The Lurch Files



















Thing, contrary to popular belief, is NOT the family pet, but rather a childhood friend of Gomez, who got his origins in Charles Addams 1954 book entitled "Homebodies". Thing moves back and forth through the mansion via customized boxes which are found in every room. The disembodied hand is very helpful, and assists Lurch in caring for the house. Some of Things responsibilities include: gathering the mail, changing records on the phonograph, answering the phone, saving various family members from dangerous or harmful situations, and various other chores for which the family is very grateful.
To the uninformed stranger, Thing can be rather frightening to see for the first time. His love for practical jokes doesn't help matters either. However, with a little time and a chance to see Thing in action, it seems Everyone falls for our "bodily-challenged" friend.
Things greatest attributes are his loyalty to Gomez and the family, and his ability to act as the voice(?) of reason when it seems there is none.

The Classic TV Series

Ted Cassidy
Born: July 31, 1932.
Died: January 16, 1979

While not publicized, Ted Cassidy, who also played Lurch actually signed a contract to play Thing. The producers felt his long fingers and dexterity would only enhace the character. While he did indeed do a great job as Thing, it created complications on the set. Cassidy would have to try and squeeze his giant 6 ft. 9 in. frame in many tight palces using sleds and other moving devices to go from place to place. Most of these devices were noisey and hard to edit out of scenes. (If you listen to a few of the shows, you can actually HEAR the dollies and sleds being pulled from place to place).Another problem was Lurch and Thing sometimes needed to be in the same scene together. In those instances ( 9 shows total), Assistant director, Jack Voglin performed the brief role. To read more of Ted Cassidy and see his biography, go to the Lurch Profile page Here at The Lurch Files.

Ghost Line

The New Addams Family Series

Steven Fox
Born: Unknown

Steven Fox was born in Ontario, Canada, but moved to Vancouver when he was five.
While not aspiring to become an actor ( he is studying aviation) Steven Fox performed different modeling and other odds and ends jjobs to pay for his education. One day an agent asked him if he wanted to try for the part of Thing. Steven actually thought of turning down the part as it would interfere with his training. Fortunately for all of his fans, his Agent told him to think about it. Steven, realizing he had come across an opportunity of a lifetime, called his agent back and pleaded temporary insanity. The rest as the say "is history".We here at The Lurch Files hope that Steven can make his dream of flying a reality soon. Steven sometimes drops by the
message board to chat with his fans. Would you like to leave him a message?

Steven Fox as Thing


Christopher Hart
Born: 1961

Christopher Hart was born in Naniamo, British Columbia, Canada and is a very well respected magician. In fact, it was his dexterity, along with his long thin fingers which landed him teh role of Thing on The Addams Family Movie. Thing proved so good a part for Christopher, he would reprise, it not only in the sequel "Addams Family Values", but in 1998 on the made for video "Addams Family Reunion".
"This Project affords me the opportunity to create the ultimate magic." Christopher Hart said of his role. So magical was his portrayal, that Director Barry Sonnenfeld, went back to the editing room floor and put back into the movie many scenes which had been cut, after seeing the reaction to Thing from special test audiences.
Christopher has had roles in other movies also. He has been seen in the TV movie
"Columbo Goes to the Guillitine" as well as "QuickSilver Highway"
Recently, Christopher Hart played the hand in the new movie"
Idle Hands" as a hellpawned right hand of a 17 year old slacker. Now playing in a theatre near you!

Ghost Line

Ghost Line

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