"I'm NOT ready for my Close Up, Mr. DeMille"

Well .... I figured you'll inevitably end up here. If you’ve suffered this long and ventured this far, then you deserve to get even more punishment! Now I shell really inflict myself on your screen. So get out your bottle of Windex 95 for the splat and smear .....

We all have our physical hangups, at least I'll be the first to admit it. Oddly though, some people feel that it's relevant to know what I look like, how old I am, etc. before they will cyber chat with me half way around the world. It's not like "I gotta hang out with kewl and good looking dudes" - so I figured what the heck, I'll go all the way and F$@#! this 'less is more' sensibility and go for the BANG. Mind you, as they say in the computer world, GIGO - "Garbage In Garbage Out" - I'll probably just attract all the flies. Oh well.

Anyway, I decided to try some self portraits when I finally set up my second bathroom into a darkroom (ahem ... the photographic kind). The photo shoot was done in the state of the fart master bathroom with a black shower curtain and the ceiling heat lamp for a hair light (like the pros)! Kids, don't try this at home. I couldn't create much variety having a fixed light source and being immobile (else out of focus). It was still fun though and quite a challenge to guess what will be the outcome at the other end of the camera lens.

Please keep a concerned and straight face when I honestly tell you that this is not a blatent display of narcism because I don't really have a Mishima complex. This is true because I look for and admire something totally different in someone else's physique.

So if you're legally under the age of 81 with a fully charged pacemaker, then get ready for a shock more disappointing then OJ's trial. You have been warned!! Now go get your tacky 1-D designer glasses and hit that trepidation button.

 Shocking Asia
Else press the No, please spare me button to return.

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