Bayberry Street

Bayberry street is a one-block length of a street in a bad part of a bad town. The grime is everywhere, and it's pervasive - the poor shamble along the sidewalks, ignored, and the predators walk unchallened - not ignored, but not acknowledged, either. Eye contact can be a danger, in a place like this - it attracts attention. The authorities ignore this place, and the police avoid it. Money has been laid out, all the way up to the highest levels, to keep this place both secret, and private.

Down the street in one direction is the surplus store, where those of other time periods can buy clothing. You won't find the latest style or the finest suits, but there are people there who know how to make you fit in - they're used to seeing travellers like you around.

At the other end of the block is a store with an altogether different purpose - self defense. Swords draw attention, and the weapons of the future don't work - this store carries knives of all varieties, guns and ammunition. You can find anything from a revolver to a rifle here - legally. Be careful how you ask for anything else, though - the owner might not take kindly to it. In the middle of the block is the Last Chance Hotel, a seedy place that caters to anybody, and asks questions of nobody.

Across the street from the Last Chance, like an oasis of calm in all this, is the Fruit Loop Cafe. An open-air cafe, well-lit and well-decorated, with good food and good drink. The prices are a little high, but the food's pretty good, too - a rarity in a place like this. The place would be a perfect target for a stickup, except for the weirdos always prowling inside - carrying tasers and being stronger and faster than any mere human has a right to be, it didn't take long for this place to get a reputation - a couple of demonstrations was all it took. Nobody messes with the Fruit Loop anymore.

Bayberry street ends at Club Fulcrum - exiting the club, you find yourself in a modern-day land. High technology and magic don't function here - low-tech firearms and knives are the weapons of choice here, small and easily hidden. And don't assume that carrying the biggest gun guarantees safety - all it takes is one bullet, and ambulances don't come out this way.


The rules to each channel are somewhat unique to that channel - and as time passes, and channels diversify, they will only become more so. It's important to keep up on the rules for each room - kicks and tempbans can graduate to permbans if you're not respectful of the rules. Click the 'rules' button to find rules and guidelines usually common to every room - each room is unique though, and on their pages you will find exceptions and variations to those rules.


Bayberry street is a modern setting. Today. Now. If a new brand of talking doll comes out tomorrow, it's just being released in Bayberry. Electricity works slightly differently here - the weapons known in the future will be confiscated before you ever enter Club Fulcrum, and will not function if you manage to construct one - only the Fulcrum Corporation knows the secrets of making high technology function here.

Bayberry is also unique in that the setting is one block of a street. Bayberry street. The setting isn't a building, or a city, just a short length of street, although the gathering place of choice will be The Fruit Loop Cafe, an open-air cafe - by making the Fruit Loop an open-air cafe, we hope that people roleplaying outside the establishment won't be locked out of whatever goes on inside.

This setting allows no magic - the universe is simply hostile to magic, it's a scientific universe. I don't intend this to prevent certain characters from playing in this channel, however. If a character depends on magic for survival, let me know, and I'll see if an exception is permissable.