"The Re-Distribution of Wealth"

The best way to help the disadvantaged people in our society is to help them to help themselves.  Maybe that sounds like psycho-babble, but I believe it's true. 

I do not believe you can help the poor by tearing down the affluent. I just don't think it works.  No, not everyone who is struggling does so by their own fault, nor do they all deserve their situation.  However, the statement still stands.  It's not an issue of fault or blame, it's an issue of improving and moving forward.

Our focus needs to be on better and more accessible education, and an economy that is always providing job openings.  Our focus is misplaced when it's on taking more money from the rich, and handing it out to the poor.

Rather than attacking the problem at its source, those preaching for hand-outs want to apply an endless stream of band-aids. That doesn't solve anything, and actually perpetuates the problem.

The system that best distributes our wealth amongst all people is one where the affluent are encouraged to put their wealth back into the
economy.  But a system where wealth is extorted, and then handed out to the poor as a substitute for earned money, is counter-productive for everyone.

Some may resent the rich for spending fortunes on mansions, garage-fulls of lavish automobiles, and luxury yachts.  But... who builds those mansions?  Those cars?  And the yachts?  These extravagant purchases, which harm nobody, spread money to the working class.

Yes there must be more compassion for the disadvantaged. There must be a safety net.  But at the same time, there are those who are in poor situations by their own neglect and irresponsibility, and THEY must have more compassion for society as a whole, and stop relying on others to fund their continuing bad choices.  We cannot thrive in a system where responsible people subsidize irresponsible people.

Finally, a word of advice to those of you pointing your finger at the rich.  I've found that the definition of "the rich" is amazingly flexible.  Usually it's used to classify anyone with a net worth
just higher enough than that of the accusor as to provide a sufficiently comfortable cushion to separate them.  "The rich" is quite a convenient target, since its definition can change to ensure you are always excluded from it.

Those complaining about the rich should realize this:  a great number of people worse off than you might consider
you to be "the rich".  Perhaps you, they wonder, could get by with a bigger chunk of your paycheck being taken from you. Just thought I'd offer that perspective, because as you point your finger, there are thousands of fingers pointing at you.

Political Opinion