The Fulcrum Corporation

The interior of the Fulcrum Corporation's lounge is all unfamiliar metal and composites - the Fulcrum Corporation's security are all armed with strange, streamlined weapons of startling power. The natural laws of this universe make high-technology easy, and the Fulcrum Corporation spares no expense in protecting itself. At various points within the lounge, stations are set up displaying technology as it exists in your own universe, and what may be in its' future.

Despite the security presence, the atmosphere is quiet and comfortable. Soft music plays from somewhere, and drinks are served at a bar along one wall. Food and drink are served at the tables around the room.

Those not native to this universe, or who have not gotten a license from the Fulcrum Corporation are restricted to the lounge - natives may move freely among the lower levels.

Many secrets lie within the walls of this building - though many seek to understand them, few really know. What is the Fulcrum, the anomaly after which the corporation is named? How is it controlled? What is the secret to making high technology work outside this universe? And who is Xia'Jadsen?


In this far-future land, the growth of Corporations sped along unchecked, eventually amassing budgets rivalling small nations. When the nations of their origin begin laying down laws regarding business practices, one Corporation fought back, raising its' own military and staking claim to land, defending it fiercely - a soveriegn Corporation. The nation and its' allies amassed an assault, crushing the Corporation under numbers - but the example was set. Later, other Corporations followed suit, after forging carefully arranged alliances and raising militaries rivalling any nation - any assault upon a Corporation in the name of a nation's right of law over that Corporation was swiftly met with fierce resistance from multiple Corporate militaries.

The Corporations defended their little kingdoms, forever shaking off any nation's control over them. Under constant warfare, the battle soon became an economic one - money came from people. The battle now became to have as many people working within your nation/corporation. They were paid, and they spent their money within the Corporation or nation, for the most part. The product of their labors became the lifeblood of a soveriegn entity, now, not taxes. The Corporations marketed and sold and traded their products with other nations and Corporations, and whoever cut the better deals got ahead. Corporations were much better equipped for this fight.

Slowly, Corporations marginalized nations, forcing them into roles they were not suited to. Nations still exist, but they have taken on the same role as Corporations. They are far more equitable than corporations, many still seeking a balance of power within their government - but they are also inflexible and slow to react to change. The only thing preventing their disappearance are those people not willing to sell their life to a corporation.

The Fulcrum Corporation deals in science and technology - they are particulary known for advances in computing, cybernetics and small arms. They are rumoured to conduct unethical experiments in biology, as well as some kind of direct neural-link technology - something so far never achieved. But nobody knows for sure.


The rules to each channel are somewhat unique to that channel - and as time passes, and channels diversify, they will only become more so. It's important to keep up on the rules for each room - kicks and tempbans can graduate to permbans if you're not respectful of the rules. Click the 'rules' button to find rules and guidelines usually common to every room - each room is unique though, and on their pages you will find exceptions and variations to those rules.


Unique to the Fulcrum Corporation is technology. Gauss rifles, plasma weapons, lasers, masers, x-ray lasers, oh my! Of course, none of this is allowed within the lounge. There are scans both entering and leaving the lounge, both entering the portal to Club Fulcrum, as well as entering the corporation halls - this also prevents technology from being brought into a different time frame. These scans cannot, and WILL not be foxed by players, unless they have the administrator's permission. Members of the Fulcrum Corporation will be ALLOWED to carry technology into the lounge, again, if the administrator okays it. This permission is not always easy to get - try to respect any such priveleges you DO get. Magic is also controlled. This setting allows no magic - the universe is simply hostile to magic, it's a scientific universe. I don't intend this to prevent certain characters from playing in this channel, however. If a character depends on magic for survival, let me know, and I'll see if an exception is permissable.