• Ever wonder who I am, what I do, why the hell this site is called something that is slang for vagina? Yeah, here's where to click if so.

  • Because of the crappy writing job for the paper, I developped this need to vent my frustrations in text. Here's my journal, aka bitching forum.

  • Dark, depraved, depressing poetry. If you're into that kind of stuff, it's not half bad really.

  • I used to write for the school paper. It was a fun job, really. 4000 words a week, ye haw. Anyway, here's the crap I came up with.

  • To take you ... ummm, to the homepage.

Well, I like lots of stuff. Like people, and music, and movies, and tv shows, and shoes, and stuff like that. So I compiled my 'Cool' page for things such as these. Just click on the link to be taken to a box designated for that cool person/thing, explaining why it is cool. Or just skim the list, whichever.


Other Stuff

Despite what you may think, this really isn't that hard. You just have to follow these simple steps:

  • Don't compliment me; i do not take them well.
  • Don't treat me like dirt either, i don't take that well either.
  • Don't buy me candles for gifts. Not that i don't like them, i just have like, 2 boxes worth that i have nowhere to put.
  • Do buy me bubble baths. I love Mr. Bubbles.
  • If i look like crap and you're around me, only make one joke about it. Second or more will result in growls, frowns, and possible violence.
  • Don't tell me i am "so like my brother"
  • Do tell me if what i am wearing does look bad.
  • Do tell me if i have something stuck in between my teeth.
  • Don't claim to be better than me at basketball when you're a foot taller than me and can dunk (=P~ Marty)
  • Do point out any html errors i've made on my pages.
  • Don't offer me meat.
  • Do invite me to come get piercings and/or tattoos with you.
  • Be envious of my cable (tv and internet).
  • Like me no matter what color and length my hair is.
  • Indulge my delusions.
  • Understand i prefer jelly beans over chocolate.
  • Enjoy shopping .. for shoes.
  • Like any or all of my favorite things.
  • In general .. be nice! =)

© suraya ~ 2001 - Tea Frogs Inc.