PSI-FORCE #30 - 'The Siberian Project, Part IV: The Serpent's Kin'
April, 1989
(28 Pages)

Cover Artists: Rodney Ramos & Chris Ivy
Writer: Fabian Nicieza
Penciler: Rodney Ramos
Inker: Chris Ivy
Letterer: Rick Parker
Colorist: Nel Yomtov
Editor: Howard Mackie
Assistant Editor: David Wohl
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco

Special notes: I would like to point out little mistakes made between the books involved in this crossover. I don't do these to insult the books, but to point out what should have been corrected. In JUSTICE #29, Justice's forehead is slashed open by Animal. Animal is beaten almost to death in the same issue by Thomas Boyd, the energy-leeching member of Psi-Force. However, in PSI-FORCE #30, Justice's forehead is fine and so is Animal. Justice also uses his sword and shield abilities at the same time (several times) in the PSI-FORCE sections, which he has never been able to do before.

Summary (Continued from the pages of Justice #29):

Rodstvow escapes from the Russian paranormal research facility/prison, looking for the members of Psi-Force (see JUSTICE #29). His appearance stuns all the combatants on the ground below him, who all wonder what they should do. Skybreaker, Ling, Justice, Potiphar, and Thunderhead begin the attack by striking Rodstvow at the same time, sending him crashing into the forest. Rodstvow shrugs off the attack while thinking about what he will do to the more prominent members.

Babel orders a three-pronged assault, the teams consisting of Boyd, Potiphar, Imprint, Backfire, and Troublemaker (carrying Wayne), taking point; Skybreaker, Justice, Kathy and Johnny Do in an aerial attack; and Thunderhead, Coojeechiscue, Shivowtnoeh, and Gatto taking backup for point and following through on point's attacks. The teams find Rodstvow and attack, cracking open the casing on his right shoulder.

Boyd tries to leech some of Rodstvow's power only to recieve a blast in the chest for his troubles. Animal and a member of Medusa Web attack. Animal is set on fire while the Medusa Web member is sliced in half at the waist. Working on the fissure in Rodstvow's shoulder, the group finally manages to crack open the casing, believing that once it is gone, his energy will dissipate and he will die. Rodstvow bursts forth, now only a skeleton surrounded by energy, and begins his attack anew. The group realizes that his bones are being protected from the energy Rodstvow is generating, and convince Johnny to attack Rodstvow with his pyrokinetic ability, igniting the oxygen around Rodstvow's skeleton. A combined attack from Justice and Kathy manages to finally defeat Rodstvow. The group stands in silence, wondering what will happen next.

After the battle ends, Lindsey realizes that Justice means to judge her and the rest of Psi-Force for their actions as Psi-Hawk. However, she rushes into the clearing to tell the group a few seconds too late -- as Justice uses his sword arm to blast Wayne in the back, threatening that all members of Psi-Force must die!

To be continued .... in JUSTICE #30!

Summary written by Rod Myers Jr.

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