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The Titanic April 10, 1912

On Saturday, April 20, 1912 a German liner stumbled upon the Titanic wreck site. A passenger recalled: "We could see a number of bodies so clearly that we could make out what they were wearing, and whether they were men or women. We saw one woman in her nightdress with a baby clasped closely to her breast…. There was another woman, fully dressed with her arms around the body of a shaggy dog that looked like a St. Bernard. The bodies of three men, all in a group, all clinging to one steamer chair floated close by, and just beyond them were a dozen bodies of men, all in life preservers clinging together as though in the last desperate struggle for life…. We could see the white life preservers of many more dotting the sea…. The scene moved everyone on board to the point of tears."

"The dining saloon on the Olympic didn’t even have carpet, but the Titanic-ah you sank in it up to your knees. And the furniture, so heavy you could hardly lift it. And the paneling it was the care and effort that went into her. She was a beautiful wonderful ship."

Baker Charles Burgess

"In all of my years at sea, I have never seen an accident worth speaking of, nor have I seen an accident that threatened to end in disaster. I cannot imagine any situation that would cause a ship to founder, modern day ship building has gone beyond that".

Captain E.J Smith of the Titanic

"The White Star, the Cunard, and the Hamburg American lines are now developing their attention to a struggle for supremacy in obtaining the most luxurious appointments in their ships but the time will come when the greatest and most appalling of all disasters at sea will be the result".

Charles Hayes, who died the that night in the icy waters of the Atlantic.

"I think there is a grave doubt that the men will get off. I am willing to remain and play the mans game if there is not enough boats for more than the women and children. I won’t die here like a beast. Tell my wife…I played the game out straight and to the end. No women shall be left aboard because Ben Guggenhiem is a coward".

Benjamin Guggenhiem, when he appeared on the deck of the sinking ship dressed
in his finest evening clothes.

"I have lived with my husband most all of my life and I’m not going to leave him now".

Mrs. Isodor Straus, upon refusing a seat in a lifeboat.

"The sound of people drowning is something I cannot describe to you, and neither can anyone else. It is the most dreadful sound. And then there is the dreadful silence that follows it."

Eva Hart, Titanic survivor

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