The Story




Odd Facts



First Class

Second Class
Third Class





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"*" Indicates the survivors

Abelson, Mr. Samson
*Abelson, Mrs. Hanna
Aldworth, Mr. C.
Andrew, Mr. Edgar- (A teenager and table companion to Winnie Troutt).
Andrew, Mr. Frank
Angle, Mr. William
*Angle, Mrs.
Ashby, Mr. John
Baily, Mr. Percy
Baimbridge, Mr. Chas. R.
*Balls, Mrs. Ada E.
Banfield, Mr. Frederick J.
Bateman, Mr. Robert J.
*Beane, Mr. Edward
*Beane, Mrs. Ethel
Beauchamp, Mr. H. J.
*Becker, Mrs. A. O. and *three children- (Ruth Becker (one of the three children) was born and raised in India. Richard Becker (another one of the children was 20 months old. He was the reason for the trip. The doctors said he would not live in the Indian climate. Mrs. Becker took all three children (the third being 4 year old Marion Becker) and most of their possessions and sailed from Madras on a month long voyage through the
Suez canal and the Mediterranean to England. They boarded the boat train to Southampton at Waterloo Station’s platform #12. Mrs. Becker's husband was a Lutheran missionary heading an orphanage in Guntur. Mrs. Becker was taking the children to Michigan. Ruth was rescued in boat #13, while her mother and two siblings were
rescued in boat #11. After the disaster, they settled in Benton Harbor, Michigan (wherethey were originally headed) until Mrs.Becker's husband arrived from India. Mrs. Becker's personality changed after the disaster. She was nervous, and given to emotional outbursts. She was never able to discuss the Titanic without dissolving into tears. She died in 1961. Marion Becker contracted tuberculosis at a young age and died in Glendale, California in 1944. Richard Becker became a singer and a social welfare officer. He was widowed twice, and he died in 1975. Ruth Becker attended high school and college in Ohio. Then she taught high school in Kansas. She married a classmate, Daniel Blanchard, but she was divorced 20 years later. She resumed her teaching career. She refused to talk about the Titanic. After retirement, she lived in Santa Barbara, California. In 1990 she made her first voyage at sea since 1912, a cruise to Mexico. She died in 1991 at the age of 90).
*Beesley, Mr. Lawrence - (This was his first trip out of England to study American Education. He occupied a stateroom on the “D” deck. He was rescued in boat #13. He continued to teach until retirement).
*Bentham, Miss Lilian W.
Berriman, Mr. William
Botsford, Mr. W. Hull
Bowenur, Mr. Solomon
Bracken, Mr. Jas. H.
Brito, Mr. Jose de
*Brown, Miss Mildred
Brown, Mr. S.-((Mr. Thomas William??)Brown was traveling with his wife (Below) from South Africa to start a new life in Seattle. He had been a real estate broker and land speculator in Capetown, South Africa. The browns could have afforded a first class suite, but because they were switched at the last second they had to take
what was available. They were transferred from another ship to Titanic. They knew Southampton well).
*Brown, Mrs.- (Was rescued in boat #4)
*Brown, Miss E.- (Was 15 years old. She lived in Southampton after the disaster).
Bryhl, Mr. Curt
*Bryhl, Miss Dagmar
*Buss, Miss Kate- (A young English woman in route to California to be married. Her cabin was in the second class portion of the “E” deck. She was rescued in boat #9. She safely reached San Diego where she and
her fiancé were married on May 11, 1912. They raised a daughter named after Lillian Carter (see Rev. Ernest C. Carter: Second class). After their retirement, they moved to Pasadena to be closer to their daughter. After
her husband died in 1953, Kate followed her daughter to Oregon where her son in-law was a minister. She was never able to discuss the Titanic disaster without weeping. She died in Oregon in 1972 at the age of 96).
Butler, Mr. Reginald
Byles, Rev.nomas R. D.
*Bystrom, Miss Karolina
*Caldwell, Mr. Albert F.- (Him and his wife (below) were teachers from a Christian College in Saim. He was rescued in boat #13).
*Caldwell, Mrs. Sylvia
*Caldwell, Master Alden G.- (Was 10 months old. He was rescued in boat #13).
*Cameron, Miss Clear
Carbines, Mr. William
Carter, Rev. Ernest C.- (Vicar of the Parish Church of St. Judes in east London. He had a slight cold. His wife (below) was able to retrieve some tablets from Marion Wright to relieve his symptoms. He led nearly 100
people in a hymn sing on Sunday night in the second class dining saloon).
Carter, Mrs. Lillian
Chapman, Mr. John H.
Chapman, Mrs. Elizabeth
Chapman, Mr. Charles
*Christy, Mrs. Alice
*Christy, Miss Juli
Clarke, Mr. Charles V.
*Clarke, Mrs. Ada Maria
Coleridge, Mr. R. C.
Collander, Mr. Erik
*Collett, Mr. Stuart
Collyer, Mr. Harvey- (He and his wife and daughter (below) were recent residents of Bishopstokes (25, Churchill Road, Mountain Hill) a town near Southampton. They were immigrating to the U.S to buy a fruit farm.
*Collyer, Mrs. Charlotte - (Was rescued in boat #14).
*Collyer, Miss Marjorie- (A Baby).

?Cook, Selena? - (She occupied cabin F-35. She died in 1964. Information was found on her but she doesn’t appear on the passenger list).

Corbett, Mrs. Irene
Corey, Mrs. C. P.
Cotterill, Mr. Harry
Davies, Mr. Charles
*Davis, Mrs. Agnes
*Davis, Master John M.
*Davis, Miss Mary
Deacon, Mr. Percy
del Carlo, Mr. Sebastian
del Carlo, Mrs.
Denbou, Mr. Herbert
Dibden, Mr. William
*Doling, Mrs. Ada
*Doling, Miss Elsie
Downton, Mr. William J.
*Drachstedt, Baron von- (His real name was Alfred Nourney. He was 22 years old and he was from Cologne. On Sunday evening, he went to the first class smoking room to mingle with the “wealthy”. He played cards with
William B. Greenfield (first class) and Henry Blank (first class)).
Drew, Mr. James V.
*Drew, Mrs. Lulu
*Drew, Master Marshall
*Duran, Miss Florentina
*Duran, Miss Asimcion
Eitemiller, Mr. G. F.
Enander, Mr. Ingvar
Fahlstrom Mr. Arne J.
Faunthorpe, Mr. Harry
*Faunthorpe, Mrs. Lizzie
Fillbrook, Mr. Charles
Fox, Mr. Stanley H.
Funk, Miss Annie
Fynney, Mr. Jos.
Gale, Mr. Harry
Gale, Mr. Shadrach
*Garside, Miss Ethel
Gaskell, Mr. Alfred
Gavey, Mr. Lawrence
Gilbert, Mr. William
Giles, Mr. Edgar
Giles, Mr. Fred
Giles, Mr. Ralph
Gill, Mr. John
Gillespie, Mr. William
Givard, Mr. Hans K.
Greenberg, Mr. Samuel
Hale, Mr. Reginald
*Hamalainer, Mrs. Anna and *Infant
Harbeck, Mr. Wm. H.
Harper, Mr. John- (A Baptist minister from Scotland, traveling with his daughter and sister in-law Jessie Leitch).
*Harper, Miss Nina- (She was 6 years old. Her mother had passed away before she left home).
*Harris, Mr. George
Harris, Mr. Walter
Hart, Mr. Benjamin- (Mr. Hart shared a 4 berth cabin along with his wife and daughter (below) They were traveling to Winnipeg, Canada where he planned to start a new business and a new life. They tried to sail on
the Philadelphia, but due to the coal strike they were transferred to the Titanic).
*Hart, Mrs. Esther- (Esther was curiously unhappy about crossing on the Titanic. Eva recalled her mother crying about the trip. "She had this premonition, a most unusual thing for her." Her dread was so great, she refused to go to bed at night aboard the ship. She was rescued in boat #14 along with her daughter. She died of cancer in 1928).
*Hart, Miss Eva- (She was born January 31, 1905 in Ilford, Essex. She was 7 years old. She made friends with Nina Harper. She last saw her father leaning over the rail watching her boat being lowered. He called out “be a good girl and stay with mummy. Hold her hand.” Eva was deported along with her mother, as were most women were because they had lost their money, possessions, and men. With no means of support they were
claimed “unacceptable liability” by the U.S government. Eva later became a British magistrate).
*Herman, Miss Alice
*Herman, Mrs. Jane
*Herman, Miss Kate
Herman, Mr. Samuel
*Hewlett, Mrs. Mary D.
Hickman, Mr. Leonard
Hickman, Mr. Lewis
Hickman, Mr. Stanley
Hiltunen, Miss Martha
Hocking, Mr. George
*Hocking, Mrs. Elizabeth
*Hocking, Miss Nellie
Hocking, Mr. Samuel J.
Hodges, Mr. Henry P.- (Was a well-known musical dealer from Southampton. When his body was recovered it contained a fully loaded pistol).
Hoffman, (Navratil) Mr. Michel/?Mormon? and *two children (Lolo/?Michel and Louis/?Edmond)(The
Children's mother was , Marcelle who was not aboard. The children were rescued in boat #4). They were from Nice, France. Edmond Navratil grew up, married and became an interior decorator. Later he became an
architect and builder. He served with the French army during WWII, and was imprisoned in a German prisoner-of-war camp. He escaped but his health never recovered. He died at the age of 43. Michel
Navratil married a fellow student in 1933. He eventually became a professor of psychology. For the 75 th anniversary in 1987, he returned to the United States for the First time since 1912 to attend a reunion of survivors hosted by the Titanic Historical society. He now is retired and he lives in France).
*Hold, Mrs. Annie
Hold, Mr. Stephen
Hood, Mr. Ambrose
*Hosono, Mr. Masabumi
Howard, Mr. Benjamin
Howard, Mrs. Ellen T.
Hunt, Mr. George
*Ilett, Miss Bertha
*Jacobsohn, Mrs. Amy P.
Jacobsohn Mr. Sidney S.
Jarvis, Mr. John D.
Jefferys, Mr. Clifford
Jefferys, Mr. Ernest
Jenkin, Mr. Stephen
*Jervan, Mrs. A. T.

?Jervan, Marie?- (A New York housewife returning from her native homeland of Switzerland. She died in 1974).

*Kantor, Mrs. Miriam
Kantor, Mr. Sehua
Karnes, Mrs. J. F.
Keane, Mr. Daniel
*Keane, Miss Nora A.
*Kelly, Mrs. F.
Kirkland, Rev. Charles L
Kvillner, Mr. John Henrik
*Lahtinen, Mrs. Anna
Lahtinen, Mr. William
Lamb, Mr. J. J.
*Lamore, Mrs. Ameliar- (?Amelia Lamore?. Roommates with ?Selena Cook?).
Laroche, Mr. Joseph
*Laroche, Mrs. Juliet
*Laroche, Miss Louise
*Laroche, Miss Simonne
*Lehman, Miss Bertha- (She spoke French but no English. She baby-sat the Navratil children).
*Leitch, Miss Jessie- (Was traveling with her brother in-law, John Harper).
Levy, Mr. R. J.
Leyson, Mr. Robert W. N.
Lingan, Mr. John
Louch, Mr. Charles
*Louch, Mrs. Alice Adela
Mack, Mrs. Mary
Malachard, Mr. Noel
Mallet, Mr. A.
*Mallet, Mrs.
*Mallet, Master A.
Mangiavacchi, Mr. Emilio
Mantvila, Mr. Joseph
Marshall, Mr.
*Marshall, Mrs. Kate
Matthews, Mr. W. J.
Maybery, Mr. Frank H.
McCrae, Mr. Arthur G.
McCrie, Mr. James
McKane, Mr. Peter D.
*Mellers, Mr. William
*Mellinger, Mrs. Elizabeth and *Child
Meyer, Mr. August
Milling, Mr. Jacob C.- (He was a 48 year old Copenhagen Businessman in locomotive construction. He had been in England on business. He was married, But during the trip he was companions with Edwina Troutt).
Mitchell, Mr. Henry
Morawick, Dr. Ernest
Mudd, Mr. Thomas C.
Myles, Mr. Thomas F.
Nasser, Mr. Nicolas
*Nasser, Mrs.
Nesson, Mr. Israel
Nicholls, Mr. Joseph C.
Norman, Mr. Robert D.- (?Douglas Norman?. He was a young Scottish engineer).
*Nye, Mrs. Elizabeth- (Was also roommates with Selena Cook and Amilia Lamore).
Otter, Mr. Richard
*Oxenham, Mr. P. Thomas
*Padro, Mr. Julian
Pain, Dr. Alfred
*Pallas, Mr. Emilio
Parker, Mr. Clifford R.
*Parrish, Mrs. L Davis
Pengelly, Mr. Frederick
Pernot, Mr. Rene
Peruschitz, Rev. Jos. M.
Phillips, Mr. Robert
*Phillips, Miss Alice
*Pinsky, Miss Rosa
Ponesell, Mr. Martin
*Portaluppi, Mr. Emilio
Pulbaun, Mr. Frank - (Franz Pulbaum? 27 year old machinist from Germany. He had immigrated to the U.S. when he was 22. He had traveled Europe and he was now returning home).
*Quick, Mrs. Jane
*Quick, Miss Vera W.
*Quick, Miss Phyllis
Reeves, Mr. David
Renouf, Mr. Peter H.
*Renouf, Miss Lillie
*Reynolds, Miss E.
Richard, Mr. Emile
*Richards, Mrs. Emily
*Richards, Master William- (Was 3 years old).
*Richards, Master George
*Ridsdale, Miss Lucy
Rogers, Mr. Harry
*Rogers, Miss Selina
*Rugg, Miss Emily
Sedgwick, Mr. C. F. W.
Sharp, Mr. Percival
*Shelley, Mrs. Imanita- (She came aboard sick. She was irritated with the Titanic crew because she paid for an expensive suite but was given a cheep one. Captain Smith eventually ordered 4 stewards to carry Mrs.
Shelley to her new room, which she said was only half finished).
*Silven, Miss Lyyli
*Sincook, Miss Maude
*Sinkkenen, Miss Anna
Sjostedt, Mr. Ernest A.
*Slayter, Miss H. M.- (She was rescued in boat #13. She was from Halifax, Nova Scotia. She talked with Lawrence Beesley while passing time in their lifeboat, and they found out that they had a mutual acquaintance in
Clonnel, Ireland).
Slemen, Mr. Richard J.
Smith, Mr. Augustus
*Smith, Miss Marion
Sobey, Mr. Hayden
Stanton, Mr. S. Ward
Stokes, Mr. Phillip J.
Swane, Mr. George
Sweet, Mr. George
*Toomey, Miss Ellen
*Trant, Miss Jessie
Tronpiansky, Mr. Moses A.
*Troutt, Miss E. Celia- (Mrs. Edwina Troutt? She owned a marmalade machine that was in the cargo hold. It was later claimed as lost. She was a 27 year old former schoolteacher from ?Bath?. She thought it was terrible that single women were saved while married women had to leave their husbands behind. She had no intention of
being saved but a man came up and handed her a baby and she would ‘t give the baby to anyone else, so she was forced into a boat so that she could take care of the child. She suffered emotionally for months following the
disaster. In 1916 she moved to southern California and married a baker and settled in Beverly Hills. She outlived 3 husbands during her 47 years of retirement in Hermosa Beach, California. She died in 1984, five months after her 100 th birthday).
Tupin, M. Dorothy
Turpin, Mr. William J.
Veale, Mr. James
*Walcroft, Miss Nellie
*Ware, Mrs. Florence L
Ware, Mr. John James
Ware, Mr. William J.
*Watt, Miss Bertha
*Watt, Mrs. Bessie
*Webber, Miss Susie
Weisz, Mr. Leopold
*Weisz, Mrs. Matilda
*Wells, Mrs. Addie
*Wells, Miss J.
*Wells, Master Ralph
West, Mr. E. Arthur
*West, Mrs. Ada
*West, Miss Barbara
*West, Miss Constance
Wheadon, Mr. Edward
Wheeler, Mr. Edwin

?Wright, Marion?- (Her name is not found on the passenger list however she has been refered to in several books. She gave tablets to Reverend Carter, another second class passenger. She was a soloist at the Sunday
night hymn sing. She was traveling to Oregon to marry a fruit farmer. She was rescued in boat #9. She married her fiancé, Arthur Woolcott, in New York at St. Christopher’s chapel on April 20, 1912. The very next day,
they headed west to Cottage Grove, Oregon, where they raised 3 children. She never liked to discuss the disaster but she did on the anniversary of the sinking for those friends or family that was interested. Arthur died in 1961, and Marion died in 1965).

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