Copyright (C) 2001-2002 TEEN WEB ONLINE.  All rights reserved.  Web Hosting by BINARY NET
Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to be at Columbine the day of the shooting?  Or mabe you have wanted to find out what was racing through students' heads as they tried to escape to safety.  Billy Hallowell recently got a chance to catch all the details in an online interview with Richard Hoover, a surviror or the Columbine Shooting. CLICK HERE to view the entire interview, and to see pictures from the shooting, along with sites you can visit in memory of the students, and teacher who lost their lives.  Check it out!
Teens Who Will Change the World
Every year Teen People Magazine features the 20 Teens who they feel will, have, or are currently changing the world!  We have kept up with them and you can check out the 2001 teens and the 2002 teens working against violence and discrimination!
CLICK HERE to view Teen Web's picks!
WIn this stuff and more!  Check out this free contest from Teen Web Online, and!  It's free to sign up!  All you 'gotta do is answer some quick questions, and you could own the items above!  To enter CLICK HERE
The Columbine Survivor Project 2002 was an awesome experience for more than 1,000 people in the Rochester, New York area!  Next year we take the project to NYC!  CLICK HERE for more info on the 2003 project, pictures, and information from the 2002 project!  CLICK HERE to see project sponsorships!
*Teen Web Chat Room*
*Basic Games*
*Shockwave Games*
*Movie Previews*
*Movie Reviews*
How are you feeling after September 11, 2001?  E.A.911 attempted to find out by hosting an amazing online forum for two months.  The forum allowed teens to interact on how they felt about September 11th, and America's New War!  Although dormant now the web site still is a valuable resource and it is still cool to view the feelings of other teens on the issues that affect you!  CLICK HERE to enter Everything After 9/11!
Even MTV has taken on the challange of inspiring youths to fight for their rights as individuals! CLICK HERE to check out MTV's Fight For Your Rights web site! is a cool hangout for all teens!  Get involved in contests, games, and interact with other teens!  To enter CLICK HERE!  Get involved in the community and use the SHiNE Action Guide CLICK HERE to view this cool community guide to see ways that you can make change as an individual!
Special Teen Web Thank You's: Betsy Forhan (MTV), John Norris (MTV), Tina Dawn, CP Roth, Binary Net, Gertrude Houston (Houston Productions), Richard Hoover, Evan Todd, Stephanie Allman, and Stephanie Schmitt.  Also thanks to all those others who have contributed time to Teen Web and it's endeavors.  All images on this web site may NOT be used without permission which can be obtained through e-mail at:    *     *
Please CLICK HERE to see a brief Teen Web response to the school violence incident in Eufort, Germany.  Teen Web would like to extend it's sympathies to the families who have lost loved ones in this tragedy.  The event shows the importance of working together to fight violence in the United States, as well as around the world.  We need to make the community safe for all of its members.
Teen Web Interviews are in depth, and give you celebrities' and other national figures' insight on the issues that concern you!  Check back each month for more Teen Web Interviews!  Each person we interview brings you their feelings and issues on current events and the low down on their careers!
Tina Dawn
CP Roth
Upcoming singer, Tina Dawn  CLICK HERE
Danya Steele
HarlemLive/Teen People's Danya Steele
CP Roth from "Blessid Union Of Souls" CLICK HERE
Also Check out the in-depth interview with...Columbine Survivor Richard Hoover CLICK HERE
Channel One/Teen People's Errol Barnett CLICK HERE
The Teen Web Anti-violence Center is one of the most vital parts of Teen Web Online.  The Center will give you info on violence, up-to-date-news, organization contacts, and so much more!  If you are researching the topic of violence it is the perfect place to go because it allows for you to view all of Teen Web's anti-violence materials on one web page!  CLICK HERE to enter the Teen Web Anti-violence Center!
Like the Teen Web Anti-violence Center, the Teen Web Anti-discrimination Center is a vital part of Teen Web Online.  The Center serves the same functions as the Anti-violence Center and is an excellent resource on the topic of discrimination! CLICK HERE to enter the Anti-discrimination Center!
Errol Barnett
HIV Activist/Teen People's Alexandra Govere CLICK HERE
Alexandra Govere
C O M I N G   L A T E   2 0 0 2 . . .  Elliot Sloan (Lead Singer "Blessid Union of Souls," Mandy Moore, Michael Essany (Talk show host) and many more!
Evan Todd Columbine Survivor
"Personally, I'd like to see three towers built in the twin tower's place, with the middle one much taller than the other two!  That way, it would look like a giant middle finger directed straight at the people who did this!---TEENAGER ON ATTACK ON TWIN TOWERS
Welcome to Teen Web Online Magazine.  I created Teen Web when I was 15 years old in 1999 as an online community for teenagers to share their views on violence and discrimination and take a stand on issues that were important to them.  We have games, entertainment, chat, ways to get involved, research and facts on youth violence and much more!  Please check out Teen Web and feel free to e-mail me anytime!

Creator/President Teen Web Online Magazine
(For more info on Billy Hallowell
Want news on anti-violence, sports, celebrities, movies, etc.?  Then CLICK HERE to go to the Teen Web News  page for up-to-date headlines on the issues that matter to you!
Visit Teen Web Online's special dedication to 9/11.  The tragedy that occured will last in the minds of all Americans. CLICK HERE to view a special story and much more!  We must all work together to stop all forms of terrorism!  Get  involved and have an impact on your world!
Last summer the US Senate voted on expanding the current hate crime laws, but then they dropped the issue.  MTV is working to bring the issue back up to the surface! CLICK HERE to sign the petition that MTV will send to the US Senate, and help stop discrimination!
MTV's John Norris supports Teen Web Online!  He sent a letter to Billy Hallowell and explained his support for Teen Web Online! CLICK HERE to view the letter!
We have scoured the EARTH looking for places that you can find advice and help with your daily problems! and both offer amazing services!  Check 'em out and get the FREE advice you need! 
Check out "Hallowed Ground," a column featured on (Seeking Harmony In Neighborhoods Everyday), written by Teen Web creator Billy Hallowell!  There are two new articles each month! CLICK HERE to visit a full listing and description of each and every article of  "Hallowed Ground!"
*Britney Spears: To Sexy?*
*Music And It's Effect On  Today's Teenager*
*Wild Orchid Is On Fire In Orlando*
*DISCRIMINATION: There Are No Positives*
If you are researching for a project or you are looking for up-to-date information on current violence and discrimination events please use this section of ROCK THE VOTE. CLICK HERE to access up-to-date news on violence and CLICK HERE to access up-to-date news on discrimination brought to you by ROCK THE VOTE!
Teens!  Get into some convos in the Teen Web Chat Room and share your views on the issues that effect you!  Come on in and CHAT!
Check out SHiNE's Cross Country TEENS!  They traveled the nation for peace!  CLICK HERE to enter SHiNE and to explore!
FEBRUARY 2002--> Billy Hallowell's name will be engraved on the Wall of Tolerance, bring constructed in Alabama to pay tribute to those fighting for human rights!

MAY 2002-->
Columbine Survivor, Evan Todd traveled to Rochester, New York to speak to local students about violence and keeping the peace!

AUGUST 2002-->  TWO's President, Billy Hallowell, is featured in the August 2002 issue of COSMOgirl Magazine!

SUMMER 2002--> 
Teen Web Online and the Center for Youth Services, Inc. in Rochester, New York are developing a video and violence prevention curriculm for schools accross New York State!

SUMMER 2002-->
Teen Web offers columns and spots to teenagers who want to voice their opinions and becomes an online magazine!

SPRING 2003-->
Stay tuned for the Peace Rally 2003 coming next spring!