The Update Archive

Only another music download today. The video/LD section will probably be the next to receive a good update since I can get away with a lot of copying and pasting.

You may have noticed from looking around, however the Neo CD OST/AST list got updated, the Off Topic page did as well (please lend a hand with that if you can), there are more soundtracks I can now rip tracks for you from, the Video plus MVS pages both have new information and the mp3 page will, finally, be getting a new song for download later today.
?It's HERE. More music 4 U.

Yeah! University is now over for this year. More updates to follow, soom as making $$ comes first for me, hence the nature of this most recent update. Please do check out the sales links above and remember, there's a lot more on the way. Thanks in advance.

Well today I take one more step on the road to old age and retirement, and for all you visitors I have a lootbag by way of this week's mp3 download. More stuff is coming up in the next few days, so keep watching for updates, but until then I'm going to bask in however much joy there turns out to be of turning 21 :)

One more Saturday afternoon mp3 for you. Also an update to the Dreamcast section on the Sega page.

Finally another new mp3 has been posted. Once university subsides I can return to updating this place more often. So the infrequent updates will probably continue for another 3-4 weeks. Enjoy the music.

Happy Easter! Great new mp3 for you today right here. Eat your chocs and enjoy the day for you who celebrate.

Well that took a while. New music for you to download tonight, and it's an extra special treat! Other than that, just an update to the PlayStation list of Neo conversions, plus a small update to the lists of Neo games using original or arranged CD music. Here in Canada, university is winding to a close. For me that means: a lot of upcoming hell. I will try not to neglect this place however don't blame me if updates are slow here for a bit longer.

I said it, I did it. A real update for you the visitors. At last there is more music for you to download. This time around is a threesome of tunes on the mp3 page so I will probably leave it up for more than a week. More on music, the Soundtrack list of requested mp3's has been pleasantly updated. Finally the Sega & Other Systems pages reflect some overdue updates. For the moment I continue to look into alternate plans to keep this site up and running 100%. That being said, please bear with me as the Geocities drawbacks of low-traffic allowance do plenty to shut down parts of my site all the time. Hopefully more to come soon.

Cutting right to the chase, there WILL be an updated this Friday, including yes a new mp3 at last, as well as miscellaneous updates to the rest of the site.

Well, I am still here. After my holiday, this has been keeping me so occupied that I have not had time to update the place: So if you can, help me out here, and enjoy some Neo gaming goodness. I am working to get the site updated soon. The host we were going to switch to, went belly-up, so while alternative plans are being considered, we will be staying right here for the time being.

Updates there are, but more importantly good news. For starters the mp3 page has some aural gold, the Sega and Sony pages got minor updates and there are a number of new single pages + a new listing on the OST list.
The big news is that likely in a week or so we will be moving, to a better, dedicated host. It's because of my limitations with Geocities that I eventually decided to postpone a substantial part of the update, including more photos, more elaborations, and a new page in the works. Can't say how long the move will take, nor when precisely it will occur, though I for one am very much looking forward to this. Stay tuned for more.

Hello again. Well, never mind all that's been eating up my time of late, but here is the beginning of this overdue update. The mp3 page has a nice sweet treat for the ears, the rip page now lists some real goodies and the NEO CD original/arranged list has undergone a correction. This latest update will take me a while, in fact I'm still working on it as I type this, but rest assured, more is on the way. Finally, if you're in need of some NEO·GEO stuff, check out my wares for sale. Thanks.

Hi everyone. Times have been busy for me since our last update, but here at least is a new mp3 as well as an update to the Off Topic page and the video page.

We have a new page! SNK & NEO·GEO clothing. This is just the beginning of it so stay tuned. The Arranged/Original Neo CD list got updated, so did the links with a great site, back after a long hiatus. If anyone can help with Zupapa! info on the MVS page, or anything else there I would greatly appreciate it. Also a new mp3 is now up.

Thanks to some help from a particular visitor the Nintendo page got an update, the Sega page got some Game Gear picture links fixed and there is a note about Viewpoint on the Sony page. Thanks a lot Chad.

Saturday afternoon updates for you all. First of all the Neo CD original/arranged music list has finally been updated thanks to some contributed info. The OST/AST page has also been updated & revised. So has the Other Systems list of ports. Otherwise there's just a few new photos here and there.

Happy new year! Introducing 2002 at here are 3 new mp3s for download right off the bat. The rip page has been updated as well... sadly with deletions, as I was asked to return some CD's. The OST/AST page got the first of what I plan to upkeep as a series of updates: my Japanese abilities won't allow me to give full track listings to more than a couple CD's, so instead I will include what information I can. See The King of Fighters '98 for an example of what's to come, instead of simply a photo. Also there are a few new photos around and, as I'm sure you noticed, the "reality check" and "demise of SNK" bits have been removed from the home page, now to be found within the update archives.

Hello everybody! Tonight there is a (guaranteed) new mp3 update, to bring this site to a close for the year. While I'm all full of ideas, I will say that I plan to tie up many loose ends on this site next year, update other areas, pretty it up here and there... you know how it goes. Also, I am really pleased with how things have gone with the site -despite my diminuating amount of time to work on it I think it's all gone fairly well and thank everyone for constantly returning and generating so much traffic that you repeatedly overload the place.. you are what keeps me updating my little interstice on the web. So while I will soon be making tracks to Europe I nevertheless wish all of you a Happy Christmas and hope you enjoy the holidays. See you next year!

There is another mp3 for download.. but.. well I'm getting the feeling this is the second time I've uploaded this one. If any of you have a better memory than me, drop me a line and I'll find something else to offer. The OST/AST and Anime/Other soundtrack pages have also been corrected/updated. Finally, I haven't gotten around to updating the various e-mail links on the site, however note that my principle e-mail address has a new domain:

As usual, there is a new mp3 for download. The Video page has been updated once more, as has the list of CD's I can rip for download requests.

Incidentally I have a lot of stuff for sale right now, so to find it, follow this link and search with member #40. That's me, & thanks in advance if you buy anything of mine.

A few changes and updates today. The Soundtrack HP and the Off Topic page got a co-update. Be sure to check that out. In addition to that as you can see there is now an update archive link a bit below, as well as a couple pages getting jazzed up. Enjoy.

There's a new bit of music to download today. Hop over to the mp3 page and get it. More to come over the next couple days.

Another update today. Major update to the Anime page, another to the OST/AST page and one more to the mp3 page (not new music).

An unexpected update today. This time to the Video, Other Systems ports, the OST/AST, Nintendo and Hyper 64 pages. New photos and/or info are what's there.

Friday updates to the Video page today. Anything you'd like to see on the site that's not here? Send me your suggestions.

Hey gang! First of all, there's a new mp3 up. The Nintendo page has seen another update, as has the Anime page. The OST/AST, Anime & non-Neo plus the Drama etc. CD pages have all seen updates, mainly in the picture column. Look for the pages.

Just a note to say the artbook links on the anime page have been fixed, at last.

Quick update to the Nintendo page this time.

Another update to the MVS and Links pages for today.

Lots tonight. Updates and/or new stuff on the Nintendo page, Sega page as well as updates to the artbooks on the Anime page. And as usual, the weekly music download is up for grabs here.

Happy Halloween! Tonight's update concerns the MVS in addition to finishing up the update to the Off Topic page. Feel free to send me corrections on special team name translations.

The Off Topic page is the subject of updating this time. More of that to come once I get to the library so sit tight.

Got a new mp3 for you today. The remainder of the update will come tomorrow.

Updates to the rip and video pages today. Don't forget to check out the club for pictures of complete video/LD sets.

Entertaining visiting friends does not leave time for a web site. Thus I have a double download special as this week's attraction on the mp3 page. Miscellaneous other updates throughout on the port pages, and more to come shortly (not immediately- it's uni mid-term time) up here. Also made an update to the links page worth checking out.

Sorry for the delay. Things don't always go as planned. Anyway, just in time for the game's impending release, is an mp3 from Sengoku 3. The soundtrack pages have been grouped into smaller combinations of CDs, as firstly I can now actually edit/expand them and secondly this should simplify it all for you. I loved the huge list though it simply had to go.

The early update beats the non-existent one. Another super mp3 and an excellent update to the Off Topic page, dealing with Magical Drop II and III. Quite worth checking out!

Great new update to the MVS page. Slight update to the Nintendo page too.

First of all, sorry for the mishap with this week's mp3. I guess if you're a fan of Cantonese pop music it's alright, though I don't imagine many of you are, and hopefully the extra 600K download was not a problem for most of you. Also, the lyrics to Funky Heat are permanently up on the Off Topic page.

Mmmmmm ppppppppp 333333s, arrrrrrre allllllll freeeeeee. How nice, yes? Hop over to the mp3 page for this week's music sample.

The cd list is now back to normal.

Finally got around to adding some more info & pictures as well as replacing others and fixing dead links on the various port and video pages. Also check the club for extra video pics.

If you're hitting dead links with the cd list it's because I have moved just about all of the images to the club where they will remain. I just need time to re-link them all. This should help to alleviate the stress on my account where I typically store the mp3s, as exceeding that block of space's data transfer limit is something I hope to avoid seeing happen again. Still, I'm flattered for the traffic :)

Oh my?EYou must really love all my pictures, as many have been shut down for the moment in the wake of me exceeding the data transfer limit for my other account on which so many images herein reside. Well, it's nice to know you like browsing around here, although, expect me to do some shuffling around of where my pics are hosted over the next few days, so prepare to deal with a little construction work, largely to prevent anything like this from recurring.

Anyhow, here is another great mp3 for you to sing along to.

Check out the Off Topic page for some new info there. Anyone else have ideas that you think would make the site a better place? E-mail me and let me know, or drop me a note in the Guestbook.

New mp3 up. More to come once I sort out my school business.

Sorry for the lateness of an mp3 update, although I have been getting great reviews on the current offering. Anyway, in a day or two I will upload a new one. Don't reach for the converter just yet.

The High Scores section is now open!!. At last you can begin submitting your high scores to compare yourself against fellow Neo fanatics on the Rankings page. Special thanks to Daisuke Jigen for offering to manage this section.

Forgot to add the Garou Densetsu Special LD page to the video section. Obviously it's now available. That's all for today.

I'm going to Ottawa tomorrow morning, so I'm going to make the mp3 update a day early. Check out this week's super download. Updated the Hyper 64 page as well with original prices for the games.

Finished off the KoF '97 and FF Special LD/video pages; take a look at them. I figured I should use the space, so expect all my personal full soundtrack sets to show up in the club's photo section, where, gasp! indeed, you'll find some info at last.

If you're getting bad links with the pictures, just bear with me as I am moving many soundtrack images to the club -a horrendously slow, cumbersome task.

Replaced some old picures, mostly of LD's on the anime and video pages. Also updated the Nintendo page, plus the links section, along with a list of what CD's, LD's, DVD's and videos are currently available at CD Japan. As well I am considering adding a the original prices to the MVS and Hyper 64 lists. We'll see how it goes. Since the original mp3 link was bad, I'll wait until 1 week from that time has passed to add the new song.

The MP3 of the week's download link has been fixed.
Click here or on the MP3 page to download it.

I revised some soundtrack listings, for KoF '94, Scitron's Best of 1990 & 1992, the Garou Densetsu Image Album, Neo Selection, GSM SNK 1 & 2, SNK Game Music and The Scitron 5th Anniversary Box. If you like this sort of thing, particularly the track listings of KoF '94, let me know, since they are difficult and time consuming for me to complete, knowing so little Japanese as do I.

Also, it somehow escaped my typing powers earlier, but any scans or pictures are very welcome to help complete any sections on the site, or if you just happen to have a really neat picture you want to send me.

As well, a new request system is in place for the MP3 of the week. The Links section is growing. Expect further growth. Finally, I decided to open the Yahoo! Music club after all. More to come!

(originally continued from the welcome on the home page) At least, that's the way it was meant to be. But, things just did not work out favourably for me in the end, therefore development for this site was abruptly abandoned, explaining the very half-finished look of the place, and ideas in place which don't quite exist as you will no doubt see while perusing through the pages. I will be happy to update it as long as there is information and/or pictures which will make this a better place, though in reality I can't afford to keep developing for this site, for quite a number of more-than-worthwhile reasons, so enjoy what's here. Any updates will be posted to the home page. If ever I add new stuff or finish off what I was working on, don't expect to see any of it for a LONG time. Anyhow, disheartening as it is to give it up, I have more serious concerns which warrant my full attention, so I hope you like what lies in the pages beyond...

Screen capture taken by Mouse Master

Fellow fans, take a moment to remember SNK. The 23-year-old gaming legend has finally closed its doors, forever. This is an event the sadness of which can not be described, so I won't try. Just take a moment to think about the unparalleled greatness the gaming world has lost, and to appreciate all we had, both as NEO·GEO fans and video gamers in general.