My Family!


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About my family

Well let's see.. I come from a relatively large extended family, and even though a good many of us are separated by distances, we remain close to one another, keeping in touch as often as we can. My immediate family is somewhat smaller.
There are my parents, Barbara and Andre, and my younger brother Louis, and, of course, my doggies, Rocky and Bandit.
My brother Louis Andre who was born almost five years after me. These days he is at College in Ontario, Canada himself, and enjoying it thoroughly, probably far too much. *laugh*.
Rocky has his amusing traits. Although he is no longer a puppy, if he gets ahold of a towel, he acts like one. Playing with a towel is the greatest game for him. *laugh*
Bandit also has his unique traits. For some reason,if he only sees one of the hibiscus flowers moving in a breeze, he must jump, pull it down (and he can jump h i g h) and shred it completely. He also has to jump up above the wall to back at anyone who dares pass near to his home. :)

Pictures of my family

My parents and myself before my graduation from highschool in Trinidad
My mom in her costume for Carnival one year
My parents in their costumes for Carnival
My mom down-the-islands in a boat
My mom and myself at Pigeon Point in Tobago
My mom and my brother, Louis
Another picture of Louis and mom
My dad during a New Year's party
My dad at the International Game Fishing Tournament 2001 in Tobago..doing what he loves best
My brother Louis in Tobago
Another picture of Louis
My brother Louis, and his friend Jodi
My doggie Bandit
Another picture of Bandit
My doggie Rocky
An iguana who visited with us for a while
A picture of my parents at a wedding in Trinidad in 2001
My brother Louis and his girlfriend Robin when she visited from Canada in summer 2001
Another picture of Louis and Robin
Robin on her last day in Trinidad
A new picture of my doggie Bandit

Pictures of my mother's vacation in St. Maarten with her brother and sisters

U. Ron, A. Patricia, A. Shirley and U. Mike on arrival in St. Maarten
U. Mike and A. Pat in the apartment in St. Maarten
A. Shirley in the apartment
U. Mike, A. Shirley, U. Ron and A. Patricia on the beach
The view from the balcony in St. Maarten
Another picture of the view from the balcony
A beach in St. Maarten
Swimming at a beach
Swimming at another beach
The view from the hilltop in St. Maarten
The view (part 2)

Pictures of my parents' vacation on an Alaskan cruise in 2001

A picture of mom in Vancouver before the start of their cruise
Gifs/ A picture of dad in Vancouver before the start of their cruise
Bon Voyage.. the start of my parents' Alaskan cruise
A picture of mom and dad boarding the ship in Vancouver
Leaving Vancouver behind..
Leaving Vancouver behind (part 2)
The view from the ship
An evening on the ship - my parents and their friends
The view from the ship of a waterfall..
A view from the ship - a small town on the edge of the water..
Is that a glacier ahead?
The view from the ship - the start of the glaciers
My parents on the deck of the ship
A picture of a river running through a town the ship stopped at
A picture of my parents in a town the ship stopped at - guess it was rainy out
Dad one evening on their balcony on board the ship
Mom one evening on their balcony on board the ship
The view from the deck of the ship
The view from the deck of the ship (part 2)
Mom on top of a glacier
Dad on top of a glacier
A picture of my parents on top of the glacier
A picture of the glacier
Another picture of the glacier
A picture of a crevasse on top of the glacier
A picture of another waterfall seen from on board the ship
A picture of my parents and their dining partners one evening
A picture of mom and dad at dinner on board the ship
The final picture - my parents against the background of the ship

Last updated on September 08, 2004.

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