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Source: Titanic: Triumph and Tragedy. A copy of the original manifest (onboard Titanic) was sent to New York aboard Cunard's Mauritania. The manifest appeared in two New York newspapers on April 20, 1912. A carbon copy is now preserved in the National Archives. 1912 net worth of total cargo: $420,000

(Cs =Cases, Bx = Boxes, Pkg = Package)

Wakem & McLaughlin: 1 Cs wine, 25 Cs biscuits, 42 Cs wines
Thorer & Praetorius: 1 bl skins
Carter, W.E.: 1 Cs auto (parts?)
Fuchs & Lang Manufacturing: 4 Cs printers blank.
Spaulding . & Bros.: 34 Cs athletic goods
Park & Tilford: 1 Cs toothpaste, 5 Cs drug sundries,1 Cs brushware
Maltus & Ware: 8 Cs orchids
Spencerian Pen Co.: 4 Cs pens
Sherman Sons & Co.: 7 Cs cotton
Claflin, H.B. & Co.: 12 Cs cott. lace
Muser Bros.: 3 Cs tissues
Isler & Guve: 4 bales straw
Rydeman & Lassner: 1 Cs veil and scarve netting (tulle)
Petry, P.H. & Co.: 1 Cs veil and scarve netting (tulle)
Metzger, A.S.: 2 Cs veil and scarve netting (tulle)
Mills & Gibb: 20 Cs cottons
Marshall Field & Company: 1 Cs gloves. .
NY Motion Pic.Co.: 1 Cs film
Thorburn, J.M. & Co.: 3 Cs bulbs
Rawstick Trading Co.: 28 bags sticks
Dujardin & Ladnick: 10 bx melons
American Express Company: 25 Cs merchandise
Tiffany & Company: 1 cask china
Lustig Bros.: 4 Cs straw hats
Kuyper, P.C. & Co.: 1 Cs elastic cords,1 Cs leather
Cohen, M. Bros.: 5 pkg. skins
Gross, Engle Co.: 61 Cs tulle veil and scarve netting
Gallia Textile Co.: 1 Cs lace goods
Calhoun, Robbins & Co.: 1 Cs cotton laces, 1/2 Cs brushware
Victor & Achiles: 1 Cs brushware
Baumgarten, Wm & Co.: 3 Cs furniture
Spielman Co.: 3 Cs silk crepe
Nottingham Lace Works: 2 Cs cotton
Naday & Fleisher: 1 Cs laces
Rosenthal, Leo J. & Co.: 4 Cs cotton
Leeming, T. & Co.: 7 Cs biscuits
Crown Perfume Co.: 3 Cs soap perfume
Meadows, T. & Co.: 5 Cs books, 3 bx samples, 1 Cs parchment
Thomas & Pierson: 2 Cs hardware, 2 Cs books, 2 Cs furniture
American Express Co.: 1 Cs elastics,1 Cs Edison gramophones, 4 Cs hosiery, 5 Cs books,1 Cs canvas,1 Cs rubber goods, 3 Cs prints, 6 Cs film, 1 Cs tweed, 1 Cs (?syringe) fittings, oak beams, 1 Cs plants, 1 Cs speedometers, 1 pkg. effects, 2 Cs samples, 8 Cs paste, 3 Cs cameras & stands, 4 Cs books
Sheldon, G.W. & Co.: 1 Cs machinery
Maltus & Ware: 15 Cs alarm apparatus, 11 Cs orchids
Hempstead & Sons: 30 Cs plants
Brasch & Rothenstein: 2 Cs lace collars, 2 Cs books
Isler & Guve: 53 pkg. straw
Baring Bros. & Co.: 63 Cs rubber, 100 bgd gutta (percha)
Altman, B. & Co.: 1 Cs cotton
Stern, S.: 60 Cs salt powders
Arnold, F.R. & Co.: 6 Cs soap
Shieffelin & Co.: 17 pkg. wool fat
American Motor Co.: 1 pkg. candles
Strohmeyer & Arpe: 75 bales fish
National City Bank of New York: 11 bales rubber
Kronfeld, Saunders & Co.: 5 Cs shells
Richard, C.B.: 1 Cs films
Corbett, M.J. & Co.: 2 Cs hat leather
Snow's Express Co.: 3 Cs books
Van Engen E.H. & Co.: 1 Cs woolens
Lippincott, J.B. & Co.: 10 Cs books
Lazard Freses: 1 bale skins
Aero Club of America: 1 Cs machinery, 1 Cs printed matter
Witcombe, McGrachlin & Co.: 856 rolls linoleum
Wright & Grahm Co.: 437 casks tea
Gillman J.: 4 bales skins
Arnold & Zeiss: 134 Cs rubber
Brown Bros. & Co.: 76 Cs dragon's blood, 3 Cs gum
American Shipping Co.: 5 Cs books
Adams Express: 35 Cs books
Lasker & Bernstein: 117 Cs sponges
Oelrichs & Co.: 2 Cs pictures
Stechert, G.E. & Co.: 12 pkg. periodicals
Milbank, Leaman & Co.: 2 Cs woolens
Vandegrift, F.B. & Co.: 63 Cs champagne
Downing, R.F. & Co.: 1 Cs felt, 1 Cs metal, 2 Cs tennis balls, 1 Cs engine packing
Dublin, Morris & Kornbluth: 2 pkg. skins
International Trading Co.: 1 Cs surgical instruments, 1 Cs ironware
Pitt & Scott: 4 Cs printed matter, 1 Cs machinery, 1 Cs pictures, 1 Cs books, 1 Cs merchandise, 1 Cs notions,1 Cs photos
Sheldon, G.W. & Co.: 1 Cs elastics, 2 Cs books, 1 bx golf balls, 5 Cs instruments
American Express Company: 2 parcels merchandise
Vandegrift, F.B.: 1 Cs merchandise
Budd, S.: 1 parcel merchandise
Lemke & Buechner: 1 parcel merchandise
Nicholas, G.S. & Co.: 1 Cs merchandise
Adams Express Co.: 4 rolls linoleum, 3 bales leather, 1 Cs hats, 6 Cs confectionery, 5 Cs books, 1 Cs tin tubes, 2 Cs soap, 2 Cs boots
Wells Fargo & Co.: 3 Cs books, 2 Cs furniture, 1 Cs pamphlets, 1 Cs plants, 1 Cs eggs, 1 Cs whiskey
International News Co.: 10 pkg. periodicals
Van Ingen, E.H. & Co.: 1 parcel
Sterns, R.H. & Co.: 1 Cs cretonne (silk)
Downing, R.F. & Co.: 1 Cs iron jacks,1 Cs bulbs, 1 Cs hosiery
Carbon Machinery Equip.: Co. 1 Cs clothing
Sanger, R. & Co.: 3 Cs hair nets
Flietman & Co.: 1 Cs silk goods
Rush & Co.: 1 Cs hair nets
Blum, J.A.: 3 Cs silk goods
Tiedeman, T. & Sons: 2 Cs silk goods
Costa, F.: 1 Cs silk goods
Tolson, A.M. & Co.: 1 Cs gloves
Mathews, G.T. & Co.: 2 Cs books and lace
Tice & Lynch: 5 Cs books, 1 bag frames, 1 Cs cotton, 2 Cs stationery
US Export Co.: 1 Cs scientific instruments, 1 Cs sundries, 3 Cs test cords, 1 Cs briar pipes, 1 Cs sundries, 2 Cs, printed matter
Pape, Chas. & Co.: 1,196 bags potatoes
Sauer, J.P. & Co.: 318 bags potatoes
Rusch & Co.: 1 Cs velvets
Mallouk, H.: 1 Cs laces
Bardwill Bros.: 8 Cs laces
Heyliger, A.V.: 1 Cs velvet
Peabody, H.W. & Co.: 13 bales straw goods
Simon, A.I. & Co.: 1 Cs raw feathers
Wilson, P.K. & Sons: 2 Cs linens
Manhattan Shirt Co.: 3 Cs tissues
Broadway Trust Co.: 3 Cs coney skins (rabbit)
Prost. G.: 1 Cs auto parts
Young Bros.: 1 Cs feathers
Wimpfheimer, A. & Co.: 3 Cs leather
Brown Bros. & Co.: 15 Cs rabbit hair
Goldster, Morris: 11 Cs feathers
Cobb. G.H.: 1 Cs lace tissue
Anderson Refridg, Mach. Co.: 11 Cs refrigeration apparatus
Suter, Alfred: 18 Cs machinery
American Express Co.: 1 Cs packed packages, 3 Cs tissues, 2 barrels mercury, 1 barrel earth, 2 barrels glassware, 3 Cs printed matter, 1 Cs straw braids, 3 Cs straw hats, 1 Cs cheese
Meadows, Thomas & Co.: 3 Cs hosiery
Uchs & Hegnoer: 3 Cs silk goods
Cauvigny Brush Co.: 1 Cs brushware
Johnson, J.G. Co.: 2 Cs ribbons
Judkins & McCormick: 2 Cs flowers
Spielman Co.: 1 Cs gloves
American Express Co.: 18 Cs merchandise
Wakem & McLaughlin: 6 bales cork
Acker, Merrall & Condit: 75 Cs anchovies, 225 Cs mussels, 1 Cs liquor, Engs. P.W. & Sons, 190 Cs liquor, 25 Cs syrups, Schall & Co., 25 Cs preserves
NY & Cuba SS Co.: 12 Cs butter, 18 Cs oil, 2 hogsheads vinegar, 19 Cs vinegar, 6 Cs preserves, 8 Cs dried fruit, 10 bundles of 2 Cs wine
Du Bois, Geo. C.: 16 hogshead wine
Hollander, H.: 185 Cs wine,110 Cs brandy
Van Renssaller, C.A.: 10 hogshead wine, 15 Cs cognac
Brown Bros. & Co.: 100 Cs shelled walnuts
Bernard, Judas & Co.: 70 bundles cheese
American Express Co.: 30 bundles cheese, 2 Cs cognac
Moquin Wine Co.: 1 Cs liquor, 38 Cs oil
Knauth, Nachod & Kuhne: 107 Cs mushrooms, 1 Cs pamphlets
Lazard Freres: 25 Cs sardines, 3 Cs preserves
Acker, Merrall & Condit: 50 Cs wine
Dubois, Geo. F.: 6 Cs vermouth, 4 Cs wine
Heidelbach, Ickelheimer & Co.: 11 Cs shelled walnuts
Brown Bros. & Co.: 100 bales shelled Walnuts
First National Bank of Chicago: 300 Cs shelled walnuts
Blechoff, H. & Co.: 35 bags rough wood
Baumert, F.X. & Co.: 50 bundles cheese
Rathenberger & Co.: 190 bundles cheese
Haupt & Burgi: 50 bundles cheese
Sheldon & Co.: 40 bundles cheese
Percival, C.: 50 bundles cheese
Stone, C.D. & Co.: 50 bundles cheese
Phoenix Cheese Co.: 30 bundles cheese
Petry, P.H. & Co.: 10 bundles cheese
Reynolds & Dronig: 15 bundles cheese
Fouger, E.: 41 Cs filter paper
Munro, J. & Co.: 22 Cs mushrooms, 15 cd peas, 3 Cs beans, 10 Cs mixed vegetables, 10 Cs peas, 25 Cs olives, 12 bundles capers, 10 bundles fish, 20 bundles merchandise
Austin, Nichols: 25 Cs olive oil, 14 Cs mushrooms

14 Cs factice, 13 Cs gum, 14 cask gum, 285 cask tea, 8 bales skins, 4 Cs opium, 3 Cs window frames, 8 bales skins, 8 pkg. skins, 1 Cs skins, 2 Cs horsehair, 2 Cs silk, 8 bales raw silk, 4-pkg. hair nets, 200 pkg. tea, 246 Cs sardines, 30 rolls jute bagging, 1.963 bags potatoes, 7 Cs raw feathers, 10 Cs hatters fur, 3 Cs tissues, 1 Cs rabbit hair, 31 pkg. crude rubber, 7 Cs vegetables, 5 Cs fish, 10 Cs syrups, 2 Cs liquors, 150 Cs shelled walnuts, 15 bundles cheese, 8 bales buchu, 2 Cs grandfather clocks, 2 Cs leather
Holders of original bills of laden: 79 goats skins,16 Cs calabashes, 5 bales buchu, 4 Cs embroidery,3 barrels wine, 12 Cs ostrich, feathers, 4 Cs feathers, 3 bales skins, 33 bags argols, 3 bales sheep skins

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