
The Left claims to be pro-choice.  That is the term they use choose to describe their stance on abortion.  The obvious inference is that those who don’t share their views are anti-choice.

But pro-lifers do support choice - they fully support the choice to not get pregnant in the first place.

Where is the Left’s outcry for choice in many Eastern countries where arranged marriage is still an accepted practice?  Where is the Left’s outcry for choice in the People’s Republic of China, where forced-abortion is part of the law?  Or is a forced abortion not as much a violation of choice as being forced to continue a pregnancy?

No Choice

Apparently, the Left’s stance of pro-choice applies only to abortion, because here’s their stance on other issues of choice:

Choice of retirement options, in regards to participation in Social Security or allocation of Social Security funds?  No choice.

Choice of school if your child’s assigned school is not performing up to standard?  No choice.

Choice to own a firearm?  No choice.

Choice of health provider?  No choice.

Choice of spending earned income on a myriad of government-funded, failed social programs?  No choice.

Choice of who to hire for a job or admit into school without having to fulfill racial quotas?  No choice.

Choice for a man to keep his baby from being aborted?  No choice.

Choice for a man to not pay child care for a child he didn’t want?  No choice.

The End of the “Innocents”

The Left despises the death penalty, one reason for which is the chance we’ll make a mistake in judgment.  A fair enough argument.  There’s always the possibility an innocent life might be terminated.

Given the fact that mankind has yet to discover the meaning and origin of life, take that last sentence and apply it to the issue of abortion.

Let’s Hear It From the Victims

Proponents of hate-crime laws, date-rape laws, and other anti-abuse laws which require little or no proof to gain a conviction, often play on the victim mentality.  They say you can’t understand the feeling of a victim until you’ve been one.  People who have never been victimized have no business making laws and judgments based on their lack of first-hand experience.

Do you know any pro-choice advocates who have ever been the victim of an abortion?

He Said, She Said

It’s said by women on the Left that a man’s opinion on abortion isn’t valid, since he can never be in the position to have to make that choice.

As long as men are the recipients of the either having their child aborted against their will, or being forced to pay child-support if they would prefer an abortion, I think they are allowed to have an opinion.

Besides, there are a great number of women who are pro-life.  Alas, women who don’t want men to agree with them!

Mud Slinging

Recently, a group of parents complained about advertisements for the off-Broadway plays “The Vagina Monologues” and “Puppetry of the Penis” that were placed in close proximity to their children’s school bus pickup.  They were rebuked as being prudish and over-protective of their kids.  This is the typical response from the Left in these situations, accusing society of having “sexual hang-ups” and saying there is nothing wrong with elementary school-aged children being exposed to anything and everything our sometimes-salacious world has to offer.

To exemplify the faults of our overly Puritan society, we’re told to look at France.  There, advertisements very often portray full nudity and overt references to sexual acts of all natures.  This is the standard against which we should be measured.

Interesting, then, because: Do you remember this?

A beer commercial featuring two scantily-clad women mud-wrestling, arguing the well-known tastes great, less filling debate.  And it raised quite a stir among the Left, particularly women’s groups including NOW. Where’s the decency, they asked? Not to mention, the NFL was criticized for using this ad during their football games when it was likely that children would see it.

Perhaps then, the issue isn’t sex, but gender?  Anything goes in society where sexuality is concerned… unless it’s men enjoying the sexualization of women.

The Glass Ceiling

The Left would have us believe that corporate CEO’s are exclusively greedy white men, who care only about the bottom line and care nothing for encouraging women into the workplace.

They also purport that the average woman earn less than the average man (although the studies they point to do not factor in level of education, years of service, and expertise required).

If these two items are true, then it must be explained why profit-driven capitalistic men choose not to hire and advance people who represent the cheapest form of labor?
Heads And Tails:
Gender Equality