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HomePicture of the Moment

Picture of the Moment, January to July, 2003

July 18

This picture is from the summer, but I couldn't resist it. Nathan and Faith visited Storybook Gardens in the summer, and had a blast. They especially enjoyed the water park.

Not sure what was in the shoe that was so fascinating!

May 24

Nathan's 3rd birthday


At the end of May, Mom M came up to paint George's new Stratford office (thank you thank you thank you!). In case you haven't seen it, Mom's got a business painting for a living, although usually not boring office walls. She took a picture of Faith and I together, with Faith in pigtails for the first time. She's gone from not wanting anything in her hair, to wanting pigtails all the time!

May was the busiest month on record, with two trips to Harrow, and too many birthdays to count. Faith turned 2, I turned 30, and George turned 32, to name a few.

Faith is now 27 lbs and 87 cm tall! She's talking all the time and is currently obsessed with babies, and "bad doggies". And, she still has more energy than the both of us.

February and March

February and March were busy months for pictures. As you can see, Faith's is keeping busy. She likes riding her horse, and feeding her horse, and petting her horse. She's also very into getting herself dressed up, whether it's putting on her own boots, or trying on Mom and Dad's underwear. She's learned that underwear also makes a great hat. Hopefully she'll outgrow this by the teen years.

For a look at past pictures of the moment, take a look at the Archives. They've been reorganized for faster loading!


March 6

On March 6, Faith got her first "big girl" hair cut. She got to sit in the chair (on Mommy's lap), and sat very still as Laurie cut her bangs, and gave the rest of her hair a trim. Not too much of course, otherwise Daddy would have freaked!

This picture was taken on March 10 by Gramma. Gramma and Grampa came to visit for a few days while Gramma completed a mural in Guelph. Faith had a great time with "Buppa" and "Buppa"!


A few casual pictures from February 2003. Gramma took some shots on her snazzy digital camera.

Faith really enjoys riding on her rocking horse, or as she she likes to call it...her cow!