fighting drug abuse, the demand for that commodity is there and thus it simply must be met.

Heads And Tails: