
Bomb Squadron

Troop Movements

  5 July 1940 - March Field, Ca to Lowry Field, Co
23 Mar 1941 - Lowry Field, Co to Elmendorf Field, Fort Richardson, Ak
  1 Feb 1942 - Elmendorf Field, Ak to Fort Greely, Ak
28 Mar 1942 - Fort Greely, Ak to Amchitka Island, Ak
  4 Jun 1942 - Amchitka Island, Ak to Umnak Island, Ak
11 Aug 1942 - Umnak Island, Ak to Kodiak, Ak
23 Aug 1942 - Kodiak, Ak to Umnak Island, Ak
11 Sep 1942 - Umnak Island, Ak to Adak, Ak
13 Nov 1942 - Adak, Ak to Umnak Island, Ak
21 Jan 1943 - Umnak Island, Ak to Adak, Ak
24 Feb 1943 - Adak, Ak to Umnak Island, Ak
27 Mar 1943 - Umnak Island, Ak to Adak, Ak
  1 May 1943 - Adak, Ak to Amchitka Island, Ak
  1 Jun 1943 - Amchitka Island, Ak to Adak, Ak
  4 Aug 1943 - Adak, Ak to Amchitka Island, Ak
13 Sep 1943 - The unit departed Amchitka Island, Ak for Seattle Port of
30 Sep 1943 - The unit arrived at McChord Filed, Wa
20 Nov 1943 - All personnel were transferred to Hq & Hq Sq, IV Bomber


    Without personnel and equipment from the Fourth Air Force to the European Theater of Operations and assigned to the Eighth Air Force with unit ordered reorganization and equipped at the earliest practicable date by Commanding General, European Theater of Operations, at station to be selected by him, in accordance with T/O & E 1-117, 26 March 1943.

Note:  The 36BS of Eight Air Force Fame was a new unit that was formed in Europe and only carried the name of the 36th.

Squadron Troop Movements
Captain Alex J. Katz - 36BS Pilot
Photographs of the 36th Bomb Squadron

21st         Shemya
36th      Elmendorf Field (26 May 41), Adak; detachment: Ladd Field
73rd     Elmendorf Field (30 Mar 41); detachment: Ladd Field
77th      Elmendorf Field (25 Jan 42-?), Attu (Casco Cove)
404th    Attu (Casco Cove), Shemya
406th     Elmendorf Field, Kodiak

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11th Air Force
XI Bomber Command
XI Fighter Command
28th Composite Group
Bomb Squadrons
343 Fighter Group
Non Flying Units
Fighter Squadrons
War Stories

Always looking for Material and Scans of the 11th Air Force and Associated Units to add to this site.

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