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Welcome to the spoofs page. In here you will find a collection of spoofs I have gotten from other sites and brought here for your enjoyment. Now some of them do have language and some stuff that may not be suitable for young hobbits. Which brings me to my point. I have created a little key over on the side with pictures representing how much whatever is in each spoof. The more of a certain picture is how much more of that certain thing there is in the spoof. Got it? I hope so. Have fun. -Tinuviel
Bad Language
er...Mature material (or immature, depending on how you look at it. It's all funny either way-you'd really like me to just get on with it wouldn't you- you get the point.)
HeatnMel Movie Spoof
This FOTR spoof is very long, but absolutley worth the read. V. clever and great character spoofs.
FOTR Breadbox Edition by Evadne
Everything you're thinking, but afraid to say as you watch the movie, Evadne brings to life in her spoof. V. long, but hilarious.
TTT Breadbox Edition by Evadne
How does she read my mind?!!
Book-a-Minute: Fellowship of the Ring
Okay, so mabye your eyes are sore from reading all of these long spoofs. In that case, here's one you'll like. Short, simple and to the point.
Book-a-Minute:The Two Towers
The sequel to the above.
Book-a-Minute: Return of the King
You get the picture. Same as above.
Hand Puppet Fellowship of the Ring
I like hand puppets. I like LOTR. It works.
If you liked the other one you'll enjoy this one as well. Cute Shadowfax and Brego puppets.
Hand Puppet The Two Towers
The Lord of the Parodies by Laurwen
Yay!! Work from a fan!! Cute spoof with lots of memorable lines. Thanks for submitting, Laurwen.
The Condensed Parody Version of the FOTR Script  by Molly J. Ringwraith
The Condensed Parody Version of the ROTK Script  by Molly J. Ringwraith
The Condensed Parody Version of the TTT Script  by Molly J. Ringwraith
Stunningly brilliant. Another one of those long-but-worth-it reads.
Same girl, same terrific wit.